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Everything posted by Grizzlygreeno

  1. Hi All, A slightly controversial subject, but I'm keen to get peoples thoughts on it within this community... The new UCS Falcon has of course just been pre-leased to VIP members, some lucky enough to get their hands on one, LEGO have of course promised more sets for the general public and to fulfil the rest of the VIP members, however what really has grinded and wound me up (that's me being polite), is LEGO allowing the sale of 3 per house hold, and you are then seeing adds on eBay, Gumtree etc with 3 boxes of Falcons stacked and with a buy it now price of £1000 per unit or if not double or more, so essentially not even looking to keep one, just out to rinse people clean. When thousands of people are trying to get their hands on this model to build, own, display, I don't understand why this isn't monitored or controlled, it's difficult of course, but new boxed items that have just been released straight onto another market for more, it's heading into the same territory as buying gig tickets from Ticketmaster etc! I've reverted to building MOC's of UCS models such as the 10134 Y-Wing simply due to the costs involved, seems a shame. What are people's thoughts? Regards, GG
  2. Hi All, A slightly controversial subject, but I'm keen to get peoples thoughts on it within this community... The new UCS Falcon has of course just been pre-leased to VIP members, some lucky enough to get their hands on one, LEGO have of course promised more sets for the general public and to fulfil the rest of the VIP members, however what really has grinded and wound me up (that's me being polite), is LEGO allowing the sale of 3 per house hold, and you are then seeing adds on eBay, Gumtree etc with 3 boxes of Falcons stacked and with a buy it now price of £1000 per unit or if not double or more, so essentially not even looking to keep one, just out to rinse people clean. When thousands of people are trying to get their hands on this model to build, own, display, I don't understand why this isn't monitored or controlled, it's difficult of course, but new boxed items that have just been released straight onto another market for more, it's heading into the same territory as buying gig tickets from Ticketmaster etc! I've reverted to building MOC's of UCS models such as the 10134 Y-Wing simply due to the costs involved, seems a shame. What are people's thoughts? Regards, GG
  3. Thank you firstly! I am very happy with my finished 10134, my next project is a U-Wing, I'm just waiting for Mirko to release his parts list. The MF will take a lot of time and patience so I wish you all the very best with that, I did look at potentially starting that but I can't justify the prices at the moment for some of the parts, do keep us updated with how you get on! There will be a new UCS on the shelves come May 4th so I will be purchasing that as well. Regards, GG
  4. This is a truly fantastic UCS model. I am really looking forward to be able to obtain the instructions and brick list to build and add to my collection. Thank you for creating something so awesome as I doubt we will see anything as good as this produced by LEGO...
  5. Hi Guys, Link below: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/142110230735?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT I've used this guy for everything and I've been extremely happy so far. Enjoy!
  6. Thank you mate! I ordered them off eBay, it's an Australian store so takes a couple of weeks to arrive. They are spot on though, I have replaced my worn 7191 x wing decals and 10174 at st. I can get you the link if you'd like?
  7. Cheers guys I think this has cost me around £250 roughly, so not bad at all, the eBay prices at the moment are absolutely hilarious, catching up with the MF, buy it now prices over £1000 exc shipping!
  8. My 10134 is almost done! Just waiting for a delivery of more flat silver tubing and the left engine strut will be complete, very happy with the end product, I have put in a full description and pictures here -
  9. After months of orders and tinkering around, I have completed 99% of my 10134 build...this is also my first ever brick linked project and I have to say, I have enjoyed doing this more than buying a set, you feel like you have achieved much more, especially by customizing aspects to suit your own style. I have taken inspiration from different MOC's I have seen online, but added my own twist, primarily aesthetic detailing on the engines along with a mix or colours. I decided to rid the rusted copper tubing as firstly it costs a fortune, and secondly, I feel the grey/dark grey matches the films more in detail. I have kept some of the rusted styled parts as they do add character but I am considering changing the wagon wheel on the central hub to LBG. The rest is a mix of mechanical arms, flashlights, lightsabre handles and T-Plates. I am just waiting for some more flat silver tubing to be delivered and it will then be complete. I'm extremely pleased with the finish, especially as I regretted selling this model years back! Our spare room is gradually turning into a man cave now, so I'm hoping the more UCS models I can create, the more likely my fianceé will move her dressing table into the other spare room ha! Hopefully the pictures do it justice, here's the link to my flickr account if you would like a better look in detail - https://www.flickr.com/photos/147224412@N06/?, I will be looking to do one of Anio's models next, A-Wing more than likely!
  10. I know what you mean BroomH, I will be holding onto my 7191, it cost me £60 around 13 years ago, but as it was my first, I will definitely be keeping hold, I have a feeling my UCS B-Wing may go up in value over the years. I am in the process of getting rid of my 10174 AT-ST, it is a good model but my least favourite and I need more room ha. I think that A-Wing Hold will be my next project after the Y-Wing, I'm holding out slightly to see what is announced for 2017 before I build anymore however, knowing my luck I'd order loads of bricks and then LEGO will release the same model....
  11. I love the modifications you have made to your Y-Wing BroomH, especially the red and the tail ends. I've had a slightly hiccup with mine and I'm just waiting for a few little last pieces to arrive before being able to complete. I will then post up some photos! On a slightly different topic, I was browsing eBay earlier as I am selling a model and I cannot believe how cheap the 7191 X-Wings have become. It was my first ever purchased model, they were selling for silly amounts last year, £800-1000 easy. Now due to the latest Red 5 UCS release, I assume this is why you can pick one up for £100-200 now! I hope they do not remake the Y-Wing now ha, I'm hoping for a Snowspeeder reboot or something new and fresh, I'd love to see an A-Wing build or an ARC-170.
  12. Novernrob your A-Wing looks fantastic, I thought it would have cost much more to make, however £250 isn't bad at all, this may be a potential project for the new year as well then. I have noticed a few questions about stickers. I order mine on eBay, there is an Australian guy that prints new stickers off which from what I have had so far, look exactly the same as the originals. I have had a new 7191, 10134, 6143 and 10174 sticker set from him and they all look fantastic. I think they have cost me between £6-10 each for a full set including the plaque sticker... Once I have finished my 10134 I will post up some pictures with the stickers attached so you can judge for yourselves if they are worth it
  13. Yep I agree, I did message Anio about the A-Wing, my only main concern is the dark red bricks, I think that project could become fairly pricey. I forgot to mention I have also ordered a full set of bricks for a plus size AT-AT that I found through these forums, was not expensive at all and looks great in pictures, I think it cost me around £160 altogether, I will probably start building that after Christmas. Want to make sure I am happy with my 10134 first and then I have Slave 1 and the Tie Fighter to put together, busy few weeks
  14. That's a great collection you have there! I have noticed the medical frigate in the background, was this a MOC you created or one off the forums? Would be good to see what else you have UCS wise! I ended up selling a lot of my non-ucs LEGO to make room for more UCS projects, although I have 99% of my 10134 now and will be starting this weekend, I also have the 10019 Blockade Runner and 7181 Tie Interceptor in progress. I currently have completed the UCS B-Wing, 7191 - X Wing, Slave 1 UCS, Tie Fighter & AT-ST which were all bought retail wise over the years. Anio has made a really impressive Venator Republic Cruiser which I think will be my next project, or an A-Wing!
  15. Hi All, I'm not particularly sure if this has been highlighted, however it may be of an interest for those looking to purchase.. http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/lego-75095-ucs-tie-fighter-20-off-black-friday-lego-com-135-99-2552288 Apparently UCS 75095 will have 20% off this Friday! Happy buying if this is the case! Regards, GG
  16. Just a quick update! I am expecting the last few bits of my order this week, so I will probably start building over the weekend. I will take some pictures as I go, really looking forward to it. I have sold quite a few pieces of normal Star Wars Lego over the last few weeks to make room for all of my UCS goodies over the coming months ha!
  17. I am still in the process of ordering the final parts for mine, and the copper pipes are one of the last items on the list. I saw a build the other day online with a Y-Wing which used grey piping across the body and to be honest, it looked fantastic. If I cannot locate the brown/orange 2x2 blocks with the bar and some copper piping for a fairly decent price, I am definitely going down the route of the one I found online. I have also decided to go down the route of silver for the engines, just personal preference, if I'm not happy at least the option to paint is there! Link to the one I liked below: https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/comments/4bykoq/finally_finished_my_new_and_improved_ucs_ywing/ Hope this helps!
  18. I'll have to have a look through your builds Hold, the clone wars one especially sounds awesome as I love that era for Lego. One model I have sitting with my UCS collection is the 7163 gunship as it's just awesome, however I've never checked to see if anyone has built as UCS version as the normal is still fairly large! I am just running through some cost effective ideas on how to make the engines on my 10134 at the moment. Silver bike wheels on the way, I just don't want to spend £100 on some white tubing! Have some ideas and will post up once my build starts. Thanks!
  19. I have to admit, I am also in the process of working on a 10134 self build from scratch, I have obtained I would say 95% of the pieces, the main part I am struggling with is the 115 white tubes for the engine. I can't bring myself to part with almost £120 for them, it's silly. However your MOC has sparked some ideas so thank you! I definitely like the idea of the grey clips to merge with the bike wheels as I have also gone down that route. I was thinking of just spraying them white, but after seeing yours, if I go down a similar route, I won't bother, I think it looks awesome, great job!
  20. Hi All, New to these forums. Stumbled across this post as I'm in the process of building a 10134 from scratch. I have almost obtained the majority of the parts! eBay is a joke, they are selling for an absolute fortune, £800+ roughly at the moment. I made a huge mistake of selling my Y-Wing UCS about 5 years ago due to no room, now I've bought a bigger house I'm regretting it massively as it's a great model. Currently have the UCS B-Wing, Original X-Wing, AT-ST, Slave 1 & Tie Fighter and 10134 is going to finish the collection off for me until we hopefully see a potential new snowspeeder next year? I'll post up some pictures once I'm done, but some of the comments have really helped, especially for the 115 white tubes required! Thanks! GG
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