42042 was my first lego crawler crane. Ive always liked the look of big cranes so i decided to try my hand at it. Here's my first version on the 42042 model.
I lengthened and doubled the tracks, widened the space between the tracks, essentially doubled the superstructure, added a second pf battery box for counter weight, doubled the main boom added at second, and added 2 jibs at the top.
Still to do:
Figure out some logical practical solution to the tiny turntable that is provided with the set.
Replace the black 1x11, 1x13 with the gray 16 link pieces.
Add the 900+ more pieces i just bought from brickowl (on top of the 793 that i bought last week for the mods previously stated) to strengthen the main boom and relocate the winches.
So far i have purchased 2 of these 42042 cranes, and an additional $330 (usd) in brickowl extra parts for this crane. I can easily see another $300-$500 (usd) in parts making this crane bigger, stronger, and more functional.