- LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
People seem to be confused as to what this set is... This Sandspeeder certainly looks as if it contains 2 Resistance pilots, but shows a remarkable resemblance to the unreleased Kenner Toy above. Perhaps Star Wars have recycled the design for TLJ? This is almost certainly a Last Jedi set as the Nima Outpost and downed Star Destroyer are visible in the background on the Box art. I highly doubt that this a Rebels set as the minifigures look too detailed and have a very TLJ look to them. Anyway if you want to see the actual set, head on over [removed] YouTube Channel -- He has some photos there... just so you know what it looks like. Unfortunately it looks like we will not be getting an updated cockpit piece :( *Link removed*
LEGO Star Wars micro calendar sets
I just found the new image online showcasing the line-up for LEGO's new 2017 Advent Calendar. I am very surprised to see some familiar mini kits! I am JamesArts. I have been building micro sets since the debut of the first LEGO Star Wars Calendar in 2011 and have built over 270 micro sets in total these past 6 years, so of course it comes as no surprise that some of my ideas have been echoed by LEGO themselves. However recently I uploaded all my builds to flickr and have started up my own YouTube channel with instructions on how to build them. Now I'm not accusing LEGO of plagiarism... but... some of their most recent sets (In particular the Hover Tank from Rogue One) look very very similar to some of my builds. Others that seem to be appearing 1-2 years after I first designed them are the Ghost, Phantom, Krennick's Shuttle, Luggabeast and AT-DP to name but a few in this calendar alone. Bare in mind that almost all of the sets on my flickr were added before March 2017, with most being designed and built long before then some up to 6 years prior. I have been praised on Eurobricks and YouTube for my designs of many of my builds such as my Hover tank, with a few YouTubers even asking if they can feature my builds in their videos (as long as they give me the credit for the design of course). what I do not want is (IF... IF!... Lego are plagiarising these designs) for them to take full credit; if they are not copying them then there is too much coincidence and similarity of design) Others here are similar, and all of my builds are free to be viewed on my flickr profile. Please take some time to check out some of my builds, and more will be uploaded soon. :) My YT Channel: My flickr photos: Here is MY design for the hover tank from Rogue One that I first built back in 2016: Any similarities?
Star Wars Micro MOCs
hmmmmm.... try this link. hopefully this will work albums:
Star Wars Micro MOCs
OH! Thanks for reminding me dmarkng! I was supposed to upload my Flickr profile to the bottom there; so here we go! This is the majority of them -- I am still building, so expect more in the near future.
Star Wars: Micro MOCs | mini kits
Hi everyone! I'm quite new, but I build lego Star Wars MicroMOCs; in other words 'mini minikits'. I got my ideas from the Star Wars advent calendar series- style micro kits. I have built over 200 so far and I'm still going, so if you want to see any of these regularly, check out my facebook page: and my YouTube Channel "James_Arts_2172: Lego" All I did was go through every page of both DK Star Wars Visual Dictionaries and build every single ship and vehicle in them. Of course I have made many more besides (2014-present sets, Ep 7, Rogue One, Clone Wars, Rebel, Force Unleashed, Old Republic).
Star Wars Micro MOCs
I am quite a big fan of those tiny little 'micro kits' that you get in the Star Wars advent calendars (especially the ships!). I have trawled through both of my DK LEGO Star Wars Visual Dictionaries and built pretty much every single set LEGO ever made in 'micro' form. The Majority of these are from the Original and Prequal trilogies, with quite a few from the Old Republic, Clone Wars, Rogue One, Rebels and EpVII- The Force Awakens. At the moment I have over 200 of these micros! Don't forget to check out my YouTube Channel at to see MicroMOC lists and Instruction videos And Of Course don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE to that! If you have made any similar micros please comment below etc.
LEGO Geonosian Arena MOC
I have just uploaded a new update to the LEGO IDEAS page: Wat Tambor minifigure. You are right, apart from Dooku and Nute Gunray, we do not get to see any of the rest of the panel. This is a shame as many of them have really interesting designs and would look great in LEGO form. Wat Tambor has always been my favourite, with his unique design and breathing apparatus, so it felt good to add him to the set. TLG have of course already made a digital version of Tambor in the LEGO STAR WARS III: Clone Wars video game, so they could use that as design inspiration. Anyway, thanks Flieger for that inspiration!
LEGO Geonosian Arena MOC
Thanks Flieger, That's actually a neat idea. Luckily I had mad a small geonosian meeting hall MOC several years ago, so I think I might still have the templates for some of the council.
LEGO Geonosian Arena MOC
Darkslayer: Yeah I did use that as a basic template for the MOC as it just seemed the perfect size and rough shape, so to be brutally honest, it would not be difficult for TLG to make this, as it would be similar to that. Its still a work in progress, and is already undergoing more aesthetic changes, but its coming on well. Darththeling: yeah I agree that TLG should have made this by now! And also nice Sandcrawler!
LEGO Geonosian Arena MOC
Thanks guys. Yeah sorry I didn't put it up sooner, but I actually only signed up to Eurobricks the other day. But if you spread the word, it could reach 100 supporters for an extra 365 days.
LEGO Geonosian Arena MOC
Yeah, I didn't want to use a bear, but it was the closest I could get without LEGO making a brand new mould.
JamesArts2172 changed their profile photo
LEGO Geonosian Arena MOC
This is my rendition of the Geonosian Arena from STAR WARS Attack Of The Clones. This has always been one of LEGO's most glaring omissions from the Star Wars line, hence why I decided to test out this MOC. OK, it's not excessively massive or complicated, but I just think it makes a neat little playset. Comment your opinions. Also don't forget to check out my LEGO IDEAS page for more information on this, and please support! :) from there you can read all about the design plan, the history, and also see any other photos of the MOC.
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