UK Sales
BOUGHT! (Via your website.)
How can I build my own opaque door?
I knew there would be someone else out there who was having the same issue as me. I like your openable door, but it takes a lot of pieces that I might not have. I have considered using stickers to cover the panes, and I might try paint.
UK Sales
Your post just cost me more than £100! :) (I got PotC Mill and London Escape, HP Hagrid's Hut and Forbidden Forest and The Hulk.) Apart from the Black Pearl, I now have all the PotC sets. :)
UK Sales
I definitely care! I used it to discover and order cheap Tower Bridge from and cheap Grand Emporium from Thanks for your hard work on the site. I expect you get some kind of affiliate credit for each thing I buy through there though, right?
How can I build my own opaque door?
I'm not a purist, in the Lego sense, so painting the trans-clear ones to look like woodwork would work :D I'd still love to hear if anyone has built their own doors though. I guess hinge parts like this would work, but I will end up with quite chunky doors.
Shaun of the Dead / Winchester CUUSOO project - on Bricklink?
This is excellent news. Is there an existing set that it is most like? Would the Grand Emporium be a good starting point, for example?
How can I build my own opaque door?
I don't want trans clear though. I want opaque. Bedroom doors tend not to be see-through :) You can order the trans clear from S@H for 22p each. The white version of those trans clear ones is only available in one set: The Police Mobile Unit.
How can I build my own opaque door?
They're the ones that only fit the 2x4x5 frames though. :(
How can I build my own opaque door?
I'm building a scaled-down model of my own house, but our internal doors are white opaque wood and should not have see-through panes in them, so the doors sold on S@H are not suitable. On bricklink, I see this door and this door, which would be suitable, but they cost £1.50 each. I need about 14 doors, so am looking for a cheaper alternative for now. I have considered making all my internal doors 2-wide, so I can use those old 2x4x5 frames, but I would prefer not to lose the floor space. So, does anyone have any self-built opaque doors they want to share?
UK Sales
I discovered the other day that you can get 5% cashback from, if you go there via Shame I didn't realise sooner, but my last two orders have been over £100, so that's already £10 that I wouldn't have had. If anyone wants to sign up, follow this link and then search for Lego. BTW, the TC-14 promo on is being added to your basket if you buy anything Lego Star Wars of any value, provided that you spend over £50.
TC-14 Lego Promo
Any Star Wars item in your basket seems to trigger the TC-14 if you go over the £50 in the UK. I bought a Yoda keyring and Modular Firehouse (to open, build and then use for parts) and got the TC-14 included.
An internet tale Winchester/Shaun of the Dead project on CUUSOO
Considering they sell products with 16+ on them, I think this is a massive fail by TLG. If you make your own instructions for it, I expect many people would download and build their own. I know I would, if I could get all the pieces.
MOC: The Farnheim Fire Department (Part 3)
These are gorgeous to look at. They are well made and well shot. Thanks so much for sharing!
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
I assume everyone will be buying 5 copies of Weathertop to get all Nine Riders? :)
UK Sales
Fire Temple is £49.99 on at the moment: I am deliberating over whether to buy it for the parts. Seems like a good deal.
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