Thank you kind people . . . I'm kinda new to modifying so learning all the time . . and finding even simple solutions are difficult and very time consuming, but it's they're interesting challenges !
Yup . . . time to strip the main body down again and see if there is a way to fit 2 control box things into it, and then attend to the dozens of little details that bother me.
One thing I can say is that stretching it, even that little, looks more realistic when sat on the table . . . I'll post more photo's as things develop.
A quick update . . All 6 motors and 2 magic boxes in, 3 studs narrower, (no dummy motor), 1 stud longer, an auto-tensioned track footprint of 35 studs and, a half decent ripper and guess what . . . half built only to discover the connection to the blade arm pivot drive was 1 stud too low ! . . . back to the drawing board as the whole lot will need rebuilding yet again . . .