Pirates Of the Burning Sea!!
I will buy this game.... I love it ! =D But is it a online-game ? Played on internet ? We have to pay to play this game ?
Portuguese flags for your creations!
*sweet* Nice work !! Very cool job, I love your flags... *y* What about pirate flags...? ;-)
Pirate Ship "Revenge"
Nice ship, Cyryl ! Good work !! I love your cannons... You haven't made some more..?
Fordo's French Army
I haven't see your Prussian army... When will you show us this army..?
The Endeavour sails again
Very good work !! *y* *wub* Very very nice ship !! I'm making one like that now. But wasn't the Endeavour a three-decked ship...?
Hello everybody !!
Happy Birthday !!! ( Norrington : nice picture !! Home-made... ? )
The Revenge...
Very good job !! I love the stern of this ship !
Hello everybody !!
I heard that "ship-of-the-line" is an appellation, there is sloop of war called "ship-of-the-line", for exemple. The ships of the line are just ship using the "line strategy". But that's true, 42 guns is not enough to be a first rate... But I've not more cannons to put !! (I started with a clasic base of ship, with three parts in the middle.)
Hello everybody !!
For oo7 : It will be a three-decked ship. Thanks everybody !!
Hello everybody !!
( Sans blague, Bonaparte, tu es fran
Hello everybody !!
Hello, friends ! Let me introduce me, I am new on this forum : I'm 15 years old, and I am french. X-D I don't speak english very very well, I am still learning at school. I am working now on a first-rated ship of the line... Like the next contruction of Bonaparte. A ship designed like the HMS Victory, with yellow and black... Photos are coming...
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