Everything posted by Horry
Mortar Barge Artillery
A great design! The mortar looks stable and the MOC looks positively swooshable. It must be fun using that mortar and then experiencing some kind of action ride when the recoil sends it wildely through the water! The pirates will love it!
[Tutorial] Cannons
Argh! This is what happens when you edit websites on the run. Thanks for noticing, I will correct that! Thank you! You can find my other tutorials in my signature - if you got other themes in mind - shoot!
[Flickr Find] Pirate Rock by David Frank
The green could represent a copper plating. Regardless it is a great MOC and a very good find! I think there is more reddish brown in there than I have in my entire collection! I see some nice details in there. I also find this MOC to be more.. alive than many of his incredibly huge other panoramas. Fraslund seems to have a good eye for piratey stuff
[MOC] Deathtrap & Sabre Turret
Heyho! I am preparing another of my cheesy imaginary licensed set series, this time for Borderlands 2 that I find to be highly suitable for MOCing! At least I get to use that good old yellow again for all that Hyperion loader bots! These are Deathtrap and Sabre Turret, the two summonable aids for the characters Gaige and Axton. I used them as a test run in oder to see if I could live up to the minifig-scale for this project. The turret is a teeny-tiny bit larger than in the game compared to the minifigs but I am quite satisfied in general. Both models can be upgraded with improvements, just like in the game - I left enough slots for most things. Please leave your comments and criticism! They are highly appreciated!
- Full-hull French Frigate (WIP)
[Tutorial] Cannons
Thank you very much! If there are other aspects on the topic you would deem making sense in this tutorial I can always expand. I fixed the error in the diagram, thanks for the find! And yes, the cannon are a bit large on some accounts. I stopped trying to scale them up to minifig-format some time ago as it drove me nuts - My final design focus was on the size of the cannon in correlation to each other. That's something I wanted to do anyway, thanks for the reminder! It can now be downloaded from the link at the bottom of the tutorial, have fun!
[Tutorial] Cannons
Thank you very much for the kind replies and the blogging By the way, this tutorial is now finished! I would appreciate crisp feedback!
[Tutorial] Cannons
[pid][/pid] This tutorial has been sitting on my computer for ages and I only now decided to finish it and along with another project, end my micro-dark age. It’s about a piece of equipment almost as important as the ship itself: the European cannon. Please notice that while I do know a good deal about Asian Cannon and early Asian rockets I will not cover them in this tutorial! PART I – basics, material and history Cannon (from lat. Canna - “reed”) are projectile-launching weapons that were first used in the Far East and came into use in Europe during the High Middle Ages. It was the first gunpowder weapon on battlefields to be used at a large scale with effectiveness above that of a psychological impact. Although Cannon greatly varied over time and purpose in shape, composition, material, carriage and performance they still shared very distinctive features over hundreds of years. Cannon are always tubes made of metal that are mounted on a carriage (“Lafette”) and are almost always loaded via the muzzle. A gunpowder charge will be embedded between the thickest part of the cannon (the reinforce) and a cannonball. It is ignited by a fuse or a mechanism that is accessible via a small vent. The standard projectiles of cannon first were made out of stone, later metal. It quickly became common to classify cannon according to the type of projectile they could fire rather than the appearance of the actual cannon itself. A 12 pounder (a cannon capable of firing cannonballs that weighed 12 pounds) could look completely different in comparison to another 12 pounder just because one of them was being used on a ship and the other one on the field. Cannon came into use in Europe around the late 13th and early 14th century. The first major war to feature effective Cannon made of iron was the Hundred Year War. Most cannon, however, were being made from bronze at the time as this was a much more durable and reliable metal. With the propagation of improved cast iron (especially in England) in the late 15th century the European cannon got yet another material improvement and by the late 18th century almost all cannon were made from cast iron. European vessels were being equipped with cannon from at least 1330. However, designated battleships with sails came not into use until the early 16th century when the English Navy started constructing men-of-war specifically built for carrying large amounts of cannon. The first recorded purposely built gun deck was built around 1500. Until this time it was much more common to refit merchant ships like carracks, cogs, galleys and caravels into war ships if the need arose. Around the middle of the 16th century most European armies began standardizing their cannon size according to the aforementioned weight of the projectiles. Improvements in the gunpowder used and the quality of the structure of the bore allowed for smaller cannon that were actually mobile and allowed for much quicker advancing armies that could still fire over great distances. This development of siege possibilities also greatly changed the methods employed to construct fortifications (see the development of fortifications in this tutorial). While details such as transportation (limbers), aiming (trunnions) or better projectiles (cast iron projectiles) continued to increase the effectiveness of cannon they remained largely the same during the next few hundred years with the only notable exception being the mortar – a cannon designed to fire projectiles over large distances and send them across fortifications. Major change to the cannon was brought by the massive development of men-of-war in the 18th and the 19th century. The introduction of the carronade in the late 18th century supported quicker and more manoeuvrable ships: smaller, lighter Cannon being able to deliver 32 pound ordnance on short range that was able to virtually pulverize the hull of an enemy ship. Gunlocks drastically improved the speed, safety and accuracy of quickly loaded, hot cannon. In addition to improved accuracy and firing rates, new ordnance types (shrapnel shots and reliable explosive shots) brought new elements into field- and sea battle. The introduction of steel-Cannon in the mid-19th century made way for the demise of the classic cannon: although still being used until the early 20th century the cannon would eventually be replaced by steel-made field artillery and recoilless guns. PART II types and calibres This part of the tutorial will focus on cannon that were in use after the ordnance classification system had been well established. While a lot of basic cannon types will be described keep in mind that there have been well over 70 types of cannon in Europe alone and hundreds of specialized cannon series. Sakers - 4–7 pounders Sakers were relatively light cannon used en masse during the 16th century. Made from bronze they were designed for long range attacks against moving armies or fortifications. The early models still used stone ammunition but all later versions used the more modern iron ammunition. Sakers were very heavy and relied on a stable and heavy carriage due to the immense recoil the large gunpowder charge caused – thus they were used from fixed positions and were not moved during a battle. Culverins – 14-20 pounders Also used on sailing ships (merchant ships, men of war) Culverins were used from the middle to late 15th century until the early 17th century. They were made from bronze and featured a very long and thin bore (up to 5 meters) that could fire very different types of cannon balls. It was one of the first cannon to be successfully mass-produced and was able to fire cannon balls made from iron. A culverin was operated by between three and five gunners and was normally being transported on the mobile carriage with or without a limber. Mortars – 82 – 180 pounders Also used on sailing ships (bomb ketches) Mortars were used from the middle 15h century till the end of cannon. They featured a very short and large bore that looked more like a bowl than a barrel. Mortars had a high trajectory allowing for large range and the possibility to attack an enemy behind a fortification. The low velocity of the projectile also allowed for explosive rounds to be used. A mortar could be operated by two to four gunners and was very immobile due to the immense weight of cannon and ammunition. Full cannon – 42 pounders Also used on sailing ships (ships of the line) Full cannon were used during the 17th century and were normally made from cast iron. If they were to be used on a ship the preferred material was bronze in order to keep the weight lower. They were designed to take down heavy fortifications and to engage slowly moving targets at long range. On ships they were used on the top battery deck as the back bone of close range broadside attacks. Full cannon were immobile on the field and considered to be impractical due to large gunner crews of 5 to 9. Demi cannon – 32 pounders Also used on sailing ships (ships of the line, frigates) Demi cannon were used in the 17th century as a semi-accurate and close range cannon that was usually made from cast iron. The cannon required a gunner crew of at least 4 persons and would normally be used to attack advancing armies with regular shots and grapeshot attacks. Demi cannon were largely immobile due to their weight. Minions – 5 pounders Also used on sailing ships (all types of ships) Minions were the weapon of choice for close range anti-personnel attacks in the field and on ships. The small cannon was used from the 15th century till the early 18th century and could be seen as a “big brother” of the swivel gun. Minions could be carried by mobile carriage or by the gunner crew that could be 1 to 3 people. Minions were considered to be highly mobile weapons that could easily be used to defend advancing points during a battle. Howitzer cannon – 12-24 pounders Howitzers were a hybrid between regular cannon and mortars, being used from the late 17th century till the end of the age of sail. The Howitzer was mobile and could be quickly adjusted to various angles, making it a somewhat inaccurate but fast and flexible siege weapon. The Howitzer could fire a great variety of different ammunition, making it efficient in use against fortifications and army formations. A Howitzer was being operated by a gunner crew of three to 6 persons, depending on the size and the purpose of the Howitzer. Howitzers were mobile but larger versions could be difficult to move during a battle. Carronade – 6-42 pounders Mainly used on sailing ships (all types of men of war) The carronade was an immensely popular naval cannon presenting the complete range of cannon sizes. A short bore and a smaller charge chamber would fire a low velocity cannon ball with a short effective range. The low speed would damage the hull of the enemy and the deck behind it much more than high velocity ammunition. The carronade was being used from the late 18th to the late 19th century. While the short range did only allow for passing fights the high speed of the reloading process, the devastating damage and the small amount of gunners (2 to three) needed made it a perfect cannon for fast ships or ships of the line. PART III carriages, casemates and additional equipment As diverse as the cannon types were as diverse was the equipment used with them. Carriages featured large or small wheels, four or two wheels and very often no wheels at all. They would normally be transported with or on limbers that was also used to carry ammunition, cleaning equipment, aiming aids and so on. A single Culverin with equipment could need up to 4 horses to be transported. Many cannon featured different styles of trunnions that could be used to change the firing angle by adjusting the height of the muzzle. Cannon were also used in fortifications. They were often positioned on the top or within casemates. These cannon could feature very innovative carriages that were designed specifically to be able to quickly adjust the firing angle in order to compensate for the inability to move the cannon. Thank you for reading all the way down here! No go enjoy the lxf-file on cannon in LDD!
[Tutorial] Sailing ships - tech specs and workings
This tutorial has been revised updated - it is now available again and features all asked corrections.
The promotion of Admiral Croissant
congratulations, Admiral! A much deserved position for you to gain. I'll be feasting on croissants tommorrow morning to your honour!
Old member new beginnings
Welcome back, then! Have fun here
Hello all
Hi there, welcome to EB! And don't forget the pirates while visiting the guilds of Historica
MOC: Top Sail Schooner, HMS EMERALD
I really like the SNOT hull and the fact that you're not using prefab-hull parts - we don't see this here too often! How stable is this construction method in terms of lifting and swooshing, if I may ask?
- Search Questions
Search Questions
heyho! As a news scout for the pirates blog I have to use the search function regularly. Since the board-update, the search function randomly gives out no search results where there should some, claiming that there are "no results" - for example: I searched for myself a few minutes ago and the search gave no results for Horry - now, everything works as it should - what am I doing wrong? I tried this on three different computers, always firefox and windows 7 and one google chrome test - everything with the same results - it feels a little bit like it's dependent on some kind of time interval instead of a system problem.
[WIP] HMS Baratang
I've put the updates in the first post! I finally managed to do a bow to my liking that's quite stable! The hull is as good as finished, now.
Rocks & Shoals
Sorry, I only noticed your reply now! prefabs are considered to be not built below the waterline. 76 tons would indeed be a light-weight and might explain the low speed. If you would give your measured specs I will check it out.
[WIP] HMS Baratang
Sir, this's supposed to be a ketch, Sir! (I'm lying, this was a fully rigged before. We used the foremast to fire up the galley again!)
[WIP] HMS Baratang
Thank you all! I still haven't found a way to do the bow to my liking - I might end up with the "traditional" method constructing it - input on this matter is highly appreciated. Here are some updates! Stern 00 von HMSCentaur auf Flickr Outer hull 04 von HMSCentaur auf Flickr Deck 02 von HMSCentaur auf Flickr Deck 01 von HMSCentaur auf Flickr Stern 01 von HMSCentaur auf Flickr Complete 01 von HMSCentaur auf Flickr
[MOC] Payback Day
Yay, I build funny explosions! Thank you very much!
[MOC] Payback Day
Thank you all for your kind comments! I'm very happy with the effect as it was a nightmare to build - it fell apart multiple times until I reconsidered the structure of the supports.
[WIP] HMS Baratang
Thank you all! Thanks - this is one reason I decided to try a bomb ketch - I'm not too sure if I could keep my sanity if I tried to build a higher vessel with this technique
[MOC] Io's fury.
Good lord, this better be called fury of cool! How stable are the landing studs, if I may ask?
[WIP] HMS Baratang
Hello dear folks! When I stumbled upon Sebeus' experimental "Organic Ship building" technique I was quite intrigued. So I started thinking about it. Then I started buying bricks. And now I'm building a new vessel! The HMS Baratang will be a bomb ketch of the late 18th century. I tried a few things and came out with this solution for the outer hull that makes me quite happy! So far it's a bit moving-happy but this can be easily fixed by adding more fixation coming from the weather deck. Tell me what you think! And give Sebeus a big thank you for the idea UPDATE 16.09.12 Complete 02 von HMSCentaur auf Flickr Bombarde02 von HMSCentaur auf Flickr Bombarde01 von HMSCentaur auf Flickr Bow 03 von HMSCentaur auf Flickr Outer hull 02 von HMSCentaur auf Flickr Outer hull 01 von HMSCentaur auf Flickr Inner hull 01 von HMSCentaur auf Flickr
Rocks & Shoals
Yes, a new round would actually be nice. But so far there seems to be a little hestitation - I'd really appreciate some feedback from those of you who have read the rules - are they too complicated? Do they seem to be too elaborated?
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