Hey guys!
I'm having some trouble connecting the default assembly shock absorber, since I can't expand it in any way.
Googling here and there I found this thread and then downloaded the 41475 mod, as it appeared to be the perfect one for my model in LDD.
Unfortunately it doesn't connect when I try to put it between a cross/peg connector and a 2m cross on a fixed structure. I tried different measures among the ones provided but with no avail.
I'll post some pics for the sake of clarity:
As you can see something is wrong with alignment, and I don't wnow what is causing that...
on top of that, after a couple hour messing with that, while taking those snapshots, the whole parts suddenly connected: http://imgur.com/a/Weemj
but of course I'm now having problems with the other side:
I really don't know how to fix this, so any advice is really welcome!! :D
PS: sorry if I'm necrothreading but I can't post new threads yet, as I'm a new user (already posted into the new member area, waiting for the tenth post).
P.P.S: @bbqqq: any news about this?
That could be the answer to my troubles... :)