3222 Limo and Helicopter now sold out @ USA S@H?
I was very peeved to find out that it's sold out so soon, but I remember that it also happened to Peril in Peru, and the set eventually returned to S@H. So I wouldn't be surprised that it will be restocked later.
City 2010
I just stumbled onto a pic of the new fire station set 7208 on Brickshelf, and my first gut reaction was, "Juniorization"! When I took a closer look, the vehicles seemed pretty detailed; it's just that the building is all windows and transparent garage doors (a very easy build it seems). It also looks like the firemen were rescuing a kitty with a trampoline/safety net (possibly a new piece). The fireboat 7207 doesn't look too hot either. Since I have the 2007 version of both sets, I would consider buying them only if they're on sale.
What did you buy today?
Dacta 9353 and 9354 for US $101 altogether (including shipping and handling) from an ebay seller. I thought it was a very sweet deal.
Ingenious MOCs of the Olympic games in Beijing
Olympic game venues I think the new Olympic Stadium in Beijing is for track and field instead of soccer. Minor quibble aside, I'm still VERY impressed by the way they replicate the birds' nest design. Supposedly it took seven builders, a month's worth of spare time, and over 300,000 bricks to build the entire Olympic village MOC. Enjoy.
eBay madness
Maersk madness strikes again. US $3500? That's my entire year of LEGO budget (while I still have a job).
Lego Collector's Catalog
It will just make the passage of time and something else more enjoyable. >:-)
Lego Collector's Catalog
I think I'm gonna buy two copies: one for keeps and one for the bathroom...
Gotham Invasion!
Speaking of penguins, how about doing a moc for this? I don't know if Alfred will be able to handle them this time.
What did you buy today?
Even though I was dying to place an order for the Green Grocer at the LEGO store today, I saw the Vader's TIE advanced in a damaged box for 50% off. While I'm not a big SW fan and there's no minifig, the price-to-number-of-bricks ratio was way too sweet to ignore. Hope it was US$50 well spent. 10185 will have to wait a bit.
- Selling Out
I'm surprised that the XXL Mobile Crane is brought back to life to the front page of US shop@home. Wasn't this sold out for quite a while?
Why do people complain about juniorization?
I'm a sucker for sets with a high number of minifigs, and since I also wanted some platform pieces for my MOC train station, I bid (and won) this set on eBay. Knowing full well in advance that this is a <insert that tiresome argument> set from the late 90's, I was still disappointed by how uninspired the actual construction of the whole set felt. Usually a LEGO set always brings an element of surprise for me whenever I build it for the first time. I often coo to myself, "Oh, THIS is how it's done," or "Wow, I didn't realize how intricate the design elements are; I would've never guessed just by looking at the picture on the box." With this train station, I felt even I could've designed this set, considering how unimaginative and unskilled I am with building MOCs. The set itself doesn't have any outrageously <insert that tiresome argument>/specialized pieces, but the <insert that tiresome argument>, pedestrian desgin sucks a lot of the fun out of constructing it. As expected, all pieces will go to my generic pile.
What got you back into lego after your "Dark Ages"?
Disposable income as an adult.
What did you buy today?
Got my NIB poolside paradise. I almost took out a home equity loan for it. It's mine now...precious...
eBay madness
This is not a crazy high-priced item usually featured in this thread, but I do think it qualifies as ebay madness. Not for the politically-correct minded; children under 18 should click on link with adult supervision. ;-)
How do you pronounce MOC, AFOL?
For some reason, mentally I always add a "U" to AFOL so I tend to pronounce it "afoul".
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