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Everything posted by shadow_elenter

  1. Small update: CLICK image for video I used 2 new blue bevel gears to get 2 axles to go thru the turntable, there's a lot of backlash but for this application that doesn't matter.
  2. small update: I decided to flatten the tracks because it would get to high I think. The yellow mega plates look very thin but they're quite rigid so with proper securing I think I the whole thing will be pretty solid. Because the battery boxes will be installed in the tracks as well there's an enormous amount of real estate to work with for the rest of the build. I'm not sure weather I should just ditch the transporter idea and build something insane in there...
  3. Smal and no electronics... not my cup of tea, and I don't own the tires so I'm out. Maybe the next one.
  4. Okay, normally I just build and film my MOC's with exception of contests but I think I'll give this a try for a change. The concept is simple: make a tank with a different layout than normal. I'm basically gonna build a Higgins boat (see picture below)with tracks strapped to the sides. The goal is to have all the motors for drive inside the tracks together with suspension and battery boxes. Some motors and mechanics will be at the back and I'll try to mount all guns over the tracks to make the cargo bay as big as possible. I got lucky enough to get a few of these: and I wanted to make good use of their excellent strength and rigidity and that inspired me to make this thing. For now I just have one track to show you but more will follow soon. Fun fact: besides a box of tires and tracks and some old style technic I basically don't use this is my entire LEGO collection that got me 53.000 subs on YouTube at the time of writing.
  5. Thank you You my friend, are in the clear! Steeling from a humble unarmed fisherman is just bad karma. I'm after the degenerates of the wastelands
  6. In the Mad Max world where resources are scarce hunting down other survivors is a great way to get by?. This trike was retrofitted to force others to stop in every possible way! There are 15 functions in total: 1 Driving 2 steering 3 missiles 4 harpoon turret turning 5 harpoon turret tilting 6 harpoon shooting 7 harpoon winch 8 harpoon winch neutral 9 grenades 10 ladder turret turning 11 ladder turret tilting 12 mounted shotguns 13 catapult 14 mines 15 tire spikes
  7. 18. War Trike This trike is rigged out to hunt wasteland convoys and war rigs on the roads! In the Mad Max world where resources are scarce, hunting down other survivors is a great way to get by?. This trike was retrofitted to force others to stop in every possible way! There are 15 functions in total: Driving, steering, missiles, harpoon turret turning, harpoon turret tilting, harpoon shooting, harpoon winch, harpoon winch neutral, grenades, ladder turret turning, ladder turret tilting, mounted shotguns, catapult, mines and tire spikes
  8. Thank you! Nope, The mini LA's hold up just fine. the bridge is not that heavy actually.
  9. With the black leaver on the dispenser.
  10. Thanks you all! Basically it's done! I might change some things but I intend to to start filming soon. In a MAD MAX world the name of the game is taking resources (without asking ) to survive. This reverse trike has been modified to do just that! Specifically It's outfitted to board, capture and stop anything from lone wasteland travelers to convoy's and big trucks like "the war rig". Edit: Photos were moved to post below.
  11. Put some cloth on this bad boy:
  12. You assumed correctly and you were right about the suspension at first, but that has been fixed since: It's quite fast and I added all-wheel steering so it turns on a dime!
  13. another tirke! looking very interesting I do worry about the flex a bit... how is it IRL?
  14. damn that wrecking ball looks painful! From what set is that thing? the exhausts look great to! very badass
  15. Okay, I'm in. I started building a trike because there's enough 4 wheeled cars already. As always I'll be going technic figure scale. The current setup is not working well so I expect it to change... A LOT but here's a first glance: There's already al lot of participants in this contest and I'm curious to see what people make of it all!
  16. I've seen it IRL too, this is truly a new genre of MOC. It is rare to see true innovation in the realm of car MOC's but this is a big one
  17. DAMN! you did it! I understand the difficulty in marketing a device such as this, mostly because several aspects will likely fall under other companies patent. Having said that, it's potential use goes quite a bit beyond LEGO orientated applications. whatever you end up doing with it, I'm impressed! PS: perhaps a poll would be fun to see what people here would pay for a device like this
  18. That's... That's basically why I roam these pages. In search of gem's like this! Great job
  19. I'd recommend buying used sets,gvies you more options and better prices!
  20. Youtube is still an excellent platform to post and host your LEGO videos, it's just no longer possible to generate a decent amount of revenue with it. Most of you don't care about making money or getting well known with your channel, if that's the case for you just set your channel to kiddy friendly and carry on. Even with the new restrictions youtube will still likely be the broadest reaching platform, so collectively switching over to another platform is not really a solution in terms of views (even if we could t would likely only be a temporary fix). Revenue is a different story, but youtube is to big of an industry to just move to another platform I'm afraid, especially since this effects only a part of the industry. My youtube channel has 47.000 subscribers at this moment and I was finally at a point where I could afford myself days off based on the revenue to build MOC's, it appears that time is over. Channel growth is strongly constricted for me now, (about one third of what it was before) and that means it's going to take forever for existing content creators to get back to the revenue point they were at a month ago. I'm hoping there's going to be an intermediate solution some time soon, because without the revenue I can't afford the time off and I'll end up producing like 1, maybe 2 MOC video's a year. We'll just have to see where it goes!
  21. You're absolutely right! I actually owned one of the most high end versions of this slider type (this one) briefly but I was not impressed. It had virtually no play(something that's basically impossible with LEGO) and still it did not work for me. Even that 550€ (605 usd) high end one had so much vibration issues that I send it back., and For this kind of "pan around a subject "shots a normal slider with a rotating pan mechanism on it still works best. Mind you, I tried filming LEGO up close with this device and this close to the lens filming greatly amplified the visual vibration effect. Filming a landscape panorama where the subject is far away might work just fine.
  22. That's good to hear Trust me, your reviews are valued, even if they come out after the set does. I for one tend to use your reviews as reference work. Like if I want to know a particular thing about a set, it's easier to scroll through your reviews and find that thing than it is to scroll through a video, partially because you use a standard format for your reviews and partly because audio scrolls poorly. This honesty is also what I value about your reviews, some youtubers and other reviewers make their living on those reviews and other TLG dependent matters and might shy away from stronger language in order to not endanger their livelihood (understandably). I trust you to call them out on their moves, and say it like it is (this topic is littered with proof that you have and will) and that has value to me.
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