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Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by FishW

  1. Awesome! battle of Scarif is one I've planned on picking up, unfortunately it is on the last day. I may also buy Luke's land speeder I don't have any of the figures except C3-p0 and I probably won't find a better deal on it anywhere else. I was kind of hoping we'd get a few different deals. Especially since I just got that rebel pack, but that's good for those who want to army build. Just have to decide if I should wait to the last day to try to get the promo, or go in for deals. Maybe both
  2. Hello! 1. I'd say it hasn't really changed my perspective of Lego drastically. I think it is cool they give a chance to us common Joe's to created a set. Even if it isn't accepted, I think it's just cool to have a place to showcase your ideas with a shot(however small) at it becoming a real set. I just think its a really cool idea with opportunity for some awesome sets. I haven't bought any ideas sets yet, but they've all looked pretty cool. 2. I'd say it'd be pretty hard for them to make a mistake that would alienate me, and if they did it would probably be a major disaster on their end. Like if they choose to make a set about a theme I don't like. Not just like say a show I don't like or a movie, but more I guess something I disagree with personally. They've been careful to avoid controversial topics in any form so I strongly doubt they'd do anything drastic. 3. I wouldn't say more loyal, I'm just as loyal before as after. I'd say I'm more like that's a cool idea, maybe one day I'll submit one. 4. Don't really know much about it, i really don't keep up much with Ideas. Seems like a cool think. Final thoughts: cool survey! Good luck with the research. If you have more questions feel free to ask them here I'm sure many people will be willing to help.
  3. Kylo since you mentioned he has the helmet! That helmet(though I thought it was a bit bulky at first) is actually kind of cool. I imagine he comes with his light saber in this lineup which is also cool, though I wish it was a bit more accurate. Still amazing minifig.
  4. Good to know, thanks! Just trying to plan accordingly I don't want to buy they y-wing for $60 USD if it will be $36 later. Or spend a lot of money on a set and have another set I want go on sale, I'm a poor(well probably more cheap than poor) man . My hope is Krennics Shuttle gets the big 40%, that would be amazing. Though I doubt it. With luck it will be actual sets, and more expensive ones. Not like magnets, key chains, books, or dvds(nothing against those just rather have a set on sale). At the very least a microfighters on sale would be cool. But here's to hoping for better What do other people want to get a heavy discount if I may ask?
  5. So I read that most star Wars sets will be 10% off April 29th- May 5th, with one set being 40% off each day. Will we know which sets are going to be 40% off, or will it be a day by day thing. Because I'd like to jump on it as soon as I can, but I don't want to buy a set that will be 40% off the next day. Second question how quickly does the May 4th promotion(R2-D2 build this year) run for before it runs out. It always says "while supplies last", I imagine a lot of people jump on this deal, so are supplies normally well stocked to last the whole time with "while supplies last" as just a bit of clause just in case, or is it where normally after the first day or two they are sold out. (Accidently posted that in the a Future minifigs discussion by accident the first time, whoops)
  6. Wow nice build! And amazing lighting/effects!
  7. Eh, kind of a tough one, but not because I feel one is a lot better. Obi-Wan is mildly accurate, but that breathing apparatus print.... Both Leias are decent and pretty accurate. Jyn doesn't really seem that accurate to me, it's not a bad figure, I just don't see it as Jyn really. Poe is pretty good. The astromech seems pretty good. So overall I guess I gotta give my vote to R3-A2 , I couldn't tell you who he is, or anything about him in the slightest. But we need an Astromech on the leader board!
  8. Personally when episode 8 comes out I'm interested in Snoke, it would almost be cool if he was larger in some way, since supposedly he is taller in the movies. That would be near impossible. Also what about a new Count Dooku, I feel as if he is due to appear in a set sometime soon. Also a few more figures we need/I want: Commander Cody Boss Nass Magnaguards More Naboo guards/Gungan battlepack Ki-adu-Mundi Kit Fisto Kaminoians Possibly an Episode 1 Palpatine Nemodians
  9. I pretty much agree with everyone here, it seems pretty low to be stealing other people's work without crediting them(at the very least, really they should get paid as they put the work into it). But realistically I don't think it can be stopped. Sure maybe they can shut down Lepin. But as long as there is money to be made there will always be people ripping off others work. I've never owned any Lepin so I can't say if they are quality or not, but I'm guessing they are made very cheaply. I could imagine bricks that are suppose to be the same color being different shades, or the pieces fitting to tight or being really loose. In some ways a little competition is probably good(IE Megablocks), but a "backdoor" company that shamelessly ripoffs MOCs made by dedicated Lego fans is pretty low. Disgusting even.
  10. Snap! His helmet is amazing. I would go with the shock trooper, but I felt like he really could've used dual molded red boots or something else. He just seemed a bit weird to me.
  11. Nice review, I'm planning on getting this set, just gotta wait till it goes down a few bucks for. Is it to much to hope it gets a May 4th discount. Also I gave it a "4". It has good minifigs, and a good build! Thanks for the review!
  12. Greedo! Er, Rodian rebel I mean. He was my first Rodian minifig. Love that head!
  13. FishW replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Learn something new everyday! Thanks! I'd heard rumours of zombies but in my kind that seemed a bit far fetched(mostly just hoping we don't get a resurrected emperor) a shame we still got angry clone heads regardless. The ship from the trailer looks like it could be a nice ship. Also maybe "hero" and "villain" packs. Similar to battlepacks just featuring the special figures from the game.
  14. FishW replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Yeah I was a bit curious on why the helmet looked very similar to the tie pilots. Seemed a bit strange indeed, I'll wait to pass judgement though. Also Deathtroopers aren't normal humans?But agreed more battlepacks are always welcome. I'd like a one probably with the imperial soldiers we saw in the main trailer, and then one with some "rebel scum". I wonder if the helmet would warrant a new mold? Certainly some special printing.
  15. Pao is decent, but seeing as he has so many votes Hoth Guy all the way! The mustache is to classic.
  16. FishW replied to Oky's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Wow, I really like them! Slave 1 is probably my favorite. The minifigs are hilarious! Ingenious use for the Emperor's head. Might I suggest a possible Prequel lineup, a mini gungan sub with Jar Jar would be comical
  17. A new "original" accurate Max Rebo would be kind of comical. Just because I'd be interested how they would do him.
  18. K2! And darn it I think I missed the last several contests. Seems like Rogue One is cleaning house.
  19. Good luck! Can't wait to see the finished product!
  20. Death trooper. I don't own one but it looks decent though I didn't like the look at first. I've grown more fond of it recently though. It gets my vote!
  21. Regular Han or First Order heavy trooper..... hmmm.... if it was a regular First Order Stormie I'd give it the vote as I really like how they were done, bit I find the heavy artillery ones a bit weird. I guess I'll give my vote to the regular Han honestly just because of the epic hair.
  22. For the record, I don't believe we are suppose to be happy about it costing more. I'll agree it is a small price raise (around 15%), but still any raise is not exactly good. I personally don't mind as I'll just buy the ones I feel are worth the price, and wait for the other ones to go on sale. I haven't done any conversion of currencies but based on what other people have said, I'm guessing the price raise has brought us more inline with other countries. One of my concerns is that what if the other sets rise in price. An across the board price rise would sting quite a bit. Though I think it's understood that price rise for all sets is inevitable, my hope is that it just doesn't happen for a while. Again as I mentioned time and time again I think the upcoming wave is worth it. I'll Jude each set on a set by set basis. And again I'm willing to bet other countries have a far higher price than what we have, but that doesn't mean I have to welcome parting with my more of my cash To sum this up Cheaper price for the same set = better.
  23. FishW replied to Hinckley's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Stash2Sith, I mean Stash2Sixx congrats! From the limited experience I've had on the forums in the last couple months you've been awesome! Keep up the good work
  24. I'd like a Jedi Guardian, like the ones we see in the clone wars. I think they'd be a cool minifigs with a double yellow light saber and the mask printed kind of like kylo rens printed head. It'd be nice to have a battlepack with a couple and a jedi knight plus Jedi master.
  25. FishW replied to Kikuichimonji's post in a topic in Community
    Mr T fun Pack
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