Everything posted by legobodgers
Heroica RPG - Third Anniversary Lottery
Amorith walks into the hall and notices that a raffle has started so he signs up for it.
Heroica RPG - Quest Masters' Lounge
First off, agree with what others have said about the quest and don't really have anything else to add. I agree with this and it is something that I am trying to work on. Most of the problem is me being lazy but I do think that there are a couple of other contributing factors, partially I think it is that I started the character with no direction or defining characteristics. Also, with the on and off way I have been playing over the last few years I felt like the characters I used to have some sort of connection with (Boomingham, Karie), have developed significantly since the last time the characters met. Anyway, I am definitely going to make a larger effort in the future.
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
Amorith returns Thallion's Emerald, Sapphire, Topaz, Scroll of Frailty and Scroll of Sleep. I will side with the Hinkwells as I have dealt with them in the past. Amorith also wishes for more experience. OOC: Erik gave Amorith the lamp because the genies wish was for Erik to pass the lamp to someone who would actually wish for something.
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
Amorith stays silent and watches as the dean and other students are taken to safety. Internally though he is appalled by the deans confession, he had known about Isebeau Carpenter's murder and was frustrated that the culprit wasn't caught. Finally finding out truth did not help though, if anything he felt worse knowing that the girl had done nothing wrong.
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
- Heroica RPG - Quest#93: School's Out
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