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Eurobricks Vassals
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About mcgrah

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  1. Ha! Was almost ready to publish, but life took a different turn and now legos are in the boxes :/
  2. onecase Size-132x49x20cm <- this include stand or just plain model? I need exact sizes for my new shelf :)
  3. Ha! At last - to the build machine (and some wallet first ;) ) Thx Onecase & legolijntje!
  4. Upload images to https://imgur.com/ and link it here :)
  5. I'd like to check your sanity ;) is the instruction happening? or maybe we can expect ldd file for sale?
  6. Great build - it looks LEGO Ideas Ready! Please enter Lego Ideas program, I'd like to see it on the shelf!
  7. Thx, Looks like LEDO Digital Designer got some part with older codes/colors, but those parts you've posted are replacements from newer sets. I'm glad you like it - now it makes the Drone complete :) Let me know how the stand .. well stands :) I'm bricklinking it myself!
  8. OK, had some extra time (1h exactly cos time change :D) and come up with such idea for a stand. It might work, but didn't build it so consider it as proof of concept. Here is LDD file: https://goo.gl/FZxTDJ Cheers
  9. OMG! This is great! Nice photos too :) As for a stand, I did the same as you but from clear parts, and... it's not cat friendly. Second one I did from very old technic parts and it's quite ok, but looks ugly as hell :) Once suggestion to your build, since LDD (official) do not support that kind of parts - for those (2 of them I believe) 3 eyed cameras I've used this part [Lever Small Base: 4592] instead of [1x1 round stubs: 4073]. And man! great job, thx!
  10. Reuploaded instruction and LDD, added Bricklink XML file with parts. Best
  11. Sure thing, I'll double check the links and upload instruction once more. As for part list, got to prepare it late this week.
  12. You can build any stand for it based on fact that axle can go almost through it. There is a hole at the bottom with round plate (15535), that was designed for a stand - I did makeshift one using clear 3941 (as Azrielsc suggested) and axle but wasn't sturdy enough.
  13. WOW! This is something! Great job, I do really like the coloring.
  14. You can open it in LDD editor and remove those files, then add to Bricklink wanted list manually :) Other option is to load it to stud.io and replace 18624 with 4590 and export to Bricklink from the program. Or third option - take Azrielsc road :)
  15. Thx :) As for problematic parts: 24201 - Slope, Curved 2 x 1 Inverted 25269 - Tile, Round 1 x 1 Quarter 18674 - Tile, Round 2 x 2 with Open Stud 18624 is equal to 4590 - Plate, Modified 1 x 4 Offset Hope this helps
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