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Eurobricks Citizen
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  1. I am a tad disappointed, but not by the delay of series 19. I was hoping for another Harry Potter series in the fall. Well, there's always 2020.
  2. I was skeptical at first as well, but having built it, it looks a lot better in person! Unless you absolutely hated the BB-8 from last year, this set may surprise you. In my opinion, if it comes with the plaque, it's a UCS set.
  3. Just bought the UCS Porg at Fred Meyer (branch of Kroger) and it was 20% off! Sale ends Saturday, so if you want it check your's and they might just have it.
  4. Some stores are starting to get them in the US as well. I've already purchased the 75215 Anakin's Jedi Starfighter and the 75216 Cloud-Rider Swoop bikes at my local Fred Meyer (branch of Kroger). They were even on sale!
  5. Did they have any of the other new summer (Star Wars) sets at your store? If they did do you have any pictures you can share? Also, great review!
  6. @HyperOnion If you are in the US (as I am) I would gladly trade my yellow stone (from 76103) for your 2 green stones (from 76108)
  7. What is your source? Have you seen it?
  8. 60 Years of the Brick is gone, but everything else is still available!
  9. I have made numerous trades over at the Brickset forums and hope to make more over here! Unfortunately I'm hoping to only trade with others in the continental United States to keep shipping costs low. Thanks! Have... #40290 60 Years of the LEGO Brick (MISB) (See pic below) #70741 Aritzu Cole Flyer (MISB) (See pic below) I also have a number of older used Ninjago sets I'm willing to part with: https://brickset.com/sets/ownedby-starwars4ever2/theme-Ninjago Also, see some of my past threads for other items (PM for availability). Wants... https://brickset.com/sets/wantedby-starwars4ever2 As you can tell by my want list (above), I'm mainly interested in Star Wars, particularly the sets on this list. If you don't have any sets on this list, or any Star Wars sets at all, you should still shoot me a PM. However, preference will go to (sealed) items from my wanted list. If you have any questions or want to make an offer, just send me a PM. Thank, and happy building!
  10. Do we know if they come out in June or August yet?
  11. I have, and even though I have the old one, I'd say it's still worth it!
  12. Has anyone seen the set with Phasma, Finn, and Rose? Can't find it!
  13. Have you considered using the updated Thrawn minifig from the Phantom 2? Also, cool display!
  14. Where did you see the new Finn?
  15. That's awesome! Would you mind sending me a PM with the pics? Thanks!
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