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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. How did this project turn out? I'm about to do a MOC as well.
  2. So, this is what I've heard so far, via Reddit. UCS Landspeeder, Falcon, and BB-8 - as the three releases for this year. As for Lando, are you guys talking about the one that comes with the 2017 A-Wing set? http://www.bricktoynews.com/lego-star-wars-2017-sets-wing-desert-skiff-landspeeder/ As far as I can tell, this is a similar A-wing as the one released in 2016, but slight adjustments to the guns and engines.
  3. Amazing work! I'd be proud to showcase this alongside other UCS ships. *Mental note: Start buying some UCS ships...
  4. Patience my young padawan. All of the Luke you can handle will come when Episode VIII comes out. Yeah, I was confused too when he started listing prices...
  5. You're a hard man to please.... I like it! Will try and futz with it some more to get it even more accurate.
  6. The core of the Millennium Falcon is actually just set 7778-1. I did mod it quite a bit so it looks more film accurate on the top and bottom side. I may revise it all around at some other time since the a good portion of my other ships are SNOT built.
  7. So thanks to the comment earlier in this thread, I gave my X-Wing a more critical eye, and ended up making him more accurate. (Still didn't fix the width of the nose though. ) http://imgur.com/gallery/XFcXz/ Do you have the in-progress pics for the GR-75? Would love to see how it sort of comes together.
  8. The parts have been useful for me for MOC's. My armies tend to do something in a scene, not just stand around and scratch their butts.
  9. I just looked at the X-wing from the top view and the body is about as wide as the twin engines on the side. Maybe the problem is that the nose is not skinnier. Though, your comment did make me re-evaluate some of the connections, so I think I have some additional improvements to make. Thanks! As for the capital ships, of course they'll be to scale. What fun would it be if they're not? However, I did just do some calculations... GR-75 would be 79 studs long; definitely manageable. Phoenix Home/Base would be 248 studs long... would be interesting to see in this scale. Imperial Desotroyer 1408 studs long, or over 29 baseplates. (Maybe I should start a GoFundMe account for a LEGO Star Wars museum so this can come to fruition?)
  10. Amazing build! I'm also constructing a fleet, but I started by modding the midi Millennium Falcon, which I'm sure I'll regret once I start tackling some of the capital ships. Love all the details you have put into it though... Here's what I have so far...
  11. kappaknight posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Wanted to share this lil guy that I built last night. I took some inspirations from the official set, but added details all the way around instead of just the front.
  12. I'd be down for some printed plates! Throw some numbers out and we can see what we can do. @Miro78 - your MOC is awesome! I'm hoping to create something like it... hopefully it'll be just as cool.
  13. Those printed rounded plates look great! I would totally buy some. I made some upgrades to this thing as well in lieu of the printed plates, but I think I would rather have the printed plates. I also upgraded the connection to the head so it won't fall off so much.
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