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Custom LDD bricks and fixes
I guess Lego designers use our LDD version :)
Custom LDD bricks and fixes
Yes, it was Start Capped, found it Based in Lego instructions (mainly book 3 of 75978) I have updated collisions and connections of these parts:
Custom LDD bricks and fixes
I was trying to reproduce 75978 model in LDD and found out that part 87693 can't be moved out out ot the clip to the left side. I tried to look myself, but can't understand what is missing. Can somebody fix it?
Custom LDD bricks and fixes
@Jaco it's present! Have you tried "LDD Extended" theme?
LDD Brick Editor Development
Still haven't got the response in scale settings, but I was able to create this part. Can you check if it's ok? Here is the part I've used, haven't included copyright:
LDD Brick Editor Development
@jester Yes, that was clear to me. I just wanted to check what values are you using? For me for that particular part from LDraw import scale "0.04" seems to work fine. And I was exporting to .dae that seems doesn't have export scale. But also as I shown in screenshot above studs from LDraw model have different height, so they need to be replaced with LDD studs, correct?
LDD Brick Editor Development
Here is what I get when import scale is "1" and .obj scale is "0.5": When import scale is "0.1" and export is "0.5": Also I've noticed that studs from LDraw model are different, as I understand for LDD I need to delete those and use studs from this LDD 3x3 plate?
LDD Brick Editor Development
Thank you for helping me! Yes, found it and removed. Also there was a checkbox in import that can be unchecked. But that didn't help. After I unchecked "Smooth faces" checkbox result became better, but still edges are not "highlighted" like for original parts (bright red color on screenshot). So scale should be set to 0.04?
LDD Brick Editor Development
Ok, based on reply here I understand that's much easier to import/export .dat in blender. I was playing with blender and do I understand correctly that I should use Scale "0.04" in blender LDraw import plugin to have the part in proper scale in LDD Brick Editor? One more question: why my part is so "blurry" in LDD and it doesn't have sharp edges like standar LDD parts? And last question: how can I rotate camera?
LDD Brick Editor Development
Hi! I suggest to add some links to the header ( Is there a way to import Ldraw .dat files? Or maybe you can point me to some tutorial on this?
Custom LDD bricks and fixes
Custom LDD bricks and fixes
Yes, fount it! Sorry. Should I see all those decorated bricks unders some "set" when I switch to Mindstorms theme? Does not seem Mindstorms theme has changed.
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