LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 25. Rumors and discussion
I HATE GOATBUSTERS!!! My local supermarket had series 25 on clearance, so I bought their remaining 62 random boxes. And there were 11 Harpies, 8 train Kids, and lots of all the other minifigs. But not a single Goatherd!!! They must have been chased, collected, and put in secret storage by The Goatbusters. I really, really hate Goatbusters - may they burn in Hell in all Eternity!!!! (As mentioned by Roebuck above, in Denmark you cant buy the big boxes, only single items from a tower box. After the Toys'r'Us collapse, there are hardly any toystores left in Denmark, so LEGO is sold in bookstores and supermarkets, and they only have minifigs in tower boxes)
- Latest news about Lego animal moulds
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Future Series Rumours
Well, after the Tallneck set, LEGO must have license to Horizon Zero Dawn - besides Aloy, there are many other interesting persons that could be made to minifigs. Plus of course the robot animals... So I wish for a licensed HZD series (will probably never happen)
MOC: Atom Bowl
Wow, all those details! But the maintenance man ends up being angry, as all the bowling shoes lies unused at the shelves, and people bowls in their own footwear...
Minifigures Series 25 - The Guessing Game
OK, my totally wild guesses (or maybe wishes...): 1) Medieval Town Cryer 2) Evil Dentist 3) Aboriginal with didgeridoo 4) Inuit drum-dancer 5) Dutch 15th century seafarer 6) Roman Jailer with keys 7) School Teacher with blackboard 8) Abyssinian Warrior/Bowman 9) Buddha 10) Truffle collector with pig 11) Asphalt worker 12) Accountant with speadsheet or calculator
The Olsen Gang house in Valby
Skide godt Egon! Machtig Gewaltig! I really enjoy your very accurate and detailled build - it almost makes we want to see those old movies again.
[MOC] Holckenhus
I also bike past it almost every day, so I can say for sure, that your build not only catches the looks of the building, but also the feel / vibe. Wonderful build - I am envious! I know, that it would probably be a bit much work (and too many bricks) to also build the rest of the angled building.
- [MOC] A Thirst For Vengeance
[MOC] National Library of Ireland
As someone who works at a National Library, I can really appreciate the attention to detail you have put into this masterpiece. It is simply mindblowing! I once build a scale model of my workplace, the Black Diamond in Copenhagen, but in microscale - I can hardly fathom how many hours the two of you have spend in building in this amazing minifig-scale
[MOC] The Ruins of Green Mire Keep
Wonderful build! It reminds me of the Witcher3 game - several places, like the wizards spooky island with the ruined castle - and the necromancer...!!!
Abbreviated review: 60293 Stunt Park
The new Stuntz theme has not really caught my eye, but I budged today, and bought set 60293 on deep discount. Two instructions (unnumbered), two numbered bags, and an unnumbered bag with all the big pieces. I am not really familiar with the whole Stuntz setting, but this looks straight out of the game Fallout, with depilated buildings, and mutated giant spiders. The girl rides the bike, and holds a baseball bat. Why? Is she goint to smack a pinãta? Or is she fighting the spider? Or is she going to take down the competition, Cloned Elvis?? And I am not sure, that many parents will want to have their kids go around in ruins and fight dangerous animals... Thats the problem with this set in my eyes: it dont really know what it want to be, so it tries to be several things at once. If the setting had been a normal skatepark, without the giant spider, it could have been a nice set. Now, to the good things: the bricks. No stickers, so both the "Caution"-sign, and the spider-sign, are printed. And so are the two wooden boards! So LEGO still produces printed boards - why is so many other sets using stickers for that??? There are two half road plates, two slopes, and of course the new pull-back bike. Two minifigures, a suburban wannabe Harley Quinn, and a cloned Elvis. Nice outfits on both - as far as I know both torsos might be unique? The girl has a pink top with purple spiderweb-design, and SPORT printed on the back. Cloned Elvis has a dark green jacket with a red eagle design on the back. The different parts of the set are all separate, so the bike can knock down the doorway, the walls, the flames, the barrels, the cones. So, in my very biased opinion: Playability: 9/10 (lots of things to knock over, if thats what you like to do) Parts: 7/10 (many big parts, but some nice printed bricks) Minifigs: 9/10 Price: not sure, as I got my set on discount Overall: 5/10 - as the set itself dont really make any sence. .
REVIEW: 71031 LEGO Minifigures - Marvel Studios Series 1
Great review, as all others done by White Fang! This is one of the few series, where I just get one copy of each fig - simply beacuse I have absolutely no knowledge of any of the figs, nor the series you qoute. There is really nothing in any of the figs that I like - the only feeling I got when i looked at the series was "Oh no, not another Spidey figure - as if I didnt already have scores of Spideys".
Why does Playmobil still have Historic themes, but not LEGO?
Django, yes, but not The Hateful Eight - even if Tarantino claims it is his best film, it is the least liked (and seen) film of his. Personally, as much as I love Tarantino films, I felt that Hateful has so many plot-holes, that it didnt make any sence at all, and I really didnt like it. Even Academy Award winning films like the Unforgiven from 1992 didnt spark a renewed interest in the Western theme, at least not among kids.
Why does Playmobil still have Historic themes, but not LEGO?
I agree completely - different toys for different occasions. Though I must say, that most kids I know have both LEGO and Playmobil, and they happily mix them together when playing. It was more a statement to the previous messages about prices and plastic. I dont have the actual weight here where I am now, but I can say, that the Playmobil set is much heavier than the Lego set, with more plastic. Playmobil is manufactured in Europe (Germany of course, but primarily fabrics in Malta), and the plastic is of excellent quality. I have Playmobil from 40 years ago, and its neither warped nor miscoloured. And in the 400+ Playmobil sets I have bought, I have never encountered damaged or missing pieces. So the product quality, and the quality control, are not subpar to LEGO. As also stated perviously in this thread, it is most likely the amount of pieces, and thus the amount of forms, that make up for a big part of the price difference.
Why does Playmobil still have Historic themes, but not LEGO?
Even if LEGO is Danish, Playmobil covers almost as much shelf-space as LEGO in Danish supermarkets. And Playmobil is cheaper. Last week I bought in the same supermarket two sets on offer: LEGO 60302 Wildlife Rescue Operation (, and Playmobil 9373 Arc of Noah (and yes, Playmobil dont mind making religious sets) The LEGO set was appx. 95 USD, and the Playbobil set was appx. 45 USD. Both sets are about rescuing wildlife, but where LEGO has 5 animals (and some croc eggs), Playmobil has 20 animals. If only LEGO had dropped the strange belt-vehicle, they could have added at least one more animal - a missed opportunity in my eyes. I am very fond of both LEGO and Playmobil, and both products have their ups and downs. By the way, for those who dont know Playmobil: the Playmobil figures have interchangeable legs, torsos, heads, and accessories, so there is a wide range of customization.
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