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Everything posted by Daddy_Stardust

  1. Nicely done, but what about this Lego Castle princess's hat for the Seventh Sister?
  2. Wow they must have flown out! I secured one pair of the Imperial arms for the one and only black-uniformed Imperial crewman we have, but ordered 5 different pilot heads since I'm sick of most of our pilots having the same head. Anyway they've only just been released and were literally just posted on their newsletter yesterday afternoon, so I'm sure more will be on the way soon. Even better news, apparently they're going to be releasing even more arm styles. From the newsletter: "The Force is Strong Here...We have an awesome selection of new custom print Star Wars goodies released this week.Rebel Pilot HeadsA great selection of male and female heads with a mix of skin tones, should ensure there's a hero pilot in all of us!Star Wars PostersThese amazing posters (and one neon dancer sign) will liven up any Star Wars LEGO scene. Printed on 2x4 tiles with a generous helping of super high res digital printing, means these custom delights are a must for any Star Wars LEGO fan.Custom Designed ArmsWe will be adding a lot more of these arm designs due to the huge amount of requests we've received. We've started with Imperial Workers and Rebel Pilots and reduced the price for a pair right down to £1.95 GBP, though they can also be purchased individually.We're passionate about providing custom minifigure creators with all the parts they need - GO CREATE!" This is their advert, not my photo, but check out the excellent end-results:
  3. Hey guys, just a heads up that there's some amazing new customs over at Firestar Toys for those who don't mind the non-purist approach; lots of custom rebel pilot heads along with printed pilot arms and printed Imperial arms... this could get expensiiiiive: https://www.firestartoys.com/?Query=rebel+pilot&search= Biggs: Merrick: Women:
  4. Thank you that was exactly what I was after. And I feel exactly the same way after seeing it in detail haha.
  5. Yes but my point was, isn't the ship itself just the cockpit for the transport (albeit with a bit more detail) sold at an inflated price? It looks far too similar for me to believe that in the film this'll be a unique spacecraft, I'll gladly put all my bets on it genuinely being an ejected cockpit to a troop transport that they escape in. And if that is what it is, then what's the appeal in buying one third of a larger ship that's already out (which Sponegebob456 quite rightly pointed out, is nearly the same price in some place)? Which as I said, if hypothetically the cockpit for the Falcon was ejected as an escape pod in Episode 9, I'd consider it ridiculous to sell that as its own separate model too.
  6. Here's one that's baffling me, I'm failing to understand the purpose of 75176, the Resistance Transport Pod. I know we've not seen it in the film yet, but is this not basically just a detached (albeit more detailed and slightly larger) cockpit to the 75140 Resistance Troop Transport? I'm even going to assume that's how it's featured in the film; as an escape craft from the transport. If possible, can someone demonstrate a side-by-side size comparison of the two cockpit sections and could the Pod actually be modded to connect to the transport to offer a more detailed version of the whole ship? It just looks like a ridiculously over-priced and utterly pointless set, like selling just the cockpit of the Falcon by itself.
  7. I've used a few different balaclava heads for all of our TIE pilots and AT-AT drivers, as shown below; all the fun of faces combined with all of the benefit of full coverage at the rear of the helmet. The first is a Lego Star Wars head (got a few of this one), the second is a custom "ski mask" head from www.firestartoys.com (I have many of this one - he can even be used in the vintage open-lensed Snowtroopers without showing any skin because the eye-line is lower than the lens holes) and the third is official Lego from a Scooby Doo set - he's the only one I have of this head, so we've called him the Black Baron to go along with his vintage fighter ace appearance: (You could also use TMNT movie foot soldier heads and I guess even Star Wars Imperial V-Wing Pilots to vary it up if you wanted)
  8. Depends how screen-accurate you're being The black legs and tunic are indeed screen-accurate.
  9. Haven't scrolled through to confirm, but I believe they were erased legs from the female ghostbusters.
  10. Hey guys, Firestartoys are selling both of the new bomber pilots (along with a few others like BB9-E https://www.firestartoys.com/Shop/LEGO-Minifigures/Star-Wars-LEGO-Minifigures-~-Special-Characters.html if you want closer looks at those) and these allow for high-quality close-ups to address your queries... https://www.firestartoys.com/Shop/LEGO-Minifigures/Star-Wars-LEGO-Minifigures-~-Special-Characters/41370-LEGO-Star-Wars-Mini-Figure-~-Resistance-Bomber-Pilot.html https://www.firestartoys.com/Shop/LEGO-Minifigures/Star-Wars-LEGO-Minifigures-~-Special-Characters/41369-LEGO-Star-Wars-Mini-Figure-~-Resistance-Bombardier-.html From those it can be 100% confirmed that the bombardier is wearing an original trilogy helmet (quite why I don't know, since both have oxygen masks - maybe a character quite literally does wear an old one in the movie) and just as RogueTwo believed, the pilot is indeed actually wearing an all new helmet. The gap in the visor is more angular than on TFA pilot helmets, the forehead curves upwards ever so slightly more and the the cheek areas are rounded and don't curve towards the chin. The differences are subtle but when compared side by side to Poe here, you can see it is indeed a different helmet:
  11. We've been using the blue hair from the Cyborg girl from Collectible Minifigures 16 - https://brickset.com/sets/71013-3/Cyborg
  12. That's fair enough. However for me, unless it's someone like the Emperor or Vader who have specific heads and as long as they demonstrate a unique characteristic if there is one (like Yularen's white moustache), then I'm not personally that fussed by mood or expression on a minifigure. I simply go for what's the most aesthetically pleasing to me, there's loads of flesh-coloured female heads that I think look hideous, but I like that one, it's cute and feminine (well, you know, in a minifigure way) and that's the only thing I need to be satisfied with the end result. I doubt Saw Gererra ever smiled as much as he does on the figure I made, but the beard works perfectly (ticking the aforementioned unique characteristic box) and I like him so I'm happy. Lego's cheeky, so I don't mind characters looking cheeky too. The body and clothing makes her Juno, the face makes her a cute little figure Likewise we have around 3 Ten Numbs, all of which had their heads replaced with human heads I thought looked better and had good character. All for the simple fact that I don't care for Ten Numb's face. Sorry Ten. Love you guys in the movies though! I'd happily lose a real character who's ugly to gain a nameless extra who's looking sharp. Aside from Krennic, Yularen and Tarkin, all our other imperial officers are just made-up from heads I simply liked best (and when we got tan-uniformed Tarkin with the A-Wing set, off came his head). I even bought an unofficial Thrawn (not paying that kinda money for the real thing) just to get the torso. Stuck Dr Strange's head on there, with some swept black hair, real lego arms, real lego hands and the gourmet chef's legs to match our Yularen and Krennic. Who is he? No idea. He's just "Grand Admiral Man"
  13. Yup, a few pages back I submitted mine: New style officer's hat, March Harriet head, Summer Vacation Batman arms (with logos erased), black hands, Imperial gunner legs. So basically, everything replaced except the torso haha.
  14. Here you go: But I personally went with the legs from series 8's American football player and simply put them on grey hips since I felt the kneepads looked most accurate: I've even put them on both new and old Snowtroopers, along with kamas, and best of all, Boba gets to keep his trousers on:
  15. Ours just arrived today! Here it is in action:
  16. Whoops, sorry they're from Syndrome! Had to look it up, since I bought them individually instead of on the torso. I don't see why not, once upon a time a lego head's gender was solely dependent on the what hair you stuck on them. Give it a shot! That said, I used Barbara Gordon though for Sabine Wren, since I feel she's represented with a slightly darker skin tone (as do a few people https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/3depzw/what_skin_color_is_sabine_from_rebels/) - does Barbara Gordon not work for you?
  17. As I've mentioned before I don't like to waste even very outdated vintage torsos, so here's a selection of 1999-ish formerly yellow-skinned minifigures brought up to date somewhat (at least as best I can): The two female old-dark-grey Imperial officers are based off Admiral Daala and and Ysanne Isard respectively. Sadly there's no black boots available for the old dark grey, so these little people will always just have to have plain legs (which is the reason I've never updated our newer Imperial officers, didn't want to make these guys stand out too much). Or perhaps they're science officers (or indeed "Imperial Development Project" officers) and they don't wear the boots? Galen Erso didn't, so let's go with that! And back to modern times, Imperial Hover Tank Commander (new arms): *EDIT* - Just realised Moff Muffins posted this exact same thing several pages back, though we didn't own a tank pilot at the time so didn't really take note of it. I'd actually bought the arms on their own specifically for the vintage white rebel pilot we have but ultimately didn't like them when applied, so looked around our figures and thought "they'll look good on you!" after checking source material. Great minds think alike haha
  18. Haha that's great buddy, as long as you're happy with them, keep up the fun work
  19. With all due respect, since I loved your Sabine so much I copied her myself... Rex in football shorts sadly just looks like he is indeed wearing football shorts. Unless of course he's meant to be wearing football shorts? In which case, the Rebels Rovers look great
  20. If you don't mind custom parts, Clone Army Customs have come out with the exact part: https://www.firestartoys.com/Shop/Minifigure-Bodywear/Clone-Army-Customs-Bodywear/40229-Clone-Army-Customs-~-Flame-Backpack-~-White.html
  21. Why do you need a hairpiece for Barris? Aside from when she's arrested and has a black headband on around shortish hair flicks at the back, I'm certain she always wore a hood.
  22. Has it ever been officially stated why Lego decided to make their stormtroopers (and TIE pilot) different for Rebels sets? It's not a huge issue for me; my son's only just turned 7 and we've only been collecting for the last couple of years, so most of his stormtroopers are the Rebels ones (thanks to a fair few purchases of the cheesy little troop transport for army building - oh how I wish that was a proper to scale set as has been featured on MOC and Ideas pages numerous times). However now that the high-quality modern movie-styled stormtrooper is becoming more common (he seemed to be part of only the big sets for a while, like the 2014 Star Destroyer) it's starting to be a bit more annoying (to dad here anyway haha). It just doesn't make any sense to me for the following reasons: 1 - surely it costs more money to come up with a new print job when they already had the latest and most accurate stormtroopers already in production and on template. 2 - There's nothing in the show to suggest that these are not just normal stormtroopers who merely look slightly stylised due to artistic licence, so it's not like they're an earlier rendition like Phase 1 and Phase 2 Clones. 3 - If they wanted to differentiate style as they did with the faces on The Clone Wars Lego, this makes even less sense because as a show Rebels is far more cartoony than The Clone Wars, yet Rebels Lego uses the same human/unmasked faces and uniform quality that the movie sets do (such as Tarkin, imperial officers, The Inquisitor etc.) - so why would they have humans and officers as equally 'realistic' (in Lego terms) for both Rebels and movie-based sets, yet have just Stormtroopers that look different? 4 - And sure, the prequels troopers have had some print changes over time, but there's nothing to suggest that that's not solely based on real-world quality-evolution, just like the original trilogy; once the helmet printing was all brought up to modern higher quality standards (around 2012 I believe?) all prequel sets and The Clone Wars sets have again shared the exact same paint job styles on their respective troopers, irrespective of the fact that ones represented a CGI cartoon and the other actual human beings (who admittedly didn't act like actual human beings, but I digress ). 5 - Even more bizarrely, The flippin' Freemaker Adventures sets use the movie stormtrooper figures (along with the same Dengar), and that's a self-aware comedy Lego cartoon. If any theme was to be less movie-accurate than the rest, surely this would be the theme? 5 - Just to be geeky, all of Star Wars media is now canon and meant to be connected and just as valid as one another, meaning Rebels exists in the movies backstory, even explicitly so in Rogue One, so why would any theme even want to be subject to stylised representation in its merchandise when nowadays it's officially meant to be all as valid as one another? Yours confusedly, Daddy Stardust
  23. True... but Batman's MUCH cheaper for the sake of spending 5 minutes with a pencil eraser; from 59p for just the torso. Ethan Hunt's however starts from £4.93. Or worse, £8.85 for Superboy.
  24. Yes that's exactly right. Sorry I incorrectly called him swimming pool Batman in my earlier post.
  25. Yup, that's the one!
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