Everything posted by Daddy_Stardust
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Torso has a slightly different print, but from the looks of things, the legs should be fully visually compatible with the 2012-2016 snowtroopers.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
In respect of Phasma, can we expect Lego to release deformed stylised stormtroopers for Resistance like they did for Rebels?
Updating Your Minifigs
Counting down the days... got my fourth Inferno Squad helmet, now gagging to get rid of the surfer arms ever since you spoilt them haha! Personally I'm just using balaclava heads for them all, not bothered about how they look individually underneath, just want the back of those necks covered up with black printing.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I have absolutely zero interest in the retro figures, for me Lego Star Wars has done nothing but improve over the years, so having figures that just prove how far they've come really does nothing but make me dislike them more. That said, the new scout trooper looks fantastic... will definitely be picking up some scouts at long last!!!
[MOC/MOD] Double Conveyex Transport
Nearly there on the facelift. That poor locomotive really needed some TLC... it's not like she asked for much, just a bit of bulk, texture and affection. Really fond of the old girl now. Choo choo!
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Is there potential for them to be from a tie-in to Lego Movie 2 in the way that the Falcon was in the first movie? Only this time they're actually releasing a Star Wars-referencing LM2 set?
Updating Your Minifigs
When will they be available? I got very happy to get a fourth helmet off Bricklink this afternoon then your post went and ruined it all haha!
Updating Your Minifigs
Woah... new Firestar releases? ? So much for my surfers arms!
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
If they’re new designs then I’m absolutely fine with that
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I wonder if the new Snowspeeder will have a more screen accurate canopy? With all the changes Lego have made to helmets recently, this still stands as one of the historical relics that needs to be replaced.
Updating Your Minifigs
Rowan from the latest Lego Star Wars Calendar!
Updating Your Minifigs
Anchorhead Biggs at long last in real physical form! And Dryden Vos with three (one helmeted) Hylobon Enforcers at even longer last!
[MOC/MOD] Double Conveyex Transport
Very nicely done, that's truly brilliant work!!! There's so many jaw-dropping MOCs online that make the retail sets look like crap, but what you've done as a mod is stunning. I always prefer to see this kind of work, I feel less useless when I can be inspired by a clever mod. A mind-blowing MOC just reminds me of how poor my engineering skills are haha. Anyway, my only personal recommendation would be to sort the front of the train out, it's so easy to make it just that little more more film-like with three trans-red 1x1 tiles and two 1x3 dark bluish grey tiles to give it a windscreen (I added trans-red grilles to each side too) that it's a shame not to give it that very simple facelift when you've done so much amazing work in making its architectural construction so much more screen-accurate. Anyway, I too have made changes to the conveyex by combining two of them (was lucky to score them nearly half price in an amazon flash sale). However since it's for my boy to enjoy actually playing with on the floor, and not just old dad here tinkering with it haha, I extended it horizontally instead of vertically. Just having it look more like a proper train for me was a huge boost to its design. Now I stress this is still a work in progress, waiting on more plates to bulk up and provide texture to the front of the main drive engine, but for now you'll hopefully get the idea of where I'm going with it. I've turned it into a prisoner transport, since it's a delight to see how much room exists inside (so many Lego vehicles look so large on the outside but only have room for like two figures, so to have room for multiple troops, actual seats and prisoners was a delight). I've blocked up the visible holes on the locomotive's engine block (though still a work in progress, will have an actual engine in there in the near future) and added a second layer of black plates beneath the big drive "flap", thereby ridding it of those horrible flimsy see-through areas. I've also filled out the cockpits to have them more industrial inside, with an Imperial Combat Driver on one side of each drive engine, with a Conveyex driver on the other side. These will be unveiled once further parts arrive. But for now, he's a peak of what I've been doing, hope you like what you see, more to follow when it's complete!
Updating Your Minifigs
But that’ll just put me into an OCD-like cycle of constantly have another trooper without a helmet who I’ll be itching to put with the other troops haha. I don’t mind paying a bit extra, just wish it didn’t take so long for some new release inventories to be added there!
Updating Your Minifigs
Yup, haven’t got the battle pack yet but got the surfers arms all ready and waiting... just wish I could have a fourth bloody helmet in preparation too grrr.
[MOD] Imperial Landing Craft 75221
Feel my bulkheads covering the gaps have been justified by previously established schematics of the ship when the pods are detached. I'll no longer consider it a workaround and instead consider it complete... from now on, they're the pod clamps
Updating Your Minifigs
Did anyone ever buy a custom Quarren from Big Kid Brix? They look pretty good (albeit out of stock) but can't find any reviews or real up-close pictures to see the real quality of them (and not that I'd ever pay $60 for one).
- [MOC] Imperial DS-1 Orbital Battle Station
- TIE Phantom
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
This we need to see. My son and I are in the region of maybe 100+ troops of various combat lines and we're seriously devoid of space. You have... 15,000?!?! I can't even fathom of the room that takes up. So now you have to share haha!
- [MOC] Hoth Echo Base
[MOC] Vader's Personal Tie Advanced Hangar
Absolutely beautiful, fantastic work. My only criticism is that it's 2018, get rid of the Civil War caps and give the Imperials their proper hats. There's a stormtrooper approaching retirement too haha... ... But as for the built itself, utterly fantastic, incredible work!
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Got two for my son for Christmas, when they were half price in an Amazon flash sale. Also put together a massive Imperial crew to man them with (probably too many haha, but we'll see). So give me three weeks and you'll see how it looks!
Updating Your Minifigs
I've noticed Firestar still hasn't had any more stock of their custom Rebel helmets. It doesn't affect me since I already own them, but it's a shame for others. And am still hoping they may even make some more. Any news on whether they're coming back or any more designs will ever be made?
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Oh haha, very funny, I really don't appreciate your sarcastic attitude... ...I think you'll find it's A-Wings that we need more of! After all, it's only been nearly 16 years since the last TIE Bomber
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