Everything posted by Daddy_Stardust
Updating Your Minifigs
Is that what Bricklink just calls "brown" or would that be "dark brown" for the old colour? Or are both discontinued? These are just "brown".
A wing of A-Wings
Beautifully done, the blue one especially is gorgeous. Wish that had been the colour scheme of the official rebels set instead of ugly green, yellow and tan.
[MOD] Imperial Landing Craft 75221
Ok, been tinkering a bit more with finishing touches and feel it's at last "complete" (I say that now, but I'll end up like George Lucas and constantly tinkering with it I expect). Improved the colouring around the cockpit to give it a better sloping shape with the white and blocked off the gaps at the sides that could be visible through the canopy. Removed the grey components around the hatch mechanism, put landing lights underneath, made one side for shore troopers (under my son's orders!) and of course, a lovely Wicked Brick stand.
Updating Your Minifigs
Has anyone tried the new cloud car pilot helmet on the Kessel mine worker polybag figure? Not a figure I'm after, but just curious to see it because the lack of the helmet really annoys me when Lego actually have that exact helmet mould in production already. The cloud car helmet is the better colour match than the rebel version (a mix of the two would be perfect though - with white instead of green on the rebel version) and at least matches the colour scheme of the head perfectly so shouldn't look out of place at all.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Except I do have to say, I felt 75211 was a bit of a downgrade. The styling on top of the helmet was nice, but the actual facial design was back to the Rebels-era of dark bluish grey matte printing, which after the silver printing on the Striker and planet-series TIE Bomber pilots, just isn't even in the same league.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Hey back of the queue mate, I was waiting for them first haha They made action figures of Terminator 2, Aliens, Starship Troopers and Robocop, there was even Micro Machines of Aliens and Predator, I really don't think toy manufacturers care too much I dunno, maybe I was a weird child, but I never, ever, liked "childish" toys or needless diverse silliness that wasn't like the subject matter. I got into Star Wars when I was 5, it was all the rage at school having been on at Christmas 1987, then Empire debuted on British TV the following year (wow we used to wait 8 years for a TV debut eh?) and the original Ghostbusters was huge too (that library ghost gave me terrible nightmares). I used to sit around and draw the Sandcrawler; loved its big mean inverted sloped front. I never wanted toys of wimpy characters like C-3P0, or exaggerated, pygmy-styled babyish looking models; I wanted things that looked like the movies and could tell the difference readily from a very young age. That time I played with my older friend Nathan's Kenner Slave 1 when I was 5 has stuck with me forever (played my first ever video game that evening too; Spy Hunter on the Spectrum... loved driving my sports car into the back of articulated lorries!). Never had a Kenner X-Wing (probably because by 86 and 87, it was all on the way out, except in my school... had to put up with Droids toys and a lot of unsold C-3P0s and Prunefaces), but got my dad to get me an Air Raiders Hawkwind because it reminded me of one: I even recall writing in my school book that I got an "X-Wing" (at least in my mind) at the weekend and loved that ship to bits. When the Ghostbusters toys were all the rage I didn't want them in weird and wacky new made-up uniforms that they seemed to release every year, or a neon Ecto 39; I wanted them all in the basic tan-coloured uniforms like the movie and the lovely old fashioned Ecto-1. As I said, maybe I was a really unique child, but if figures came out of some kind of armed force (say, the Kenner Aliens series), I didn't want them in ridiculous varied outfits like Thundercats or Masters of the Universe, I wanted them all to look alike in realistic similar uniforms. I always loved seeing a group of different figures looking united in design. Years later, once I finally saw Aliens when I was around 13, I thought the marines in that were so awesome; each was unique yet at the same time quite similar and remembered back to those daft toys and thinking "I'd have much preferred them looking like they do in the film!" Maybe most other kids like weird variety, but I've always liked that feeling of a collective group looking unified. An armed force in uniform always felt so much more of an empowered threat; Starcom, Air Raiders and Manta Force all had that in spades and I loved it. It's why Stormtroopers always looked so awesome to me. When Mortal Kombat came out when I was 10, Scorpion and Sub Zero (and Reptile when I discovered him) totally enraptured me for that very reason. Guess it's something that's put me off the new Resistance series, even though I started watch it with my son and it was pretty fun. Actually the same goes for Rebels. I dunno, I'd rather see a group of characters in, say, Gold squadron, all just wearing the orange jumpsuit, with just extra work put into making the characters unique through their personalities than simplistically letting the clothing do the talking; "oh he's the wacky one!" 5 year old me would have said the same thing; I still remember how I hated that Admiral Screed had a unique uniform for the Droids cartoon and wasn't in a classic Imperial tunic because it just didn't feel like proper Star Wars. Think that's part of why I enjoyed Clone Wars so much; great similar uniforms, with technically the same people inside them (since they're clones), yet so much effort was made to make them different people. Same goes for the game Republic Commando. But like I said, maybe I was a weird child. But it's how I've always been. Hell when Ghost Recon Wildlands released the update when I could modify my squad and stick them all in uniform instead of their silly individual outfits, it made me feel 5 again and putting together a Stormtrooper army. Guess it's why I don't understand Lego figures like Iden Versio, Jace Malcolm and Finn without helmets, why would you want to release a figure without the coolest part that makes them part of a big aggressive-looking army? Helmets can come off for character-play, and that adds loads to the playability, whilst not having them just feels like half the experience. You can't add them to an army, either as an army member or defector, nor can you add them to the goodies because they're wearing an enemy uniform? Just seems pointless either way. I got annoyed when I read on here about the designer of the Falcon saying he deliberately didn't put a retractable landing gear on it because kids wouldn't find moving 4 legs individually fun. Well I put 4 individual retractable landing gears on new Imperial Landing Craft (along with a ton of other changes because it looked like crap haha, but I digress) and it's one of my 8 year old's favourite features, he makes hydraulic sounds as he retracts them and loves that feeling of "transforming" it to landing mode. Maybe it's just a case of like-father-like-son, but I like to think, maybe, just maybe, toy manufactures over estimate the appeal of wacky toys, that perhaps they do actually like unified designs like Stormtroopers and Mandalorians and that functional mechanical features are actually part of the fun of it instead of endless oversized missiles and non-movie features. As a kid I liked figures of the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles when they were all simple and all alike, before they released them as samurais and farmers and bin-men and whatever else. And there was a snapping turtle bad guy version of them to fight, I loved that unified styling. And I loved WWF figures of Demolition with their hockey masks, fighting Legion of Doom in their spiked shoulder pads. Sorry if I went off on a tangent there. Just not sure if I was a weird child or if maybe, perhaps, others have a similar experience in their childhoods; in that the point I was trying to make is that possibly toy manufactures don't give kids enough mature credit for what they actually might think is cool. For me, realism, uniforms and helmets were WAY cooler than crazy costumes and novelty features. I wanted to re-live the movies, not have a condescending "child" version of things. Sorry Dvogon, hope that didn't come across in any way like I was criticising you or your comments, this is solely about toy design and the manufacturers' way of thinking. And maybe I'm just talking crap with a weird childhood haha
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Looks like the TIE Striker helmet to me I’m afraid.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Now that all the proper pictures are out, yup the only one I'll be picking up is Inferno Squad... and sadly Bricklinking a fourth helmet, sigh. Will also just Bricklink the new Rebel trooper too (printed trousers are all ready waiting for him) and his printed Death Star schematics. Other than that, no interest in any of it. But that's great... saves me money. And space. So I'll just go back to waiting longer and longer for new a TIE Bomber and Interceptor.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Any plans to modify it at all? After having spent so long stripping mine out and replacing the whole cockpit, landing gears, rear wing joints and interior, I'm really curious to see what others have done or would do it to.
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I was... and still am (but not as much)... looking forward to the Battlefront set, but why on earth doesn't Iden have a helmet? I literally don't understand the logic at all. Seems utterly ridiculous to only have 3 helmets with it, we're all going to be Bricklinking these damn helmets to make the set actually complete.
Updating Your Minifigs
Very nicely done, thank you so much!
Updating Your Minifigs
My phone is forcing me to use the Flickr app and not sure how to get it to give me the resizeable image links, so hope this isn’t unfathomably huge. I know I could easily jump the gun and get the Biggs head prior to opening the x-wing next month, but since I’m in no hurry for Anchorhead Biggs to be completed (will just stick him in the Falcon or something), I’m happy to wait. Hope this gives you a good enough indicator!
Updating Your Minifigs
Yes... and no... but mostly yes haha. Got the torso, the hair, the cape... but haven't got the face yet... even though we do own the face. Confused? Well I bought all the body parts in preparation and my boy's getting the new X Wing for Christmas, which has been hidden away until then. I've got no plans to use the huge new helmets, so their heads will be replaced with classic helmets and two of the new 4+ double sided Luke head when that's released. Once opened, Biggs' non-visor face will be put onto the mannequin-esque 99% complete figure I have so far (it has a plain white head until Christmas day). But even without Biggs' head on it, it does look *perfect* as Biggs.
LEGO Star Wars 2018 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!
I clicked into this thread by accident instead of the 2019 one yet after seeing your message I'm so glad I did. Thank you so much for the heads-up, went out and bought four of the Scarif troops and one of the droid. Already had R3, who lives in the rebel base with a centre leg installed, so this one can actually enjoy life on his little display stand, whilst the troops can fill up the two Conveyexes (scored them half price on Amazon in a flash sale - half the price, double the length) that my son's getting for Christmas... and of course, one of them can enjoy being on his stand next to R3. Shame that aside from maybe muddy Han, none of the others they've released since even remotely appeal to me. Even then, I'd only bother with Han in a £2.00 bin sale like this. But to have the shore trooper we didn't have (and 4, just for fun) along with one of the most beautifully designed astromech figures (just love the colour scheme on him) at such a cheap price, it was an absolute delight!
Updating Your Minifigs
I could be wrong but I think the only option is these and you'll have to erase the print yourself:,%20Knee%20Pads%20and%20Black%20Boots%20with%20Dark%20Bluish%20Gray%20Tips%20Pattern&category=%5BMinifig,%20Legs%20Assembly%5D#T=C&C=86
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
That’s utterly fantastic, will get two copies of that head and now will have two more rebel pilot heads to supplement all our others (got all the previous ones - two of every double sided one - and all the Firestar ones)... but still running on a few repeats at the moment!
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Just to go back to the godawful new stormtrooper helmets, I do have to say I find it utterly baffling that they've changed the classic stormie yet again, this time for the worse after finally get it right in the last couple of years (though perhaps maybe they're only for the 4+ range? Like the Rebels ones were exclusive to that range?)... and yet we STILL don't have a new scout trooper helmet!? That's where those resources should have gone regardless!
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The Inferno Squad pack is the one I'm most eager to get at the moment and am really glad there's not a bulbous new helmet mould for them! Damn that's good... just ordering mine now! That campaign is so tragically short that if you start right now you could be done by 7
Updating Your Minifigs
Very nicely done, but I wonder, wouldn't Rio Durant's double-arm pieces have been even better for this guy, especially as they're in the exact colour of the torso you're using?
[MOD] 9495 Y-Wing
I have no idea why I've never posted this up, but I did this a couple of years ago and I know it's been in the background of a few updated minifigure photos but thought it finally needs to be shared with the world. Never bothered buying the Rogue One Y-Wing that was released a few months after I completed this simply for the fact that I couldn't be bothered going through all this again haha. My main area of contention was the cockpit. I've never understood why Lego have never made it look like the original UCS one (which was accomplished with stickers). The Y-Wing cockpit is all about a huge roof and small windows, so I found replica stickers for the UCS Y-wing courtesy of Ebay and applied them to this one. With a lengthening of the rear of the cockpit and having the windows all at the same height as the cockpit section I think it's a massive improvement. If Lego were producing this sticker set for the UCS version, why couldn't they have supplied it with the System-scale version? It works perfectly for it, it looks so much sleeker and less bulbous. I don't feel the Rogue One cockpit is much better than 9495's original and was shocked to see that the new UCS Y-Wing is actually less accurate the original UCS stickers in having lost the first window pane on each side which for me really makes the cockpit. The interior got a few small cosmetic updates too. Then I got to work on the greebling. Lots and lots of greebling. Obviously at this scale, there's only so much you can squeeze on, and I used plenty of artistic licence but wanted it to look as rough and ready as the "real" thing. Lots of old printed pieces in use between the piping. The bomb-bay is still there, but now has a trap door at the top to cover it, though I removed the original missiles to replace them with piping and provide space for the landing gear. As you can see, full retractable landing gear which is both very solid and really close to being movie-accurate. And infinitely better than it landing on inverted sloped bricks. Finally, we have the nacelles, which feature both the original stickers and the Rogue One Y-Wing's just to give it variety and cover them completely. I took influence from the Rogue One Y-Wing for the end of the engines, but added criss-crossed steering plates within them. I concede that they had to be X shaped instead of + shaped, but you know, there's limitations. Now I do admit, I did cheat a tiny bit. The steering plates are comprised of a LBG lightsaber bar connected to a mechanical claw clip bar which gives you a T shape, however the for the remain length, which needs to be a 1L bar, which Lego don't make... I filed down a lightsaber bar. Is absolutely perfect... just sadly a part that doesn't exist. However it's so close to existing (Lego simply need to shorten a piece that currently exists), I don't feel too guilty. "There she is, my pride and joy... the Millen... er... the 9495 Y-Wing"
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Haha you'd hate how we have it. If it looks like a Stormtrooper... it's a stormtrooper... even if they're "good" stormtroopers like Old Republic troopers and Clone troopers. Sorry guys, irrespective of thousands of years difference in time frame, I'm afraid white armour and gurning grilles means you're now part of our Imperial garrison We have it as one mixed time-frame of Sith, Sith troopers, Old Republic troopers, clones, Imperials and First Order vs Jedi, rebels and resistance. Qi'ra lives on the Falcon alongside Ezra Bridger, Rey, Finn, BB-8 and ROTJ-era Lando
[MOD] Imperial Landing Craft 75221
Yes, got those for the sandtroopers so they can have proper seats and keep their custom Clone Army Customs packs on, and used white space seats to hold the front plates on the side of the cockpit to block up most of those gaps. Solid as a rock! And sussed the interior seating issue now, used 1x2 jumper plates with single centre studs, I was able to move the front trooper half a stud forward so he's not longer in physical contact with the sand trooper behind him and can now even use a seat piece... only problem is, I've only got 1 seat left and need 2 haha. Plus I needed more troopers anyway, so watch this space for it to contain 8 troopers and 2 commanders. Here's a closer look at the seating, elevated the rear ones to give it some dynamic feel: The original interior still utterly baffles me, talk about wasted space eh?
[MOD] Imperial Landing Craft 75221
I’ll have a further tinker tonight, see what I can do. But as I said, it’s not the type-of-trooper affecting anything at all, it’s headspace due to a technic T-shaped bracket in the seating area closest to the cockpit. Wouldn’t matter if it was a stormtrooper or even a basic bald mini figure, they sadly can’t sit far enough back because of that bracket. But I might be able to generate a tiny bit more space with a pair of centre studded 1x2 plates... As for the price, was just a one day flash sale on Amazon, dropped to around £50 and because I’m not on the mainland, VAT was deducted too. I don’t ever get to enjoy cheap or next day shipping from anywhere, or good local shops, but do enjoy the VAT coming off
[MOD] Imperial Landing Craft 75221
The sandtrooper backpacks aren't an issue, that's why they're on the old 80s space seats, it has room for them (well I'm using custom Clone Army Customs packs on them anyway) not the smooth standard chair piece like the other troops and commanders. The issue is the technic piece that holds the fuselage together behind the head of each of the front sandtroopers; they literally can't sit any further back in the container because their head hits the wall (which isn't an issue where the regular troopers are sat). Like I said, I can technically fit two more troopers in, but the backs of their heads hit the chins of the sandtroopers, so when opening a container I'm not a huge fan of it looking cramped on one side and spacious on the other. I prefer a one stud gap between the troops and them being able to sit on actual chairs - but that's just my personal preference. Here it is so you can see how it looks with 8 troops onboard. But still, it does annoy me to no end that a "troop transport" can only hold a measly 4 figures by default from the retail set, whereas it can comfortably hold 8 in my configuration and even extended to 10 if you don't mind getting really cozy. That gangplank is such a ridiculous waste of space and such a pointless play feature that I'm left all the more convinced that this set was just an absolute shameless display of laziness on TLG's part. How it retails for £80 I have no idea. I bought it for £40 and has taken at least another £20 in parts, crew etc. to bring it up to a standard I'm proud of (and even then, I'm just winging it, I'm sure someone else with more talent and engineering skills could make it look a hundred times better). However even before all my own changes, it's so dwarfed by the utterly beautiful Shuttle Tyderium that had 300 more pieces but the same price tag that I struggle to comprehend how they can justify this in the slightest. Even more insultingly, it standardly holds less troops, has less play features, has a worse interior and a far worse fuselage design than the 2007 model that retailed for nearly half its price. Haha, sorry rant over!
LEGO Star Wars 2019 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Liking the new rebel trooper, any idea what set he's from? Absolutely HATE the new Stormtrooper though. He looks ridiculous. It took them 13 years for them to finally look like real stormtroopers facially yet only had them available with two massive expensive sets, then they flooded the market with the exaggerated Rebels ones (I didn't mind them, just silly having two types out at the same time that were painted on the exact same helmet mould), then the 2014 movie-style stormie was *nearly* available properly in the Battlefront battle pack but those guys were all covered in battle damage so it wasn't until 2017 in the imperial battle pack that we finally were able to get them affordably more than one at a time... and now that's discontinued too. It still feels like a novelty that decent stormtroopers are finally available in a number of sets. So after all these years it took them to get the stormtrooper right, they've gone and messed it up again. I even prefer the Rebels version to this. It sort of reminds me of the awful home-made helmets that spoil the look of this fan film:
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