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Pierre Augustin

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Of all the Mandators I have seen so far, probably the best version. Fair, elegant and "economical".
  2. Hello ! Lovely and cute. And it respect the real scale and angles. Thanks for that.
  3. Hello, if you want the real dimensions of the Executor, they exist... 282x92x33 (in cm but proportions are same) for the real model... In french here : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executor
  4. Hello everyone. Although my Executor is still not completed, I have advanced considerably on the beast ... I recently slightly shortened the tail, for example. Indeed, I found that many MOCs had the "default" of a tail too short, probably because of the lack of initial documentation and the many misleading screenshots from the film, and an effect of perspective poorly controlled. On the other hand, I had lengthened that of my Executor a bit too much (a few centimeters). It is therefore not 1.85m but 1.78m ... but it is much more accurate. But the main work done was obviously on the engines, the ventral hull and the rear which have advanced considerably. It is a long work since, I remind, I work without plan and empirically (even if I have a considerable documentation) because I do it really to have fun. I still have to thank Skayen without whom the model with 2x4 corner plates, the closest to the actual model, would not have come into existence. I must also thank Onecase Bricks and his splendid model ... his work on the back of the Executor will have helped me a lot to complete mine. I think I should finish my beast by the end of the summer.
  5. (Hello, i'm sorry for the french... I translated everything into English but I don't know why it was published in French.)
  6. This executor is really beautiful. I find it quite close to Skayen's design ... which is, to my taste, the "first" to have understood that the 2x4, 41769/70 parts were ideal for the actual angle of the bow of the ship. .. at least, closer to the true angle and not 3x12, 47397/98, which remain a good approximation for "small" models but less accurate for larger ... I remain convinced that this initial choice comes from the lack of sources at the beginning of the first MOC on the Executor and from a biased perception of the "perspective" of cinema images. Finding the true dimensions of the executor is still a problem today (many false sources - I took a long time to recover them and had to correct more than once). The difficulties mainly concern the dimensions of the tail, often too short in many models ... but probably, again, because of the initial difficulties to recover real information on the beast. :) It is on this model (that of Skayen) that RovernRob and I designed ours (for me for sure). The finishes of the city and the back castle are remarkable. And, just back from things, in the multiple sources and inspirations that have served me, I look carefully at how you did to complete mine (still in progress). What is admirable here is your sense of a certain minimalism and a great economy of means to find the part (or the principle) which allows to complete the design ... what I thought to observe also in your other constructions (Personally, I am a pure danderante and do it for my solitary pleasure, without any plan ... so I retouch a lot because it amuses me - but, suddenly, I am obviously less "economic"). So, that your model is of medium size makes it even more attractive and admirable. I am very grateful for the small texture details of the hull. I admit that he convinced me to add to my own model ... Initially, I thought that these details were too insignificant on the original ship to clutter the models between the meter and the two meters. .. So, I chose a shell completely smooth, to contrast with the city. But, after the weather and looking at yours, it became clear that we had to give a little more treats to this hull. Thank you for that too. I am still in trouble on the back castle and the details around the engines (and I do it outside my working time which takes up a lot of space) ... It's my limit, that of doing it for the pure game , without any plan ... It is obvious that the engines are a thing to manage at the beginning of the construction ... You are much more professional on the subject and it is also on this kind of details that one sees the success of an OMC. The ventral bunker is quite complex to manage as well. As he is far in front of the boat, it is not easy to "dig" him enough to keep him very thin. In addition to being able to make a blade so thin that stays straight, without the extra unsightly crutches below, it's not easy either. Certainly, your model being of reasonable dimensions, you may not have had this difficulty. But I am convinced that you had to ask yourself the question and the management of your supports is very elegant. Let's not talk about the puzzle of fixing the back shell to the structure! Since you have also chosen to put the plates parallel to the central axis (and not on the sides), I guess you know what I'm talking about ... hahaha. Right now, and after watching tons and tons of Executor MOC, I think it's not a mistake to say it's one of the most beautiful. It may be the best. Bravo. (sorry for my poor English ...) Les
  7. "The top hulls fit very simply, it's just two technic axles each side that slot into holders connected to the outer frame. They are the only connections holding the top hulls." Yes ! We adopted the same solution... It's very pratical (transport, evolution...)... "he tail angle on mine is too steep and yours is certainly the more accurate, but I've kept with the clean, tidy look as Skayen did by using the 12x3 wedge plates. I like your very clever solution of the 12x7 wedges underneath, then stepping in the 12x3 wedges to straight up that tail angle, but I didn't really like to use it for two reasons - 1) It takes away from the clean look a little when up close, and 2) It's your design, very unique and I didn't want to use it really." Yes, i understand. It's what i wrote before... it's a choice to do, difficult. The design or the the clean aspect... it's a difficult choice. I undestand. Me to i doubted a lot before the choice... "It's actually going to London this weekend for a 6 week display at the Saatchi Gallery, which I'm really looking forward to." Oh, great. Me it's impossible to expose mine... for two reasons, or three... 1) it's not finished always (that is a good reason, lol), 2) i don't have vehicle, 3) i'm not in the "lego-sphere" and i didn't know anyone in those kind of exhibition... But i think it will go to The Utopiales à Nantes (France)... but in... two years ! Good luck.
  8. Hello, very good job. I am definitely convinced (I had been for a long time) that parts 41769/70 are the solution to build the hull. For this, it really thanks Skayen and his model, hoping that the he would decide to move to the construction after we have just opened the way. ;) You and I (like Skayen) have agreed to design the upper shell with the parts parallel to the central axis and not the hypotenuse (the sides). This complicates fixation. For my part, I chose to "pose" it with a simple system of small rods, at the front and everything at the back, which fit into cavities furnished with bricks in the heart of the structure . I understand that Skayen is keen to find an ideal fastening system. He is purer than me. ;) There is a way of designing the hull parallel to the hypotenuse, therefore being able to realize the fastenings on the sides in a traditional way. So with parts 41769/70 along the central axis then the tail can be made with parts 54384/85 (and all those with the same angle) ... but then the hole of the "city" is doomed to be itself parallel to the sides, and not with this slight, sharper angle, which makes it the correctness of drawing (there is a solution but too complicated to write, it would be necessary that I can post drawings but I do not have software to do it). I see that you have opted for the 47397/98 tail parts, following the Skayen model. This is the wisest solution, indeed, that doesn't complicate the design of the tail. I also opted at the beginning for this logical solution. However, I ended up specifying his drawing with parts 3584/85, which are closer to the original drawing of the SSD. But we must admit that it makes fixing more complex because we can't fix plates underneath that spill beyond the edges! I had to cheat inelegantly under ... hoping that the finition of the tail with the engines/reactors will hide a little the result. These are respectable choices from all sides and difficult to make: accuracy of the drawing but risk of some details not very pruning or elegance of the finish and drawing a little more approximate. One thing is certain: for me, it is difficult to design the Executor's overall look with anything other than 41769/70, now ... especially on large formats like ours (and beyond). On smaller formats, it seems obvious to me trat alternative and more approximate solutions are quite acceptables, the goal being to be more "symbolic" than "realistic" ... This choice of 2x4 parts (41769/70, even become my avatar: D ) allows above all to be more fair on the drawing of the tail. There is a frequent approximation to the tail size of the Executor, which is often too short when it is quite thin and long. The choice of Skayen was therefore very judicious. And I know that he himself has long questioned, several times, this drawing of tail. You have chosen to be "thick" on the thickness of the slice ... I totally understand ... I admit that I broke my head for several months before finding the integrated solutions to the structure ... In my own thread, I explained how I proceeded: successions of beams putting "tension" inside the technical bricks 3703 ... which is very, very, very complicated ... The general angle is so acute, almost flat, that at the level of the beak, to get my result, I missed several times a "stroke" and nervous attacks ... especially that I didn't want to put pedestals under the beak (bow) and under the tail ... which always give the impression that the MOC is a victim of the road with crutches (lol). I think I made it with a slice that is only a high tenon ... but I understand that we can't have the time, the energy and the patience to have fun at this kind of operations which, in addition, is not at all achievable with software. For my part, I admit that I had a lot of time before me and even a little money at that time to give me this gift ... this, incidentally, answers, indirectly, a question asked by MrMap: for my part, my ship is not very economical and I think that alone, it will have cost me between 1500 and 2000 euros. I was able to do it at one point in my life. That's why it's unfinished today (not yet the engines) because I don't have time to finish it. I know I will be able to finish it but it's not like during this summer 2016 when I was able to spend almost four months non-stop on it, to ask questions, to question, to rebuild ... We all have a life and work and it is normal that we can't all afford this "luxury". I think I was lucky. ;) You were absolutely right to start thinking about engines, by the way. My bad. Apart from the time I miss, I got a little complicated today because I have to always partially dismantle the tail structure to integrate the engines. Well, I think I found the solution but, again, I was not very economical on my time. That said, it's a real pleasure to "play" with my Lego as before. At least you'll finish yours after mine! And he is very beautiful. Thanks and may the Force be with you. :D (for those who do not know him and will be interested, he is here, with a start of small imperial armada and more.) https://www.flickr.com/photos/150006559@N02/albums/72157681305079932 https://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?/forums/topic/146361-moc-super-star-destroyer-executor-185-m-73-inches-61-feet/&tab=comments#comment-2734537
  9. Waouh! J'espère qu'on pourra voir d'autres photos! Je pense que tu étais plus rationnel que moi en commençant par le "dessous" (la coquille ventrale). The design of this part is really beautiful... mine will be more "chaotic" but i'm trying to correct that. We have to thank Skayen, yes. ;)
  10. Bonjour à tous. Je poste ici quelques photos de l'évolution de mon Executor. J'ai peu de temps pour moi donc je bouge lentement. Mis à part les longues vacances qui m'ont permis de construire l'Executor comme vous le voyez dans l'état et en dehors de quelques modifications (y compris la queue, qui a apporté un gain non négligeable au début de cette année), j'ai peu de temps pour moi aujourd'hui . Le gros travail restant est l'ajout de réacteurs. Je savais que ce ne serait pas facile et je pensais que ce serait juste amusant mais c'est évidemment plus complexe que je ne le pensais ... Je devais enlever le fond de la structure et une partie de la ville ... tant de choses qu'on ne voit pas trop dans les photos prises mais je m'assure que c'était un gros boulot, invisible. :)))) Mais j'ai commencé à structurer la base de la queue, tout le long du dos, une bonne partie de la poupe. Notamment en inversant un grand nombre de 3703 poutres techniques afin de fixer les plaques de tête et ainsi pouvoir fixer toutes les petites pièces de «décoration». Mais, surtout, nous avons dû commencer à structurer le dessous de la queue pour mettre les réacteurs aux bons endroits. L'un des principaux défis est la première rangée de réacteurs (les 2 x 3) ... qui sont en fait très légèrement inclinés et parallèles au plan de la coque ventrale. Je n'ai pas pensé à obtenir l'inclinaison et en fait ainsi. Et il s'adapte bien à la structure (dernière image, entourée de violet). La 2ème rangée de réacteurs sera fixée sur la partie entourée de jaune. L'important est de pouvoir solidement fixer les réacteurs, sans que ceux-ci "se courbent" ou "vacillent" ... ce qui n'est pas évident car ce sont deux cylindres imbriqués et fixés par un axe très long mais qui se tiendra à son fin. Les photos que je montre ne montrent pas grand chose, je le sais, mais le peu qui est visible est le résultat de plusieurs jours et nuits de travail. Merci à tous. La structure globale devant mon canapé ... :)))) et le chaos! La structure inclinée pour les premiers réacteurs 2x3 ... (toujours coque ventrale)
  11. Hello everybody, i think i've achieved my Impellor, now; at scale at my Executor...
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