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  1. The person who set the price for the 42070 probably thought that all this is actually included.
  2. I think there are Technic models which don't need to have full RC. A tow truck would be one example because the hook attaching thing is always manual work. On the other hand a 8043 like solution would also have worked: driving, steering and outriggers change to 3 functions of the crane. Of course you need way too much PF for this.
  3. I always wondered why LEGO hasn't used the implemented motor(s) for the working functions to also make the models drive. But with the crawler crane and the bucket-wheel excavator this mindset changed. And 42070 is the logical next step.
  4. Yes, this driving ring extension thing is a clever way to avoid collision between the 2 motors. Has this technique been used in an official set until now?
  5. For this parts count and compilation of PF (4958 had the same with 800 parts for 90€) 250€ seems way to high. There has to be some unknown secret or incorrect information regarding this set.
  6. Sorry to say this as my first post, but I'm a little bit puzzled about the amount of negativity towards the 42070. Am I the only person who is interested in how the >7 functions of the 42070 will be motorized with only two levers and 2 motors? If there is a driving and a working mode all outriggers have to be operated at the same time because the remaining 3 move the crane. Or each motor will have 4 functions so there is plenty of room to operate the outriggers individually. But no matter how they solve this problem I expect the most complex gearshift system after 8043. That's why I'm really excited to see how this will work out in the end.
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