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Eurobricks Ladies
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About Legochaek

  • Birthday June 1

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    Wizarding World
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    Lego Ideas Flintstones

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  • Interests
    Lego... well, duh. Buffy, Harry Potter, Disney, Simpsons and Futurama, drawing, science, gaming yay


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  1. Ooo squeaky voiced teen would be awesome. Maybe Wiggum (with Lou and Eddie if we’re lucky) he’s there a lot. Plus Sideshow Bob, Krusty and the Simpsons
  2. Gosh I would love Simpsons AHHH I had the whole line. Clown does seem most likely to be Krusty Burger though I guess could be Krustyland or Krustylu studios or Itchy and Scratchy diorama. CMFs would be so so so great, could have Skinner, Lenny, Carl, Quimby, Moe, Poochie, Fat Tony, Rabbi Krustofsky, Squeaky Voiced Teen, Kang, Kodos, Reverend Lovejoy, Sideshow Bob. And then you’d have to have the family so new outfits: King Size Homer, Space Homer, Stonecutter Homer, Kamp Krusty Bart, Cool Lisa, Lumberjill Marge with Maggie. That’s 19 though haha so probably much less than that.
  3. This and all the Christmas stuff is starting to make their no-religion policy ‘no religion apart from Christianity’
  4. I’m excited to buy this twilight set my jaw dropped when I saw it
  5. Wasn’t expecting that today! I love train kid, triceratops, noir dude
  6. I do like it. The green is so ugly though (mucus colour, anyone?) : I wonder how much it would be to replace with pale blue or something nicer
  7. Does 1 make a pattern? why are some underlined?
  8. Can anyone see which shop is next to Gringotts?
  9. I love WWW, looks amazing, so happy Quidditch Trunk is alright, was kinda hoping for a big brick built bludger and snitch
  10. Are these august or June first in U.K.
  11. It’s strange it says ‘various’ brickheadz on the Star Wars.com article. I wonder if there’s more?
  12. Any leaks on star wars celebration possible exclusive?
  13. This is my Swedish Chef cozy corner! It contains a tart couch, references to different Swedish Chef skits on the wall, a baguette coffee table and a biscuit border, plus a carrot floor! Bork.
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