by john lamarck, sur Flickr
by john lamarck, sur Flickr
by john lamarck, sur Flickr
by john lamarck, sur Flickr
by john lamarck, sur Flickr
It was a milestone for Lockheed when P-38J‑20, serial # 44‑23296, was rolled out of the factory in May 1944. This Lightning was the 5,000th example produced.
The latest P‑38 was painted a vermillion red, and the sobriquet YIPPEE was applied under the wings and along the nose.
Few people realize that after publicity photos were taken the precious fighter was stripped of its manufacturer markings, and sent out to the Pacific where it was desperately needed.
At this point in the war, the P‑38 was still in high demand by USAAF commanders around the world (except the 8th Fighter Command, which was on the verge of converting to the P‑51
as its fighter of choice) so there was no room for a permanent mascot decorating the skies over Burbank.
Appropriately, YIPPEE was re-adorned in military markings and sent out to the only all‑P‑38 group operating at the time in the Southwest Pacific. The 475th Fighter Group acquired
44‑23296 probably sometime in June or July 1944, and assigned it to the 431st Fighter Squadron.