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Everything posted by msk6003

  1. TLG use 3L pin with stop bush for propeller spining. And this means those DBG dish part is rotating with propeller also.
  2. Finished but not posted yet. I will post it after take video.
  3. Yes. I seen his version. If someone don't like my chassis modification, he can made only crane and put that on M-longer's chassis. Of course I built model with actual brick already. In fact, it finished some months ago but I finished 3D model and instruction yesterday. I will take video as soon as possible and will upload here maybe.
  4. I don't like ratchet system in 42108 mobile crean. Changed thing Chassis Add V6 engine connected to third wheel with differential HOG steering moved to back of chassis Original HOG changed to lowering front outrigger Crane Remove all ratchet and change to worm gear Add distribution transmission Put transmission system is hard because crean is to tight.
  5. Lime wheel is came already with 42047 police intercepter in 2016. But still rare because include only 2 set(with this set)
  7. I think mechanically is most important in technic serise. Thats why I don't like 42096 porsche and new ferrari. Both model don't have any mechanical function except suspension and engine driving. And you can find those 2 function in much smaller and cheaper model. I don't think 42067 is that bad. I don't have it but want it and like. Because that type of vehicle is rare in technic line. And same reason, I like 42064 in model, but also don't like in mechincial.
  8. I suprised when I saw this in facebook. And this model still make suprise me! I want see instruction soon.
  9. Technic never made virtual pivot steering but 76139 batmobile in superheros is first lego set which use virtual pivot steering.
  10. That part use for locking box. If TLG use 2L axle + (++) + bush combination, It will disassemble while someone try to open box. new part didn't.
  11. Quad bike ,tracked bike, or trike is allowed?
  12. I want Technic railroad equipment which can fit lego rail. Roadroller (RC or manual) A model road grader C+ expension set like 8293 PF set. Extreme firefighting vehicle Controllable 5~6 axis robot arm with C+ system
  13. In my oppinon only bad thing is less function. I think remove rear suspension and put differential and simple engine is more good than now.
  14. TLG need keep C+/powered up because chinise sh*t copycat can't (or didn't?) copy any C+ MOC yet.
  15. I'm not picture taker but I think taker didn't capture instruction. Build technic offical model without instruction is true pain and online instruction for polybag feel useless.
  16. But touch control is suck.... only 51515 app support "offical" gamepad control.
  17. FIRST TECHNIC POLYBAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like include 3 12t double bevel and 1 12t single bevel. And those 42003 connector in lime is include in only 3 set but one of set is FLL set so it is rare now.
  18. https://bricksafe.com/pages/msk6003/ I upload my reverse engineering file here. sorry for late upload. I cut 11x15 frame and use it here. it's perfactly fit. .io file is uploaded with this version.
  19. Why this set dont have any gear-ed function? steering looks like use some link combination and 16t in winch looks like only for knob for winch. other than that looks good.
  20. Maybe some kind of jump slope is include? But made pure plastic. not paper like stunt pullback serise.
  21. On right top in box of max-d this set has B model. But what?
  22. Wow. C+ anguler looks has same internal. where are you find part number on wire clip?
  23. But in my reverse enginnering it is 15L. not 7L.
  24. Looks not so bad but need more wide tire and more purple in gravedigger. those tire looks to thin. Actually, Lego's offroad tire is to thin for monster truck and onroad tire is to thick for normal car.
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