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Everything posted by msk6003

  1. Hi! Another C model of BWE. This time, I use banana gear for real gear.(C of harftrack don't use that, D of supercar use only mudgard.) I don't have design sense, so use bucket for horse(or something vehicle)in carousel. Like I did in C and D, instruction will soon.
  2. Plan of another 42055 E model. I need to think how to connect that banana in 1 stud. What is that? Secret. And maybe that model's instruction making is pain.
  3. In korea lego site review(because I am korean lol) I write about that. I tried writing that here, but my bad english..... If you want more picture, go here.
  4. Hello! msk here. This model is my second 42055 C model so I named D model. First here. Harftrack vehicle with rubber band gun. I can't write long so let's start. Conneced car with stand. Don't have any physical connection so can disconnect easly. Just lifting car using hand. Car function 1. 6 speed gearbox 2. custom-made differencial gear 3. openable trunk 4. working inline-4-engine 5. openable bonet and working cooling fan 6. working steering wheel Stand function 1. 2-speed motorise wheel roller 2. HOG steering tester Now what? INSTRUCTION! * My all instruction is LDD-photo sequence. What is this? Watch my instruction. Sorry. Example here. Engine cam part.
  5. Only 4 of red #3 connector. And I was impressed this set aslo contain 6 of red i brick. Red 4L diff pin hole is same with old 4L DBG diff? Or same with new red 16t clutch gear?
  6. New insturction background color????
  7. Hum... dark azure color is not tomuch dark than I think. 41999 azure conformed.
  8. In my opinion, rally car is pullback model. I want know what is combine model in 2018. This year's 6 wheel race truck is bad. AND THIS YEAR'S PULLBACK MOTOR IS BAD. I ANGRY ABOUT THAT.
  9. Part no 56902/13971 wheel 18x8 don't appir in black yet. In your picture, least 2 of black wheel 18x8 include. And also black wedge belt wheel. I think 42069 is real flagship in this year.
  10. I allmost finish under structure(only need some chain) and this type moc is most complex gearbox I'v ever made.
  11. Aggree. But it work by only 2 M. V2 maybe 2 L.
  12. This is one of my old MOC(least 1 year ago). A 2 motor wheel excavator. All 6 funation is work by ONLY 2 M MOTOR. 1. Drive forward/backward when arm point forward, drive forward, point back, drive backward. 2. Steering when arm point left, steering working. Moving by crank mechanisem so steering is repeating left->right->left.... 3. Dozer blade up/down when arm point right, dozer blade start working. This is also moveing by crank like steering so repeating up->down->up... 4. Upper structure rotation this function is linked with main boom up/down. 5. Main boom up/down crank(skip) 6. Second boom/bucket this function is linked with down structure working function. crank(skip also) No photo because that is so old moc. And I will make v2 of that.
  13. Hum... 42067 is dead? Don't have any information?
  14. @Saberwing40k here. 42069 is 199,900(175.88$) 42068 is 129,900(114.31$). And some question. I can't find 42070's part count. How much part include in 42070?
  15. 42070... No medium azrure, only have 1 XL and 1 M, maybe not V2 receiver, most important thing, in korea, price is 352.49$.(399,900 kor won) SO FRICKEN EXPENSIVE IN KOREA
  16. Interesting. I super like mini size rc car. Is micro motor allow?
  17. Can't connect end-to-end like 2L worm gear. Little gap have.
  18. According to rebrickable part list, that type 2L worm gear is also include in 42064, 42066, 75159. But I have 42064 and 66 can't find that type. I have only older 2L worm gear.
  19. https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-8131/msk6003/42055-c-model-harftrack-vehicle-with-rubber-band-gun/#comments This. Harftrack vehicle with rubber band gun.
  20. There can be only one contest idea Any size, any type model. BUT Must use one of all PF motor(M,L,XL,Servo) and receiver, light, switch. Receiver and switch can use unlimited but other motor or batterybox can use only one of each. 9V(RC motor or etc) line or mindstorm line motor/batterybox can't use and pneumatic can use.
  21. My second 42055 C model. Supercar with test stand. Car function- 6 speed gearbox, RWD, openable trunk, inline-4 engine, working steering wheel, custom made differencial gear, working cooling fan in hood(?) Stand function-2 speed gearbox, HOG steering insturction and review will coming
  22. This is my own design gbc. concept is fixed crank. V1 version Have only 1 plane. So slow. And V2 This is not finish yet. Need make ball suply mechanisem. But, this version have 2 plane so 2x speed than v1. Anyone have tip for ball suply mechanisem?
  23. Is anyone know this? This years is 40th of technic BUT also 10th of PowerFunctions. First powrtfunction sets relise 2007.(8275, 4958, i forget another one. maybe 4957.)
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