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Everything posted by msk6003

  1. Using RC motor with lego wheel and gear-Yes Using RC chasses with lego body-No 3 stud pin disabled LOL. So challenging build contest.
  2. TC12 suggestion. Contest name : The power of third party Basic rule : all model must use at the least 3 or 5 of third party or self made/modifited parts.(buwizz, efferman's, or something else...) * Don't have limit of size or motor, pneumatic, LED, or something etc. * Sbrick and non-lego string, rubber band, pneumatic horse is NOT counted 'third party part' Appraisal : Model design, unable to replace with existing parts, where to use third party parts
  3. Yes but Sbrick is used so much even more than lego IR. So it isn't more thirdparty.
  4. Third party contest. Model must using over 3 of third party (buwizz, efferman, or etc...)or self made/modifited parts. *Sbrick is NOT third party
  5. Try fint 'Bison'. It control it's weapon by drive motor. So it's allowed.
  6. Servo motor can rotate only 180 digree. Can use unlimeted!
  7. https://www.google.co.kr/search?q=shut+up+and+take+my+money&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi6_JjD1JTTAhVIv5QKHWyhDsEQ_AUICCgB&biw=1280&bih=907#spf=1 GREAT!
  8. Ok I will add 4~8 of 3 stud pin under blade. Thank for advice.
  9. 9.5 stud. Can't more lowing because RC motor's height
  10. Can have soluction if I using aluminum foil but that is hard. And empty battery box? Well, another size problam.
  11. First Video is here! In korea 1:15 am so can't test power of blade because of noise pollution. Also can't drive well because I doing both filiming and controlling.
  12. Sorry for many request. Can't more ticker?
  13. Looks great but I want same design with original 6 wheel. thank.
  14. Yes that. great design but I want larger version.
  15. My want? Hum.... 1. 3x3x3 size S motor. Fast or slow is not important probram. 2. M motor size Servo motor. Don't need back output. 3. PF batterybox which using 9V battery. For more smaller size.
  16. I think yellow stripe is batter than black. Anyway, great design!
  17. I like Your 6-spook wheel design. Allready order 4 of that and great use with tamiya rally block tire. But, only one probram. Why only have small wheel? I want large(8110,9398,42030, etc...) wheel same 6-spook design.
  18. MORE PAIN. Reduce size with Wrath. Perfectly fit 45. ah? Add some spike pin in end of blade and change shape like little hammer. And result. Little hard leaflet paper. Folded litle and make hole.
  19. Bot name is changed. BrickWave -> Wave of Wrath Why? I will uplode upgraded blade hear soon. MORE PAIN.
  20. Frash idea in lego battlebots! How many strong that ram?
  21. I aggree to other's. In original battlebots, robots allowed diagonal blade. Like icewave. (In yellow square you can see 'blade cature')
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