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Everything posted by jifel

  1. jifel replied to -JD-'s post in a topic in LEGO Mafia and Role-Play Games
    The helicopter was idling while Bob was inside the bunker. John kept a close eye on the surroundings. But there was no robots, mutants, or anything else that John could hear. Bob walked out of the bunker. "I have it!" Zach looked at him. "You still haven't said exactly what 'it' is, you know?" Bob noded. "I know." John walked up. "Well? What is 'it'?" jifel
  2. You mean like Indiana Jones? Because those technically have Nazis. But, while I would like a WWII theme, it will never happen. Maybe we could get large scale models of the planes, but I doubt it. jifel
  3. The way Lego sets are, with Minas Tirith we would get maybe 2 gondorians. All we could hope for (if we even GOT lotr) is maybe a small set with 5 minifigs and low cost that could be used for battlepacks. But I doubt we are getting the liscense. I hope so... jifel
  4. YG-49: You could probably just post them in the appropriate forum and sqy that you were considering them for the DV chrome raffle. jifel
  5. Well, you are now. Yeah, but we could have heard it from outside the building. I suppose we went downstairs to the helicopter. And you would know the same way you knew there were three aliens in the building in the first post. Your little Bionic eye, I assume. jifel
  6. jifel replied to -JD-'s post in a topic in LEGO Mafia and Role-Play Games
    The action figure was a BTR clone brand scum. The set is part of a Brikwars board, the guy was undoubtably being tortured. And I am pretty sure the howling was outside the building, unless I am mistaken. Also, I should have made it more clear, the robots were fighting the Mutants. Maybe we should make a new thread for gaming, hopefully someone can move the posts already made. I will agree on the Pics. jifel
  7. Well, they are renewing the liscense in 2011, it could happen! jifel
  8. jifel replied to -JD-'s post in a topic in LEGO Mafia and Role-Play Games
    SigFigs, I have JD, Bob, and YG-49 (robot-style). I have ComputerBug. Oky, I hope to get the JetPack pursuit, then will have you. Johns Helicopter flew over the city, towards where Jack insisited the mutants were. Suddenly, YG-49 picked up gunshots up ahead. John, still in the alien suit, said "Alright, looks like we are here! Instead of a couple of Mutants as expected, There were robots and Mutants! John exhaled. "If theres a fight, I'm getting out of this monkey suit!" The helicopter swung up behind the robot ambushers and unleashed the gatling gun. A robot ecplodes at the waist under the hail of bullets. Zach leapt out and opened fire. Bob jumps out too. The inside of the helicopter (the two guys in white armour are two of Johns soldiers.ComputerBug, hope my version of your sig is OK) Bob scores an expert shot on the incoming Mutants. John joins the guys on the ground, taking out a hoverbot as he does. Zach and Bob are surrounded by bullets as they let loose. Another robot down. A hovering bot flees to alert the central robotic intelligence. Chris takes a shot as it goes, blowing it up. YG-49 comes up behind the last robot, a flame-bot. With the robots dead, A firing line blasts the Mutants. One mutant manages to survive and runs away. Bob catches it first, a bullet taking off one of its legs. The rest of the group comes up and traps it. "Well, what do we do now?" jifel
  9. jifel replied to -JD-'s post in a topic in LEGO Mafia and Role-Play Games
    I was expecting a seperate thread like SWCG, but oh well. And YG, aren't you supposed to be saying "HAIL TRASHCAT!"? jifel
  10. jifel replied to -JD-'s post in a topic in LEGO Mafia and Role-Play Games
    300 stories is a looooong way to jump... JD, I might be able to take over for a bit (if Oky doesn't post) John dragged the body into cover and gingerly removed the helmet. A freakish head lolled back The smell was horrofic. Soon, Johns gruesome task was done. He sighed and clunkily picked up the gun it had used. Up in the tower, the elevator door opened, and an alien wlked out. Mark turned and fired, before John ducked and removed the helmet. "Hey didn't I tell you not to point a gun at me? Well don't." "Are the Muties still there?" Jack nodded. "Yep." Well, why don't I just fly over there in my copper and blow em to bits?" "Well, we don't know exactly where they are, so..." jifel
  11. jifel replied to -JD-'s post in a topic in LEGO Mafia and Role-Play Games
    John followed as Bob led the group. "A mile walk isn't safe in numbers these large. We need a faster way to get their." Bob turned, annoted. "I suppose you have a..." Bob was drowned out as an huge old black helicopter discended. Bob snorted. "How...Subtle." John smiled back. "maybe, but the guns aren't. Hope you don't mind standing, there may not be enough room." Everyone piled in. John walked Bob up the cockpit. "Just tell them where to go." Bob sighed. jifel
  12. jifel replied to Catarino's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    The MoC itself looks very good! I can't think of anything to make it better. jifel
  13. jifel replied to -JD-'s post in a topic in LEGO Mafia and Role-Play Games
    John looked at each of the newcomers individually. "Hello there. There no need for guns, right?" Zach and Jack glanced at eachother, and John leapt. He knocked the barrels aside and held a pistol to their faces. "Never point a gun at me again. Ever. If you do, You might as well be a robot." He then lowered his pistols and kept walking. Zach laughed humourlessly. "Bit angry, is he?" I have a heli because i built a heli, and its awesome. Plus, does it really matter, and Turbo-laser ships aren't easy to get. Helicopters are cheaper, and I just needed it to get me there. jifel
  14. jifel replied to -JD-'s post in a topic in LEGO Mafia and Role-Play Games
    John Aximand was waiting in his bunker. 8:59 pm. 9:00, an alarm rings. John goes into action. Guns: locked and loaded. Theres a car, ready for him to use. Something was in his part of the city, something strong enough to kill three aliens. But there was nothing here but robots, unless someone, or something had come in to play. What that was, John didn't know. But he was going to find out. He keyed the ignoition and the small buggy roared across the rubble torn strrets. Jifel uncoiled a chain, waiting. Suddenly he through it, and it hooked a window by the side of the building. John was tugged of the buggy, his momentum swinging him up, through the second floor. The glass shattered as John rolled through, coming up with both guns. The aliens' bodies were still there. Now, the hunt began. The wounds on the aliens were bullets. Robots didn't use standard bullets. They were either lasers, or explosives. Whoever did this had acess to bullets, and nobody but John could do that in this area. Could they be survivors? John doubted it, but he didn't discount the possibility. He would have to be careful. Through the dust, there was bootprints, but that ment nothing. He had seen robots with specially designed feet to lure the hopeful into an ambush. Then there was a heavier set, undoutbly a robot. But their was only one leg... John decided to follow it anyway. He follows carefully, stepping in the previously left bootprints. Now he is outside, and their are skid marks from tires. Robots use hovering vehicles, or they can hover themselves. Who is this? a squak across the radio frequency, and a helicopter comes in. Dangling from chains is the buggy. John unclips them and the Buggy is ready to drive. The Helicopter disapears. Now, John gets in the buggy and follows the trail slowly. Finally it ends at a bunker. The door is still unlocked. Whoever is in there is either foolish, or two powerful to care. Probably both. John walks around the bunker, but there are no other visible entrances. So John Aximand goes to the one he did see, and hides in the rubble. Waiting. jifel
  15. Sigh. Was their a point in Necro-ing this thread by two years? Anyway, to add a point, I really wish that I could afford Brickarms, but as it is the 40k hobby is consuming my money. jifel
  16. Brikwars? i wasn't quite sure what you meant when I saw it there. Anyway, the ship looks great! Very sleek looking, and of course the holes in it look good. jifel
  17. jifel replied to -JD-'s post in a topic in LEGO Mafia and Role-Play Games
    A helicopter streaked through the sky, flying low, below the radar. The man inside owned it. And he was angry. the helicopter stops, a chain is lowered. The man slides down. The helicopter rises, and soars away. The man will find his own way home. John Aximand was running. Rubble and corpses blurred past, full of the ruins of a life. They were unimportant. There was only the chase. A robot slowly hovered through a patrol. A small one, John notes with disgust. It is hardly worth a bullet. But they all must be killed. From the small scouts and cleaners to the massive devices that level cities, they must all be destroyed. That was his oath. When the bombs fell, but he still stood, that was his oath. Two shots ring out. Both hit. Armour piercing, but alone the robot would still stand tall. Together, they are a fatal wound on the machine. It slides to the ground, its propulsion device slowly deactivating, pushing it through the rubble. There is a door through the street, an old human checkpoint. There is a lock. Not anymore. It slides open smoothly. John walks through, ready to fire in the blink of a photoreceptor. Another robot. This one is fast, deadly. it could pursue and destroy the helicopter that John arrived in. But it won't. Now, it won't do anything. "Got ya, you cold-hearted scum." John smiles. there is a sound, up in the building. A sniper? A robot? But nothing happens. It is a silent night, no wind. There is something up there, and it doesn't know John is there. If it did, he would allready be dead. A widowframe, the glass blasted out, makes an entrance. John uses it. The second floor. There are bodies in there. John pushes the door open, and looks at them. None are human. All three are aliens. But no robots. A shame. John ponders. There must have been robots here. There were too few survivors in this area of the city. Only John. The bodies were warm, and there were robots on the loose. John doesn't like that. jifel
  18. I can't decide if I want to be in these or not... Oh, that voice! If only I had any way to use mine... jifel
  19. I hadn't started at the time of the film, but wouldn't it be Chapter 1 part 1, or are you just not doing it in order? jifel
  20. Oh the Suspense! What happens next? I wish I could find out! Anyway, looking good so far, but why is it Chapter 4 part 1, unless I have completely missed the rest? jifel
  21. do Macs come with Paint? If so, then use that. select picture and go to images Stretch/skew and then type a number in and it will go to that percent. If you type in 20, it will become 20% of original size. Or, if you get a Flickr account it auto-resizes. jifel
  22. Mmmmmmm...Chrome! This knight is just loving those new helmets. Sadly, he couldn't simply buy it. He needed a cheaper way. Apperantly he found it... Ok, the below is the recent, legal entry. No overhang this time! MMmmm...Chrome Vader... //l:;l\\ ^ l : l^======= l _ l_ OH NO!!! It has overhang! Fixing, fixing! jifel jifel
  23. jifel replied to Donut's post in a topic in LEGO Historic Themes
    Whoa! That is absolutely amazing! And I think it is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, not Vice Versa. jifel
  24. jifel replied to -JD-'s post in a topic in LEGO Mafia and Role-Play Games
    Hey! How is that fair? Anyway, sigfigs are going to be hard for me to make. I am going to be using just about all my minifigs in a huge Brikwars for a while, so I won't be doing many MoCs at first. Hopefully I will be able to contribute alot more later! This still hasn't been approved though? jifel
  25. Could you perhaps take a solo pic of the T-14? It is hard to get a good view. EDIT: Whoops, never mind! Nice MoC, and a good small scene. jifel
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