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Everything posted by jifel

  1. I meant that I dont play regular warhammer, not 40k. (oops!) Anyway, I doubt I will be playing Fantasy anytime soon. Me and a friend are heading over to the local gamestore to split Assault on Black Reach, then to have a small 500 point skirmish. While I hope to be devouring some guardsman, my friend will be fielding a valkyrie, so... Anyway, I am bringing a VenomFex, so I have a bit of anti-flying-things. Because assaulting them is almost impossible. In other news, rumours for upcoming codexs are Daemons, Space Wolves, Necrons and Dark Eldar, then maybe Nids after that. In more other news, The Black Library is holding a short story contest, for a book titled "Fear the Aliens", which I have to enter. I already have a very "unique" idea, which I cant hint on any more. jifel
  2. I never really heard George or Ringo seperate from the band, so i dont know. Anyway, I am the Walrus is IMHO a great song, but not necassarily the best of the beatles. (Let it Be) Still an awesome song that makes me laugh. And as Cpt. Zuloo said, I love the Beatles. jifel
  3. Well, I am back after all 3 computers breaking. (seriously?) I must admit I am very sad to see this go, I would like to think we could perhaps continue this later on. EDIT: Wow, I just finally got where SimonJedi's name (Garviel Loken) is from. jifel
  4. jifel replied to Stash2Sixx's post in a topic in Brickworld
    As far as pic requests go, just me invading Hinkleys display. WHACK! jifel
  5. How is this going so far? Any progress on the sketches/drawings? jifel
  6. jifel replied to Stash2Sixx's post in a topic in Brickworld
    Perhaps my SigFig could hepl in the torture... Powerfists can be very painful... Congatulations on becoming a fellow! jifel
  7. Oky ponted his blaster at Grevious's exposed form in the controls when the mechanism reared up and again swept a hill of trash through the polluted air. Jifel had allready adapted, sliding under the trash cloud to stab a vibroblade through the mechs ankle. Asit slid to the noxious ground, Grevious bounded out and drew his lightsaers once more, cackling evilly. Jifel attacked again, feinting towards grevious's neck then rolling under the anticipated parry. but Grevious moved fast, faster than that fateful battle two years ago. Grevious's saber cut both vbroblades in half before Jifel even hit the ground, scarring a grove in his armour. Jifel hit the ground rolling, only for a claw to catch the back of his helmet and lift him into the air. A pair of speederbikes suddenly roared pat, a tripwire upending the droid general. Jifel crawled away, his helmet cracked and squeezed in until the helmet cracked even more. Pickup and Twister led a clone firing team that seared grevious's chest plate as he dodged with catlike speed. The two speederbikes swooped back around, but grevious dug in and snatched the wire and slammed both into the ground. He leapt towards one when it exploded in flame. Oky held his rifle and quickly unleashed another burst that knocked the general to the dirt. jifel
  8. jifel replied to KimT's post in a topic in Watto's Junkyard
    Oh, crap! that Obiwon is pretty... Only one entry? Alright, I am doing it anyway! jifel
  9. Jifels breath came in gasps as he charged through the trash hills. His ARC troopers followed behind him, occasionaly letting out spurts of lasers at the drpoids harrassing them. An IG series droid leaped in front of the group, pointing a blaster at the dent in Jifel's armour. A pair of vibroblades scissored through the barrel and jifel casually lopped the droid's legs of at the knee. He ran past and backstabbed through it's main data processor. A bulky machine suddenly burst out of a trash mountain and bounded towards group. Supported on 2 legs in an upright manner, the cobbled together machine held Grevious at the controls. One fist slammed an unlucky clone into dirt, while another tried to grab Jim. A blue light flickered through the fingers as Jim tumbled to the ground. At 4 meters tall the construction realed back before sweeping an arm through a stack of rubbish. A landslide of the galaxy's disposables swept through the group. Oky and Jim managed to leap over the wave, while JD shielded Jaina from the barage. A refrigiration unit knocked Jifel off his feet while Pickup caught an old speeder engine before being buried to his shoulder plates. The mess swirled around the mechs feet as grecious laughed. The surviving hand picked up the remains of a Mando basalisk and prepared to crush the group before him. As it swung through the air, Jifel caught on with both blades and it pulled him up through the trash. Grevious simply chucked the machine through the air as Jim and Oky leaped to the battle. jifel
  10. General Grevious bellowed his rage. "Fight me! You republic slimeballs!" Jifel rolled out from under the fighter, pressing a small button on his gauntlet as he did. "Oh believe me, we will." Jifel drew his vibroblade and it hummed with power as the group slowly surrounded the Cyborg. Grevious's four arms spun wildly as he surveyed the soldiers around him. "Well? What are you waiting for? Show a little backbone before I tear yours out!" Jifel let out a screaming battle cry as he chaged forward, drawing a second vibroblade as he did. Grevious blocked easily and Jifels blade pointed at the general neck, stalled before the fatal blow. Jifel slapped his gauntlet with his other hand, and a wire cable latched onto Grevious's helm. Grevious cut it away swiftly, but with two arms occupied he left himself open as the rest of the team attacked. The surviving SBD's opened up to help their struggling leader, but a republic shuttle, summoned by Jifel, landed and ARc troopers and more clones poured out. The battle was on. jifel
  11. jifel replied to Derek's post in a topic in Community
    I think it is seriuosly overblown. No one out of Mexico has died from it, except for a baby who lived in Mexico and just happened to be on vacation in the U.S. There are confirmed cases in my state, but I don't honesly care. It breaks in avout a week and can be stopped with medical attention. Only 155 cases in the U.S. isn't that many, tons more (100,000?) Die from flu related cases, but they piss in their pants when this hasn't killed nearly as much? This will just blow over soon. jifel
  12. well, I think this chapter is almost over, so you can join soon, I think. jifel
  13. 24 hours ago... Jifel set the last charge himself and turned around when a laser caught him in the shoulder and spun him to the ground. Jifel hit rolling, back on his feet with two pistols drawn and spitting down the passage. A foursome of Superbattle droids marched down the passage way, arms extended. One had a rocket arm and Jifel realised that if that fired the entire passage would explode. Jifel fired bothe pistols at the rocketeer and directed his troops to the same. Skinner set up the blastgun, sending lasers spitting down the gutter. One of the SBD's stumbled and fell, another knocked back. Twister leaped forward as the droids advanced, scything through a second droid. The rocketeer aimed it's laser arm and Twister leaped through the air. The third SBD caught him by the helmet, and slammed him into the wall. Pickup screamed in rage and set his rifle on full auto, scarring the SBD and sending it stumbling back. Skinner turned his atytention and the droid fell with a clang, Twister clutched in a death grip. The last SBD aimed it's rocket arm and fired. Pickup leapt and slammed into it's torso, pitching it backwards. The explosive hit the ceiling and a storm of rubble collapsed on the struggling pair. Jifel looked around in despair. Half his team wounded, and they only had ten minutes to get out. Twister was just bruised, but Pickup could barely walk. Jifel and his ARC troopers limped to the surface and Jifel slowly pushed a manhole over his head. He insrted a thin periscope and found himself between a pair of B1 battle droids by an AAT. Jifel quickly dropped down. "I think we have a ride home." Jifel and Skinner pushed up the manhole and carved through the droids sentries. Jifel leapt up and grabbed the main tank barrel, swinging up on top of the manhole. A startled B1 commander looked at Death, and death looked back. Jifel tossed the droid head away and jumped off the back. Skinner hauled A B1 pilot out of the rear hatch and Jifel took the controls. They quickly desposed of the droid bodies. Twister and Pickup limped out of cover and into the tank. The hatch closed and Jifel resumed progress. Now... Jifel led a small wave of shuttles as another group launched from the fellow Venator. Jifel looked out a window and caught a glimpse of a nimble grey fighter. "Grevious..." jifel
  14. jifel replied to teleri's post in a topic in Brick Flicks & Comics
    Actually, I believe it is not underground. Anyway, the strip looks great so far! Easy to read! jifel
  15. I believe that TeeBee and I were also on Nexus Olsis. And then I planted the charges. So... I guess Bob and I are both planting charges and then getting out of the city. I suggest we both set charges, escape, and just get to Raxus Prime. Hopefully TB will post again soon. jifel
  16. Jifel waded through a stink of garbage, excretements and other waste's that he wouldn't care to identify. Jifel checked the mission breifings inside of his helmet. One of the objectives was dead ahead. A thick support pillar loomed out of the muck, and Jifel signalled Pickup to set the charges. The red light blinked fitfully. "All right. Next target." Objective 2 was one level above, underneath a large generator. When it collapsed, it would exploid and wipe out clankers within a half-kilometer, and all power within 4 kilometers. The ensuing darkness would ensure that the clones could sneak out unobserved when the main fireworks went off. Soon the 2nd, third, and fourth objectives were set. Only two key supports were left. The fifth was set easily. Except for a few alien vermin, there was no sign of life. One left. jifel
  17. True, it was great, and fun, as is most important. Buty I said teleport, should have said location: I was stupid and made an assumption... jifel
  18. Play on the train modules! Blow them up! (all in the name of good fun) Glad to see more brikwars guys here then at first glance. jifel
  19. From earlier posts, I believe, that me, TimBit, JB and "the team" were all on the same planet. I will modify my post a little bit, maybe just the legion I am based with is being recalled. Although not above, Tee-Bee does mention me shortly after, and JB, I came back from ARC training. I believe we should finish affairs on each planet then group the team back together. That was the point of making a battlefleet right? jifel
  20. Once the landing party was back onboard the Venator's, Jifel quickly met with the fleet admiral. "Why was our force pulled back?" "We are going to relocate you to the other side of the city, and drop you in." "Why couldn't we just have gone over the city and to the other side? It would have been faster." "True, but we can't risk the enemy seeing you or shooting you down." Jifel sighed. "Allright, fine. What do you need me to do?" The Admiral drew up plans of the city. "You will lead your ARC troopers and inflintrate the sewer systems of the city, placing high explosives in several crucial area's." Several spots on the hologram turned scarlet red. The admiral continued. "As soon as you are done, alert us and get out f there. In 10 minutes the charges will go off and collapse most of the city. You too, if you aren't careful. Jifel nodded slowly. "Allright. Can we expect any resistance?" "Droid patrols are probably entering the city as we speak, and the Clankers main assault force will be closing when we drop you off. You will have about an hour to set the charges, then 10 minutes to make a break for it. Good luck." jifel
  21. I didn't like the surprise ending much. (well, it was still funny, and this is brikwars.) And a poor choice of words lost me the battle. Seriously? Still, great fun and explosions! jifel
  22. Sorry to revive this, but lots of news. For those of you who want to play, you can signup for Forum Battles if you are a member! Seriously, do it! I am a member there, and there are plenty of Brikwars going on, if you join there is tons of fun for all participants! forum battles Join now! jifel
  23. Ah! Why isn't anyone commenting on this, I wonder? It is confusing me... Stupid TheBlackDog, I almost won. jifel
  24. jifel replied to jifel's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    I am sure that the thing is not 100% solid Lego, but I can't wait to see the MB episode. I normally don't watch it, but this is too good to pass up. jifel
  25. 1 hour later, Jifel decided he would interogate the Twi'leek personally. The prisoner was waiting in a pirch black cell, featureless except for a vent in the ceiling that recycled the air with a loud humming. The door opened and the Twi'leek gasped as he was blinded by sudden light. Jifel made a show of pulling on a steel gauntlet, and held his fist in the air. suddenly his comlink chimed. "Commander. All units are being recalled to the venator. I think we are leaving this dustball." Jifel smiled at the news. "very well. I guess we will finish this in orbit, shall we, backstabber?" The Twi'leek groaned in response. jifel
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