Everything posted by jifel
Cayenne Asuncion's Coruscant Speeder
Shame, that actually had a good chance at winning. What I really love is that assassin droid! Tons better than TLC's! jifel
Brickworld SigFig picture 2009
Here is a link to the picture and instructions for my sigfig. jifel
The Jedi Viper!
Very nice Moc captain green hair, I think I will be voting for this... jifel
Hot Rod
Your entry is fine, and very creative too! Good luck, i really like the smoothness. WOOT! 1000th post! jifel
Republic BC-31 speeder bike
Thanks! I have worked on them alot! Wow - talk about repeating oneself. Still, thanks alot, and please(!) ignore the fact that in the first few shots one of the fins is bent. I could retake it, but meh. jifel
The Black Speeder
Oh, my, my. Cute, but lacking a backround and all around pictures. I would hurry before it ends! jifel
[Comic] Episode 4
Very good, but in the last picture the "prisoners" are still holding their weapons! But the comic flows good, and I likie it a lot! jifel
Anyone agree that the Sticker Sheets should be Packed into the instruc
Although it would be nice, I have never encountered the problem, and there really is no way to ensure they stay in there. Unless they stuck it on their with sticky stuff (like bionicle comics in the lego magazine.) It would be good, of course, but for lego to do that may be a waste. And lego probably will send new sticker sheets, it wouldnt surprise me at all. Also, perhaps this should go in lego news and general discusssion, as this applies to all Lego sets. jifel
[Comic] Planet TR-57 has lift-off!
that made me laugh so hard... Seriously, thats really good quality work there, so good work! I am greatly anticipating the next episode. jifel
Luftwaffe Officer
That is a great, historic MOC! An amazing torso, I would love to get that if its a decal! How did you do the cap? I would assume a downsized decal, but if you are great with paint... (You do have Games Workshop expierience, right?) jifel
Flying Dutchman
I dont normally visit this forum, but that is amazing. High marks for the cannons and especially the three cannon weapons at the front. Very impressive, and the sails are great. jifel
The Brick
Look at the date... But wait! that article looks pretty realistic, unless Lego is trying to pull a fast one... jifel
The Star Wars Comic Game Index
What ship is the (fake) holocron on, as i will need to be there. jifel
Coconut Pod
That is a very unique MoC, combining two of the greatest themes. That is simply amazing, especially the engines. jifel
Im selling on Ebay: Star Wars Figures. 87
Oh, that is really tempting. Although there are no guns on the clones, I could bricklink them. I think I will check back before this ends, this looks like a good deal. jifel
- Show Your Army, Navy, and Collection Display
MTTT (Multi Troop Treaded Transport)
That actually looks like a real vehicle, which impresses me alot. So far, this may have my vote! I cant wait for the gallery to be public! Good luck. jifel
I really like what you have done here, I might only suggest to make it a little wider, as it looks like it could be rammed and flipped over. I may also put treads instead of wheels. jifel
MOC: AL's Italian Food
Very nice MoC there, and you probably shouldnt put my sigfig in there. It would be very bad to put a Mechsuit in a restaraunt... jifel
Any Tabletop Wargame/RPG players here?
Are you a member there? I am, by the same username. Is FB Fantasy battles, or Warhammer (not 40k) I dont play regular 40k, but I might do Vampire Counts or Tomb Kings if I did. Necrons havent been updated in so long, yet they are still some of the best! I may not hold your breath waiting, but I dont see what else to do. (I once bought Codex: Space Marines, and it was announced the next week that they were making a new edition! ) Do you play witchhunters (which often use sisters of battle) or do you play a SOB exlusive army? jifel
Tusken accounting
Relax, I already know what I am going to do. jifel
Tusken accounting
Nice MoC, and congratulations. I am almost a Count myself, so I am going to have to make an orriginal MoC. jifel
That is a very nice model, combining the best of the ATTE and ATOT, troop transport and enclosed. I think it looks fine, and tight fitting enough, but not enough details. Everything seems to be in the front and back. jifel
Rapid Intervention Vehicle
Sorry, should have been more claer. You need: Top, Left, Right, Front, and Back. The above also has to be in the Topic, not just the folder. This is a great Medium MoC, as I said above. jifel
"SW species in LEGO form"
Plus with the Lekku hanging down the back, of course. Just like the Gunship sticker, really. jifel
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