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About P4trickvH

  • Birthday 05/02/1977

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    Behind my PC checking Eurobricks!
  • Interests
    Technic, Trains, Collectable Minifigs


  • Country
    The Netherlands
  • Special Tags 1

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  1. Here is the "Lifter Triggered by Stuck Ball" LDD file which i reverse engineered, build and tested.
  2. Awesome set one more for my collection.
  3. Amazing review Blackbird of a stunning MOC by Akiyuki. Great to see you also build it your self, it's still on my list to build. Thanks to "The Rebricker" who made this possible. Any chance you are willing to share the parts list ;)
  4. Hi i have a small problem when i try to import a lxf file in LDDManager 1.25 First i get this error msg. Followed by Result my lxf file isn't imported into LDDManager, any help appreciated. Patrick.
  5. So my black edition is finally finished, took me about 3 weeks to source the parts and took about 10 hours to build. As you can see i replaced the soft axles by rigid hoses, because the soft axles were very hard and expensive to get. Overall i found it a very enjoyable build and clear instructions.
  6. Just made the payment and now awaiting the information to get my hands on these instructions so i can start ordering. @mo_ i was thinking the same and i love the white color so i'll probably will go for that color scheme and mabye throw in some black stripes if possible.
  7. Screen resolution: 1920x1080 Internet Connection: 100Mbit Internet browser: IE 9 / Firefox 15
  8. I just subscribed and i really like the idea. I will be buying some of those F1 car instructions for sure. Looking out to what else you have in store for us.
  9. And you've got another payment for the instruction. Thanks for sharing.
  10. Works just fine for me when i click on the link or select save as.
  11. 9396 - Helicopter - Theme: Technic - LXF File Errors missing 2x 92693c01, not present in LDD replaced by custom small actuator. missing 2x 98989, not present in LDD replaced by 32557. missing 3x 99008, not present in LDD. missing 4x 99012, not present in LDD. missing 4x 99013pb01, not present in LDD. missing 1x x77ac50, not present in LDD. missing 4x 99773, not present in LDD replaced by 2905. 1x 32270 could not be placed correctly, placed next to the model. no stickers.
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