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    Star Wars
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    2018 Sandcrawler

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Sometimes you need to disable collisions to get something aligned just right. Then turn them back on.
  2. It's an extra engine.
  3. I like the stripes. Those cones are awful for fitting two figs into. I've tried many times myself for my Phantom and it always ends up fragile.
  4. It was the space behind the head that I found was too small. I'll have to take another look.
  5. There's a bit of a limitation for Hera, though. Can't fit a Twi'lek head in the seat. :P
  6. @Jerac Well, I've built it! Another angle and in flight Overall, I love it! Felt a bit apprehensive with some of the brackets being forced together, as I keep expecting them to pop out, and it took some time to get the wings aligned so they'd close as horizontally as possible. Only malfunction I've had is a pair of 1x2 rail plates attached to a 1x4 tile popped off from the inside of a bottom engine when I opened the wings all the way. But I've learned some interesting connections, and might customise it further in the future to taste.
  7. Like this? Smoother is always nicer. :P
  8. Partisan/Cavern Angels recolour. When I eventually get to build it I'll post a photo. Full size
  9. Really nice build! I'm trying to build it in Studio before I do with real bricks, because I want to replace my black and white Partisan with it, but I can't seem to get the angles right on the nose to connect the ball joint and align the two bars with the 1x2 plate without causing the two ball sockets for the nose to overlap. I've always found it a bit awkward doing angled connections in any digital model, though.
  10. *Your entry has earned 9 XP* https://flic.kr/p/2k7AnkG A Mandalorian-owned Corellian mini-freighter stops for repairs on an airfield on Trandosha. Due to recent political efforts, New Republic and even Wookiees have begun freely working on site.
  11. *Your entry has earned 2 XP* A Pyke informant requests payment for identifying the Imperial Remnant sleeper agent hiding on the icy Mandalorian world.
  12. Looks like the cape is used on the cone docking ring thingy at the middle of the ship.
  13. Thanks! Yeah, Most of my large white parts got used up here. Didn't have much left to build higher.
  14. I see your F-Zero reference. :P
  15. I love the environment, feels like one of the more cyberpunky worlds like Nar Shaddaa. And that fig using Maz's head with a beard is great.
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