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Everything posted by Ablyss

  1. These three Solo sets are not incredible, but all are great and balanced. We have brand new figs or interesting new design for the others. Each vehicle have design and shapes we've never seen before. There is uncommon parts and new alien species (Rio and the guards). In my opinion, there is far more fresh things in this three sets than in the whole TLJ sets, where we still looking for aliens. The AT Hauler is underscale but that was especting, we still have to see the indoor, there may have a shower . The forward arms are not accurate but it still better than cables for playability. I'm not against Rio arms, it's the best compromise for the fig shape. Val is great. Speeders are full of interesting details. The Conveyex is the best of the three for me, and maybe the best Star Wars set this year. It was expected for such set to have no tracks and just one wagon. The ones who want more troopers and wagon just have to buy several. The shape is nice, scaled, there is enough space inside the wagon and the engine. Great build, parts and figs.
  2. Ablyss replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    High enough to set the senate duel between Yoda and Palpatine. There's no chance that we see the senate with simple senators. We had the ''duel on Geonosis''. Considering the period and the importance of this duel, there is no reason a ''Senate duel'' set in the same size minimum never appears in shelves. I don't imagine guards with robes to be in such a set, but i highly hope we'll see Mas Amedda. After seeing "The last Jedi", it's not really difficult to imagine the set we could have this summer, due to the lack of source material. I even wonder how TLG should not give us a "Snoke throne room", with Snoke, Rey, Kylo Ren, and 3 or 4 praetorian guards (remembering the scene, two would be not enough). Something on Canto Bight would be probable also. For my own, I'd like a playset with police speeder, fathier and a part of the casino (with aliens figs at least). Of course an A-wing can be also expecting.
  3. Well, I'm wondering the same. We had nothing really new about that last summer (Quarrie was new but the fifth Mon Calamari released), and nothing at all in the Last Jedi sets. Seven new figs have been leaked right now about the upcoming moovie and nothing really exotic. Aliens are part of Star Wars DNA. About what I saw, it's becoming worrisome
  4. Well, the blue pilot seems not to be part of Resistance, nor really Rebels, so I highly suppose she's on the sandspeeder set. I can be wrong but it makes sense.
  5. Ablyss replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Agreed, the colour scheme is beautiful, and I'm sure Lego can make it impressive with bricks as they did for the two Resistance T-70 X-wing. Anyway, we need a new T-65 X-wing, and it would be better if it's a new update of Luke's ship. The Partisan's is a possibility fot this next one, with general Merrick's. The Partisan X-wing is also a way to give us Saw Gerrera and more as minifig.
  6. Ablyss replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Well, it's just your point of view.
  7. Ablyss replied to GrahamSlam's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    The last UCS or big playsets were all updates, the Falcon, the Snowspeeder, Death Star and Hoth. We need something fresh, at least for 2018. Possibilities for UCS: Poe Dameron's X-wing, ARC-170, Venator, and the imperial shuttle from Rogue One are the best choices I think. Playsets: Yavin IV, Coruscant Jedi Temple, Geonosis Arena. However, I agree that new version of Tantive IV, ISD are overdue, but I don't understand the ones wanting some TIE.
  8. I didn't think Lego was able to do something as ugly as this heavy scout walker. When we espect the Crait vehicule, something on Canto Bight and a resistance A-wing, well, this set and a quarter of an other vessel can be disappointing, after the poor minifig range.
  9. The Tatooine BP is also a proove that we'll see other generic aliens in battle pack after the excellent Rebel Alliance BP. For the other one, if it's confirm to be about jedi, I don't expect clone trooper but something very new like an other jedi knight (Coleman Kcaj, Oppo Rancisis) or a generic temple guard. Clone troopers need several BP just for themselves.
  10. Agreed. But TLG is not helped by the source material. He was said that there won't have any important alien in TLJ, I think Rian Johnson forgot that in a galaxy far far away, there are thousands intelligent species, it's a shame. For not helping, resistance soldier outfits are really boring. By what we saw now about the TLJ, only pretorian guard could be interesting with resistance pilot helmets. It's bad after the amazing Rogue One figs range. The whole summer wave should be the worst since a while for aliens, the best opportunity was shamely miss with the absence of kaminoan in the 75191.
  11. The thing I love on your MOC is that it seems like an official Lego product in its technics and look, it's not common at all that MOCers do such a job. Congratulations!
  12. Ablyss replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    These ships are more starfighters and the UCS enables to give them more accuracy in shape and to show a lot of details. The difference of scale is significant, you have about three more times parts compare to accurate minifig scale set. there's no interior, just pilot seat. the building technics change also. The UCS scale gave to X-wing a thiner and more agressive shape with more accuracy for the reactors. The UCS Y-wing was full of details in the hullless part of the ship and the structure beams of the reactors were better integrated. The snowspeeder gave us a really detail ship. Of course some parts of the U-wing could be more accurate in an UCS scale, but the most important is the inside, passengers areas and cockpit, and UCS scale is not done for that (look at the Slave 1, Imperial shuttle and Falcon). An other problem for a UCS U-Wing would be the sturdiness of the wings. I saw with mine, open wings are not stable enough. That's why Lego made them thiner and shorter on the 75155, I'm not sure there is solution, you still have one really short rotative axis for a huge horizontal panel (mines were 58 studs long). It's a little bit hard to explain, I agree with that , but some ships are done for UCS scale, others no. Lego seems to think the same. Résistance X-wing, ARC-170 and Venator will be definitly huge UCS set, U-wing, Republic Gunship, Home One, Scimitar won't.
  13. Ablyss replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    U-wing is not done for UCS. You can see mine in "Minifig scale U-wing" topic, it may be improve but I shown that we can do a U-wing in minifig scale, detailed, fair to the movie in shape and for the inside, the whole for less than a thousand parts. I consider the U-wing as a "playable" ship, like the republic gunship which I don't see either in UCS. I read somewhere that Lego designers will nether do ships like the Nebulon B frigate for reasons of stability, it's understandable but bad because it's the most interesting rebel ship for UCS. On the other hand, it seem not impossible to get the Profundity in UCS, ok, the lower arrow is problematic, but we could have two high and solid stands from either side of the bridge. The ship itself has no weakness in its structure. The best RO ship for UCS still the cargo shuttle, in the same scale than the 10212 Imperial shuttle. The problem is the part count, it would be around 4000 and I'm not sure Lego is ready to make a such big set for that ship appearing only in RO, even if its the best and the one with the more screentime.
  14. Ablyss replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    If Lego exploited as much Rogue One as The Force Awakens, we would have high hopes to get both Merrick X-wing and the Partisan one. We could have more a Hammerhead frigate, a TIE shuttle (the one landing the death troopers on Scarif, seen as well in Kafrene), a Jedha ambush set, Saw's den, Erso Homestead, AT-ACT, cargo shuttle, TIE fighter, Kafrene assassination, sand barricade on Scarif ..... But this is not the case. To resume, Rogue One is consider among the fans as the best or second best Star Wars moovie when The Force Awakens is maybe the worst. Moreover, there's (far) more source material in RO to utilize. But sadly, TFA had a stronger promotion than RO and was clearly adressed to a larger and younger public. However, there's charismatics vehicles and characters in RO which appears both in ANH and in Rebels (and in the Prequels too). So I don't think that we will have more RO sets than TFA eventually did. But i can't imagine that Lego won't give us between 3 and 6 RO sets in the next three or four waves about Saw Gerrera, Yavin and/or X-Wing, the cargo shuttle. Hope we'll get at least figs of Saw, Galen Erso, Merrick, Draven, Deux Tubes.
  15. Ablyss replied to Ablyss's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    It's on the way . The second picture is indicative. It's far more realistic than the canopy (and easy) option, and the rendering is on the line of the lower hull. The most difficult in the brickbuilt option is to do the triangular windows on each side. Their shape is really hard to reproduce, there is no much space to build them and attach them. Maybe most of people don't care of these stupid side windows but I'm perfectionist.
  16. Ablyss replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I think it has to. It should be place in Rogue One only, because it's on this moovie that Yavin IV is the most important and has the more screentime. Then, just because Rogue One focus the most characters, and we don't need a new Luke, Han Solo or Leia. There's enough important and good figs to do in Rogue One. We don't need a huge box for that. As I said, 1000-1200 parts would be enough to make a really interesting set in the line of 7754 Home One. And, when we see what's going on with "Assault on Hoth", I think Lego should don't make big playset when it's not necessary, and should focus on other ideas for big exclusive sets.
  17. Ablyss replied to Ablyss's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    If you manage to have a good result, don't hesitate to post pictures.
  18. Ablyss replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Ok, let's go. Episode 1 Agree with you, just that an other queen version and a handmaiden in orange outfit will nice addition in Gungan patrol, considering that it sets in the Gungan Sanctuary Episode 2 I'll add: Swoop bike at Tusken camp, it's a key scene. Coming with Anakin, Shmi, two Tuskens Episode 3 It's, at far, the episode where there still have the more to do or update. I agree with the wookie Catamaran, a splendid wehicle, and just a little with Plo Koon starfighter's. In my opinion you forgot the most important expectable sets. Beginning by the most probable, I'll add. 1. Senate Duel, with Yoda, Palpatine, Mas Amedda, Shock trooper or Senate Guard. 2. ARC-170 Starfighter. Iconic ship that really needs an update, with pilots, astromech, Jedi? 3. Obi-Wan blue interceptor, the last Eta-Actis remaining, with booster ring. Coming with Obi-Wan, astromech, Tion Medon, Utais. 4. Bail Organa's speeder, with Bail Organa, Padawan, 501st trooper. 5. Neimodian shuttle, the only ship we see in each episode of the prelogy. A bigger one (600-800 parts) coming with Grievous, 2 new Magnaguards, 1 or 2 pilot droids, Wat Tambor, San Hill. 6. UT-AT, with Ki-Adi Mundi, Bacara, clone pilots, clone marines. ... And Battlepacks (wookies, clones)... A new Boga would be nice also, but it's a difficult creature to reproduce, and some stuff seting in Felucia Rogue One Agreed with the cargo shuttle, and the x-wing, we really need an update of this ship, last one is from 2012 winter, but I think it will be a better idea to include it in a bigger set like "Blue leader X-wing at Yavin IV Rebel Base" making a 1000-1200 parts' set and containing a small commandment center and some maintenance stuff. Coming with Antoc Merrick, astromech, General Draven, General Dodonna, Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, and some others among: one more pilot, rebel soldier, technician, white Mon Cal, senator(s). We need also something like "Saw Guerrera Den" a 400-500 parts' set with Saw, Benthic or Edrio, Bodhi, an other rebel, Gor Bullet.
  19. Ablyss replied to Ablyss's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thanks. Recently I think that the lower canopy could be improve using a 6 bricks height window frame with glass, to put neons on sides. But in my opinion, if it will be more fair, it will be difficult to have a good and smooth rendering.I remind that I hate stickers, even more on big and expensive part.
  20. I'm astonished too that Lego didn't release one or two of them, because they usually release every interesting character holding a lightsaber, Jedi Temple Guards could have come with the Coruscant Police Gunship or in the Yoda Starfighter, but they didn't. I wish we'll see them soon, maybe in a battlepack with other figs, maybe in a set, there still have interesting stuff to do with TCW. I consider Jedi Temple Guard as the most interesting generic fig too release now with some clone troopers
  21. Ablyss replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I wonder why Lego didn't do the Umbaran fighter, maybe it's to difficult to have a good result in bricks. But something about Umbara and 501th is still require, it could be the Umbaran Hover tank, with of course Fives, new umbaran soldier, 501th ARF trooper, Jesse or hardcase. A pirate sidecar could be nice too, with some padawans. A jedi turbo speeder will be a good idea also, and a opportunity to give us some beautiful Coruscant characters as phase II Fox and Jedi temple guard. The speeder itself is great in its lines and colours, it would be a good set I think.
  22. Ablyss replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    The Senate duel is of course overdue. It's a key scene of Star Wars and the Senate a key place. Moreover, it should sell well I think. And for a lightsaber duel set, it would come with something more concrete than parts of wall. I think such a set will include two senatorial platforms, the throne and something to hold it all, with maybe a pipe for escaping Yoda. Mas Amedda should be in with Yoda and Sidious, it would be a great fig and a new alien species, A shocktrooper or a new senate guard whould be appropriate too.
  23. Ablyss replied to darkrebellion's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    The problem with Rebels set is that we have the strange impression that TLG do half the job, and sometimes the source material don't help. I explain. In the 75150 A-wing vs TIE advanced, the colour of A-wing is not so impressive, as for figs. Then, they don't give a "iconic" mandalorian helmet to Sabine, mistake. In Rex AT-TE, same problem with figs, a no useful stormtrooper, no helmet for clones. I consider the vehicle good because it wasn't possible to reproduce all the details of the original vehicle in a 1000 parts set. But it still more a living place than a warship in the show, and there's no kind of living room in the set. For the Rebel Frigate, you just have to compare with a similar set in the TCW, the Republic Combat Frigate. Figs are far better in the last one when Lego should put figs like a Rebel navy trooper and an inquisitor in the set instead of Ezra, Kallus or Chopper. Ahsoka is not impressive also, i don't know why Lego put empty eyes on non-human characters. Then, the Rebel frigate have a lot of space inside, and there is nothing, when the best was done in the Republic ship where all the small spaces were use to put seets, weapons, missiles, hologram room, gunner and pilot posts. Agreed. It's not really possible to put good new figures if these ships are setting in the OT, so putting these in Rebels should be the best thing to do. But there still have some original good ships as the B-wing prototype, a recent MOC has proved how attractive it could be in a set. Something with Mandalorians would be interesting also, the characters are (the most) beautiful and charismatic in the show, specially Gar Saxon. TLG could put these figs with a not so impressive Fang Fighter, seen in the season 2. Good figs with passable ships was what we used to see for TCW sets.
  24. My avatar.
  25. Ablyss replied to Ablyss's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thanks for your comments. And sorry for the redaction of the first post. I saw a lot of mistakes, that my english level doesn't explain. I think i was tired when I wrote it. i understand that some people are disappointed when the see the Lego U-wing, even if it still a good Lego set. This ship is really important in RO and iconic yet, you just have to see how many MOCs and mods have been done since the release of the moovie. So Lego could have done a better and a bigger ship. After its shape, the most interesting thing of the U-wing is its passenger and cockpit area, that the Lego designers clearly missed. My ship proves that something better in shape and play features was afordable with about a thousand parts. Of course several things should be modified on my MOC to make a set with. For example, the ship is unbalance with open wings mode. (I juste checked it, the wingspan is 90cm), and, most important, I didn't integrate spring-load missiles. If some people are interested, I'll be happy to share the LDD file in private message.
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