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Eurobricks Vassals
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About captmaarek

  • Birthday 03/14/1980

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    Star Wars

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    Quakertown, PA


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  1. I apologize for this - I've added under the menu contact us an easier way to get to the Register page for wordpress. This should hopefully help speed things up.
  2. YESS!!! Finally a good resource for Hello Kitty!!
  3. Well US Still lists April 1. I do see UK is up to 15th...Back to the First for UK (3/24/11)
  4. On the Shop@Home site sometimes items are available for pre-order; but 10219 is not; it's wishlist only for now. L@go : I heard the same thing from US LEGO Retail store near me; so I was thinking of getting them in-store; but if they're available on S@H on April 1; I'm definitely buying it online.
  5. Here's my container... flash makes it glow a little; but I think it actually looks cool.
  6. Givin it all she's got Cap'n

  7. This is awesome. I'm really happy Will is doing so well.
  8. The HPS is awesome, I love it! great upgrade/replacement for the old one. The P90/PWD is Fantastic, I like the way Will is going making it fit nice and snug into the arm bend of the minifig - MUST have more the ones I got from the Resistance Troopers aren't enough! I love the other items as well. Would love to see them.
  9. sign me up
  10. Congratulations to those who won. And many thanks to CopMike and the Eurobricks Staff for putting these items up for raffle, and helping keep the LEGO community going.
  11. I'm in! Thanks so much!
  12. I'd like to join if there is still room.
  13. Congrats!
  14. Thanks for putting up the raffle, and I'm only a minor contributor in posts and in general, but I do appreciate it! If I win great, if not at least my money went to a good cause! Raffle on!
  15. I like the smaller interior and I mean it's LEGO we can modify it to our hearts content, so I think it's a null issue. I was able to stop by a LEGO store in New Jesery, and I asked them if they had any new stock for specifically 7628, which he didn't know about, I showed them the instructions and he made a call to someone, who told him they'd be available in August. I'm hoping they decide to let these out earlier as they have with a few sets due in June (Batman). UK TRU has 7628 listed as available and can be added to your cart. Oddly It wouldn't let me add 3 and check out. I live in the US so it doesn't matter for me, but all UK buyers get em while they're hot!
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