Modular Madness - Voting: Category 2: Parks and Rec
9. Redhead1982 - 1 10. LegoJalex - 2 16. Sid Sidious - 1 24. Bernd - 1
Modular Madness - Voting: Category 1: Mini Addition
1. George G. - 2 2. lisqr - 1 10. CarsonBrick - 2
Modular Madness - Voting: Category 3: Classic Modular
1. castor-troy - 2 2. cimddwc - 1 21. domino39 - 1 27. Myko - 1
The Curse of IMHOTEP - Day Seven
That is an interesting story you're telling. None of the roles you describe sound implausible, and it seems to fit with the things that have happened in this hole in the desert. I believe you missed one small detail, however. The High Priest role went from Mustafa to Nicholas to you. OK. The High Priest was immune to night actions, causing all of the "unsuccessful" results. OK. Why was my attack on Betty unsuccessful on night three?
The Curse of IMHOTEP - Day Six
I'm right here, though I don't see why you would think I could get you out of this. I don't believe you are immune to night actions; there's the successful tracking of you and the unsuccessful vigilante-kill of Betty to disprove that theory. A whole lot of these unsuccessful actions seem to be focused on you, however, and most of them would have revealed your affiliation if they were successful. I think I've acted weirdly enough to not get any extra attention by not voting for you. Thanks for the concern, though.
The Curse of IMHOTEP - Day Five
Although having a "not innocent" investigation result would've been nice, I think not knowing that a virgin is also innocent is damning enough. Vote: Hans Gubernaculum (Bob).
The Curse of IMHOTEP - Day Four
Another straight-forward day. As long as they keep lining up to be lynched, we may get out of here in time to visit the pyramids on the way back. I vote: Betty Swallocks (TinyPiesRUs).
The Curse of IMHOTEP - Day Three
No need to be sorry; I tried to figure it out too, but had no success. Perhaps you'd like to share your reasoning?
The Curse of IMHOTEP - Day Three
Mehmet sounded like he knew something? To me, it sounded very much like he was voting for Mr. Tomato for the same reason he was voting for me just an hour earlier. For being quiet. Onwards, let me draw your attention to a point in yesterday's discussions. Mehmet had just treated us to the second part of his play about Mr. Freud when you said this: You apparently don't believe Mr. Freud's story, then you vote for Ms Stools. But, Mehmet had not yet revealed that Ms Stools and Mr Freud were one and the same. How did you know? Knowing what we know now, it looks like Melaena had told you, her fellow Cultist, that she was Mr Freud and you threw her under the proverbial bus when it was evident that she had slipped up. Vote: Mustafa Nidia (Brickdoctor).
The Curse of IMHOTEP - Day Two
I find it a little odd that we're talking about a framing side-effect messing with the results of a tracker. I thought framers only messed up the results of investigators. Anyway, let's assume the fabled mirror cloak has a "result reversal effect" of some sort that does affect trackers. The real result for a tracker tracking Mehmet (at least, according to him) should have been "he did not target anyone". So the reversed result would be that he did target someone. Who did he target, according to the reversed result? There's no obvious target, so IMHOTEP may have just picked someone at random.
The Curse of IMHOTEP - Day One
If it has to be somebody quiet, I'm happy it isn't me. I vote: Father Thomas “Tomato” Thomson (Ricecracker).
The Curse of IMHOTEP - Day One
You'll forgive me if I don't share that opinion, I'm sure. If you are indeed dead set on getting rid of me, then I can only hope my sacrifice will bring the innocents some valuable information.
The Curse of IMHOTEP - Day One
Is your goal for today to press everyone into a role claim? You might argue that the innocents would benefit from having all of their roles publicly known, but the benefit to the cultists is undeniable.
The Curse of IMHOTEP - Day One
Way to go not insulting the intelligence of the innocents who are voting for you. So you didn't know what the cultists' win condition was - you were guessing. A guess that I'm more inclined to believe than your earlier stated "fact". Funny how that works. Unvote: Patrick Fitzwilliam (def).
The Curse of IMHOTEP - Day One
Saying "Ra told me" isn't a good enough explanation for having information that none of us innocents seem to have. Until you've explained where this information comes from, I will vote: Patrick Fitzwilliam (def).
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