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Eurobricks Dukes
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  • Birthday 07/02/1978

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  1. This is an example of using one's own preconceived idea to comment on the mechanism of another system, running on a different track. Independent agencies work well for capitalist countries, but in socialist countries, the governing institutions represent the common will of the proletariat and the masses, so as long as the red flag flies, you won't see any independent unions there. So when you want to understand how things run in another countries, you may have to start from a different angle. Capitalism is a two bladed knife, we've chosen to use it, along with its consequences. Of course, I believe you live now in a country in which individual free will is guaranteed and you are free to make your own decision when purchasing.
  2. It's funny to see people nowadays may have such opinion on China, usually I wouldn't bother myself to join in conversation, since I don't work for the Chinese government and I consider trying to convince someone to abandon one's preconceived idea is a waste of time. But I still want to remind you that China still runs on socialist regime, and labour unions still exist, they are still there to protect the interests of the working class, although they may not be as strong as they used to be. Its decline coincides with the entry of occidental companies in China, aha. When I was young, I used to work for a French company in China, it was a large joint venture programme between Alstom and a local heavy machinery factory. I witnessed of my own eyes the conflict between the labour and the management, with the Chinese workers trying to retain the existing production capacity and the the way of working they were used to. I also recall that morning when the chairman of labour union approached me in the hallway to make sure that I'm on their side, as they wanted to have someone who could communicate correctly their words to the Frenchmen. A couple of days after this conversation, I was fired, simple coincidence, it must be.
  3. For someone who've grown up with the first pirates wave, I've to say this new Eldorado for looks quite disappointing, especially when we compare it with the POBB. I could change my mind once I have the actual set, but I still think they could've done better than that. On the positive side, it appears that the new set is a sort of 2-in-1, with a fort in its original form and a port when it opens. Also it's thoughtful to include a small trade vessel, though I'm not sure with that raised bow, it looks like they've used some hinge plates to raise the front at a certain angle, not sure if it's the best way to achieve that feature, some railings in place of that sloped bow would look better imho, like the Ideas' sailboat.
  4. Nice facade, and interesting minifigs, are they all from official sets? 'cause that guy with blue overcoat looks raelly cool, I may want to buy one for myself in case I stumble upon one one day.
  5. That would be nice, there's the new BSB for the pirates, the bluecoats may reasonably expect an upgrade to their out of date Caribbean Clipper.
  6. Nicely done, dude.
  7. There's nothing with the build it self, you got a tumblehome, a fully covered gun deck, can't be sure with it but seeing the guns are superposed I assume there's one, rails on the bow and a window-ed stern castle. If you can extend it with a few more hull pieces, you'll get a two decked warship. But if you are aiming to turn it into a brig or sloop, it should be longer, without covered gundeck, and the tumblehome on sloops isn't as pronounced than on ships of the line, basically you can build a sloop with perpendicular sides. From my own experience, it would be a lot easier to build something after a real world model.
  8. Grey sails do look good, surprisingly, perhaps because it's a pirate Searats ship. Sails plus oars, seems you are going to use it in open waters as well as in shallows waters, I'll tell my boats to flee at sight.
  9. Thank you, Thomas Waagenaar. Now you mention it, I recall having seen a few of one or two masted boats near a dock somewhere around the Af...dike (the large dam with a highway on it) years back. Thank you, BD, glad to see you around again. Thank you Bregir. I've to say I struggle the most with sails and rigging when building ships. Thank you Yperio_Bricks. Small boat are fun to build, we may expect to see more of them since there isn't any arms race going on.
  10. Neat model, the fact that you managed to build a Jeep out of the Range Over makes it even better.
  11. Thank you, Captain Braunsfeld. Thank you NOD. Thank you Jeff of Clubs. There aren't any horse yet, I'm planning to import some though. Glad you like it. To be continued...Thank you Fraunces. Thank you Keymonus.
  12. Glad you like it. Thank you Fraunces.
  13. Surrounded by sea, with limited cultivated lands, fishing is an important source of protein for the settlers of Kojima. Luckily for these privateer-settlers, there were some skilled craftmen and shipwrights among them, it didn't them to long to launch their first boats. The Aiiro class fishing boat: Time to have homeland products, fine bakery and wine are indispensable to keep moral high. Enough for today, back to port! OOC: I'm once again trying to work with an official set, but not enhancement this time, I rather prefer to build something different than the original, as it's hard to work out an era-appropriate boat with that Thor's ship.
  14. Nice scene. I like these huge and well detailed digital builds.
  15. Nice plane! It's interesting to see that this model has cut off wingtips.
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