Everything posted by Bodi
[OL - FB] Emile's Residence in Eltina
Nice house, I like all those tiles on the floor and outside. The bed seems big enough to fit two persons, maybe we could accomodate monsieur Perreault for the night.
[OL-FB-2F] Drakkar
Hello, Faladrin, glad you like it. Concerning the hull design, I think it's ok for display, or play around in the hands of an Afol, definitely not for children, as it broke apart easily in the hands of my 5-year old boy, and for several times! For Ayrlego,here are the pictures showing the hull:
Monthly Free Build Registration Thread
Settle in Eltina | Bodi | Oleon
[OL-FB-2F] Drakkar
Thank you sire Bregir, you are right about the oars, they should be a lot more, I shall ask my son's permission to use a couple more, since he is the keeper of oars and all the lego accessories. Thank you! I'll take some closer shots tomorrow to show how i built the hull. The fluffy dude in the dinghy is there to prevent maitre LaGaufre from stealing their ration. Good suggestion! Glad you like them.
- Shipwrights Guild Hall (WIPs, feedback, and advice)
Puck’s Jest (Epilogue) - SR 5A ship
A very neat ship, sturdily built, nice bow and stern. I think ship of this size and style is suited to play around, personnaly, I've built for my son a couple of ship using prefab hull pieces, each with no more than 3 mid-section, they are able to withstand hours of play, without breaking apart into many small pieces. But when I give him a ship built with fancy hull technique, it falls apart repetitively.
[SR - CH5B] Stay In Formation
O poor men, losing their life when they are almost there.
- [Ch V Cat B] The battle of the Bridge of Arbol
[OL-FB-5HA] La Combattante
Hello, Legostone, the exposed studs are now replaced by snot assembled bricks. Sorry, forgot to attach the picture.
[OL-FB-5HA] La Combattante
Working on it. I plan to replace the curved part with slope bricks, to eliminate once for all these indesirable studs. I'll keep you updated with the progress. Thank you for your kind comment. Glad you like it, mate.
- [SR - FB1] - March '17 - Fort of San Millar
[OL-FB-5HA] La Combattante
Oh my mistake, sorry.
[OL-FB-5HA] La Combattante
Thank you for your precious advice, Bregir, you saved me a lot time in searching for documentation.
[COR-FB] The Sapphire Seas
Great looking ship, very original, I like the rooster. It maybe just me, but this indigenous ship looks a lot like the CSS Virginia.
[OL-FB-5HA] La Combattante
Thank you for your kind comment, Captain. The works of shipbuilders in this forum gave me a lot of inspiration, they made the way much easier and provided a right path to follow.The brick-built guns are stud-shooter, these things are just ideal to build small guns. The rigging is a real challenge, especially those ratlines. I have to find a way. Glad to hear that from you Sebeus I. Thank you. It's an honour to serve under the Fleur de Lys. Thank you! The workers of my shipyard just launched a drakkar, double ration of rum can do wonders. Glad you like it, Professor. Thank you. I'm quite satisfied with the cabin, the forecastle is hum, I think it's too high, but with the sails added, it's less noticeable.
[OL-FB-5HA] La Combattante
Glad you like it, Wolf. I saw your Terraman today, she's a real beast, I imagine she can be easily converted into a two-decker in wartime. Thank you Garmadon. I shall see to add some stay sails later. To be frank, I hadn't no idea what's a stay sail or sprit sail etc, before I start the shipbuilding, usually I pick a picture of a ship as reference, the sails configuration depends entirely on the condition in which the ship was when the photo was taken. If she's sailing in full sail, so will be my ship.
[OL-FB-5F] The Raging Fire
Beautiful ship Sebeus I, I love that curve, you gave her a refreshing look with the green-tan-white colour scheme. Your mocs have always been a great source of inspiration for me, and this one is no exception.
Monthly Free Build Registration Thread
Drakkar | Bodi | Oleon
[OL-FB-2F] Drakkar
Fisrt I should apologize for the bad quality pictures, I tried to adjust the setting of my camera today, for making it even worser. As you can see here, the drakkar is made with prefab shrouds, I possess now several of them. Since I decided to make rigging with threads from now on, I thought firstly that these shrouds became rather useless in ship building, then an idea came to my mind, I remember having seem somewhere a boat made from those shrouds. I must try the same. Now the story: - Oh Mom, Dad is back! - What the h***, why are you back so soon, my dear? - No big deal, I just transfered the command of our ship to someone more competent, it seems that I know nothing about sailing. - Arrr, told ya, I always wanted to give you a navigation lesson, you never listen to me, you are always busy with weightligting, and dueling, Now come with me, it's time to bring out my family boat. - Well, my dear, this is a boat, it has sail and oars. - No, don't pay attention to the cauldron, we haven't time for dinner. - But my dear, there's plenty of food in the dinghy. - No and no, that's our survival ration, we must br prepared to everything. Vive le Roi!
- [ESL - FB - Class 5LA] The Purple Reign - A fast answer
[ESL - ship] Esprit Fortune
Great ship, I like the colour scheme, blue and black, it varies from the commonly seen yellow black or white black. Impressive rigging and sails, and above all, bravo for the custom hull.
- ESL 5T La Contessa de Victoria
[OL-FB-5HA] La Combattante
Glad you like it KB. I've built a couple of ships before, this one is the latest, and I understant that the ships of Bobs should be newly built. A votre service, my good sire. Vive le Roi!
The Empire of Oleon: Sign-up and Discussion
Thanks, Wolf, I posted it as a freebuild, a 5HA as you recommended.
Monthly Free Build Registration Thread
La combattante | Bodi | Oleon
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