Everything posted by Bodi
[OL-FB-5HA] La Combattante
After months of labour, the royal shipyard managed finally to complete the building of La Combattante, a 40-gun frigate, 26 large calibre guns on gundeck, 2 bow chasers, 2stern chasers, 2 guns on forecastle and 8 guns on quarterdeck. She may be not a spacious ship, the living quarter is reduced to minimum, but she's a warship after all, and the goal is to pile in as many guns as possible. La Combattante is built with funds raised from the brave men of Gaufretier, hometown of Thierry LaGaufre. Commissioned as captain of this fine ship, Thierry LaGaufre has himself his crew, mostly recruited from Gaufretier, but this town situates in a remote corner of Oleon, and underpopulated, Thierry couldn't refuse everyone, so you may see some strange creature among the crew. Concerning the building, it's the first time for me to use thread as rigging, usually I'm very prudent with non-lego elements in my mocs, but the prefab shrouds just won't work, I tried them and they looked dull. This confused me a while, until I saw the Dancing Ember of Sebeus I, his rigging technique is very clever and most importantly, easy to follow. HIs technique really saved the day, since I really rushed the build, a more complicate technique would not allow me to finish the ship today. Broadside, I think this should be enough to fend off any pirate. A fluffy companion. Gundeck and cabine. The whole upper deck was removable, but with the rigging fitted, it's no longer so removable. C & C are welcome. VIve le Roi!
The Empire of Oleon: Sign-up and Discussion
The ship is almost done. Now I have a question, should I post it as a free build or a licensed ship? In the case of licensed ship, what rate does it belong, and more importantly what should I do to license it, since I haven't any doubloon.
- [OL - FB] The 'États de Boussac'
The Empire of Oleon: Sign-up and Discussion
Thank you again for your kind words, my brave fellas, I'm touched. I'm still reading the rules of the Bobs, need some time to assimilate all the contents, which are very entertaining and instructive. Back to shipwright now, it's imperative to launch the ship today.
The Empire of Oleon: Sign-up and Discussion
Thank you for your kind welcome, messieurs. LaGaufre is working day and night on the construction of a 40-gun frigate, it should be able to join his majesty's navy in a couple of days.
The Empire of Oleon: Sign-up and Discussion
Thierry LaGaufre, Lieutenant des mousquetaires du Roi, en retraite. Loyal servant of King of Oleon, Thierry LaGaufre's family fought for the glory and honor of the royal house for generations. Like all the warriors and knights of the region, he practices cold steel combat skills since his childhood, then, after entry in the Corps des mousquetoires du Roi, he learned how to use flintlocks. Years of exercices granted him a formidable physical strength, thus he prefers use blunt weapons and axes in combat. No need to say that all these activities took a lot of time, leaving him very little opportunities to learn something else, for example, reading, so he is practically illeterate. After half of his life spent in the army, he found a wife, got children, and eventually retired from the active service. He returned to his homeland, hoping to savour the warmness of family life. Now, hearing the call of the King to explore the New Terra, he decided to offer once again his service to his majesty.
MOC: Tiny bit of a ship
Wow, nice build. Great way to make custom hull.
Two Dinghies
Never thought one can do that with the prefab rowboat, ideal for building a mini-fleet.
Privateer/pirate ship
Thank you for your comment and detailed technical advice. From what I've read, I understand I should solve the problems of illumination and background. As I've stated in the main post, my first thought was to build a flute, thus CGH's technique seems the most adapted. It is also how I built the hull, I stacked up all the way to the stern, the poop is only 6-stud wide. Glad you like it. No interior though, the hull is cramped with 12 guns and the stern is too narrow to fit a proper interior, so I gave up. Chapeau bas, a 17th century ship is just what I wanted to recreate.
Privateer/pirate ship
Hello dear membres of Eurobricks, this is the first time I post here, if there is any contents in contradiction with the site guideline, tell me and i will mend it. Back to the ship now, when I began to build it, my intention was to make a flute, or fluyt. But it draw my son's attention while the build is progressing and he asked "Dad, can you offer me this ship, and build it as a pirate ship, because my piggy pirate ship is too small." Well, you wish is my order, pirate ship then. So here's the result, a flute thingy pirate ship flying the colour of Piggy pirate from Angry Birds. Sorry for the bad qualities of the picture, my photos are always that messy, I don't know why CGH style tumblehome
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