Everything posted by Servertijd
- CDC2 Ancient Wonders: The Fighting Pit of Kaliphlin
CDC2 CMF: Grover [Magical Mishaps]
Hah! you got me there with the vanished one! The stoned has a funny story too!
CDC2 CMF : Sympatik Brick [It's all about Power]
Very classic feeling! (in a good way). The Nomadic orcs of the wasteland and their beasts are awesome and I like the use of those dinosaurs for the kali squad!
CDC2 Ancient Wonders : The Forgotten entrance of Kaligem
Thanks man! Thank you :D Thank you :)! Gotta continue the Kaligem legends! Thank you! I can only agree! Thanks!
GOH Anniversary, 2nd count down challenges. DEADLINE update: 31st of October!
My entry for the Ancient wonders category:
- CDC2 CMF: LittleJohn
- CDC2 CMF mrcp6d
CDC2 Ancient Wonders: the Moonbird Mausoleum (Chronicles of Embervale Ep.02)
this is really good! The shaping of the wings are really nice. The yellow really makes this build pop! Just Wonderful.
CDC2 CMF : Aurore [Scholars & Spellcasters - and some Scammers too]
lovely figures! Fridtjof Amundson is my favourite! It has something I can't explain.
CDC2 Ancient Wonders: Varlyrian Temple
This is really nice! The rockwork is great and the temple is spot on! That floor with the cheese slopes is so good!
CDC2 Ancient Wonders : The Forgotten entrance of Kaligem
"Kaligem... Once one of the largest and richest cities in Historica. Gold glistened from the tall towers, Walls of marble. It is said in the tales that there was no poverty, no shortage of food and there was a house for everyone." "But, is just a tale? or did the city really exist?'' "Who knows...'' Deep beneath the sand hills lay this temple. A temple with a grand hall and a road into the dark depths. Where will these roads lead the residents of Kaliphlin? Is this the Forgotten entrance to Kaligem? [GOH] Ancient wonders : The forgotten entrance of Kaligem by jesse van den Oetelaar, on Flickr So here is my entry :)
[MOC] Adventures meets Indiana Jones
Thank you! The MOC took me about a month to build, there are days in between that I haven't built. I don't know exactly how many hours are in it, but there are quite a few. My original idea was to make a kind of Hall of Moria, but the 2 pillars took away too much from the other details in the wall. Then I switched to an adventures theme. At first I had a jungle-like thing in mind. I came to the conclusion that a jungle ruin was just not right for this MOC. I thought, let me try a desert...and voila here is the result. Thanks! Thank you, I appreciate it! Thanks, there are some serious great builders out here on the forums yeah! Hah, you bet! Altought, Infinity War is a marvelous crossover :P Thanks! Thank you :). We'll probably never know for sure!
[MOC] Adventures meets Indiana Jones
Hi all, I decided to do a combination of the adventures theme and Indiana Jones. Adventures by jesse van den Oetelaar, on Flickr Adventures close up by jesse van den Oetelaar, on Flickr Adventures close up by jesse van den Oetelaar, on Flickr I hope you like it :)
[MOC] German checkpoint Paris 1941
Hi this is my first WW2 MOC, I am not new to making MOCs. German Checkpoint Paris 1941 (WWII) by jesse van den Oetelaar, on Flickr German Checkpoint Paris (WWII) by jesse van den Oetelaar, on Flickr It potrays a German checkpoint in Paris during the occupation.
[Freebuild] "The Peaceful Shrub" Inn, Oxenfurt, Avalonia
Hi all, Trying to push out more builds to get my city on the maps :). I present you "The Peaceful Shrub". An Inn located in Oxenfurt, Avalonia. The Peaceful Shrub [GOH] by jesse van den Oetelaar, on Flickr The Peaceful Shrub Inn [GOH] by jesse van den Oetelaar, on Flickr The Peaceful Shrub Inn [GOH] by jesse van den Oetelaar, on Flickr The Peaceful Shrub Inn [GOH] by jesse van den Oetelaar, on Flickr
[MOC] Wild West: Trouble in Vulture Creek
The buildings look great! and the minifigs bringing it too life! I just wish there was a little more height layering or some dark tan to break the tan, but that is probably just nit-picking. Well done!
- [MOC] Island Shrine
[MOC] Gold Mine Hide-out - Western
This is neat! I love those modern versions of older sets, especially the ones I grew up with! Western has stolen my heart and we see way too few builds in this genre!
- [Freebuild] Quietude
Leifric's Hollow (Varlyrio 1B)
Nice story! and lovely builds to support the story!
- [MOC] The streets of Barqa
Jelsa's Ice Castle
you managed to get so many detail detailing in the rockwork, I also like the snow effect you used!
CDC2 Ancient Wonders: S'äkbri Temple
This one is so great, it has so many details, imagine being a lego minifigure and see this building standing in the distant horizon, absolutely amazing!
[Freebuild] Embervale Castle - Great Hall (Chronicles of Embervale Prologue)
lovely built, so you gonna sneak those points to Mitgardia? Or are you going to make a secondary storyline for Avalonia
Free Builds. Make sure to post a link here, for the glory of your Guild!
Oxenfurt forest | Servertijd | Avalonia The city wall of Oxenfurt | Servertijd | Avalonia The city streets of Barqa | Servertijd | Avalonia
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