Everything posted by Servertijd
- Avalonia Mini-Challenge: Game of Thrones
The Golden Medallion – looking for a Photoshop expert
Hi, I tried something out on one of your pictures, here is the link Try out I don´t know if you like it.
- Walls of Crasonne
- [MOC] Red Dead Redemption 2 - Valentine bank robbery
- Every flight begins with a fall (Avalonia Mini-Challenge)
A new king will rise
Cool story, and cool vignettes, good luck :)
- Flockwood's forgery
Avalonia mini contest entry
Alright, I hope I'm doing this right. My tree is a bit overhanging, I hope that's ok, I read that a little bit wasn't a big problem, I don't know if this is. Wilfred Sigurds, Tree, right by jesse van den Oetelaar, on Flickr Wilfred Sigurd, Lord of Oxenfurt and father of 1 son(Robert Sigurd, my sigfig), wants to lay claim on the throne of Avalonia! This tree, planted by Wilfred and his wife, is the only thing that keeps Wilfreds mind peaceful. Wilfred´s wife died, years ago, when Robert was only a child. Wilfred was once like Robert, let the sword talk, politics are for boys and war is for men. Wilfred was always away from home. Conquering land in name of Avalonia. His way of fighting was frightening for most of his opponents. When Wilfred came home one day, on his horse, pride as he was, he saw many of his citizens and batallions were sick. He rode to his stronghold, and ran, he ran as fast as he could to the dining-room, his wife, his little boy, they weren’t there. He ran on the great stairs to the bedroom. There she was, laying sick on their bed. Surrounded by maids and a medicine man. Wilfred walked up to their bed, he kneeled and took his wifes hand. He couldn’t believe his eyes. She asked him, with her last breath : “ Please my dear husband, lay down the sword, find your peace here on our land and take care of our son.” Wilfred answered with trembling lips and tears in his eyes : “My dear, dear wife, if that is what you wish, consider it done. I will lay down my sword and I will find a peaceful life. I love you so much.” Wilfred had never shown so much emotions. His wife smiled and looked him in the eyes, she said to him : “It’s ok my dear husband, I love you too, and take care of our first planted tree.” She closed her eyes and the once so warm hands started to get cold. She was gone. Wilfred kept his word. He walked up to the little tree, took his sword and shield and layed them in front of it. The days, months, and years after this unknown desease he started to learn politics, he learned it can be useful in some cases. He did this as tribute to his wife. His beloved wife, who always told him that war isn’t always the right answer. Now, years later he still goes to that tree, as it keeps his mind calm and clear. His sword and shield still stands on the same spot where he put them that day. Loved by his men, by his inhabitans, he made Oxenfurt a sparkling place. Wilfred Sigurds tree, left by jesse van den Oetelaar, on Flickr Thanks :) Contest thread
- Don't Cry
- Wolfpack Keep
Avalonia Book III task II and Task III part 1
Thank you :) Thanks! Thank you!
Avalonia Book III task II and Task III part 1
Thanks! They are 1x1 round tiles, decorated, you can order them via bricklink if you want! Ah yes, thanks for the suggestion! Task 4 it is aswell then hehe. And thanks for the compliments! I really don't know about the roof. I tried a black tiled one before..but it was too clean for a "farm" house so I decided to put on some more "countryside" colors and came up with this. It could be a thatched roof. Not sure if it is detailed enough for it though lol.
- [MOC] Red Dead Redemption 2 - The Bayou
Former Total Noob (now just noob) starts Castle Project
Looking good! For smaller photos I use a soft light box. For bigger ones I have a vinly background setup. I use natural lighting mixed with lamps. Don't put the lighting of the lamps directly on your creation cause the reflection will harm the results in most cases. After that I usually edit them in photoshop. I hope you understand my english lol.
Book III - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Oxenfurt, countryside, Hey guys, my latest build, its task II and partly task III and IV.
Avalonia Book III task II and Task III part 1
Previous Story Hi all, Here is my next moc with a little story added to it. this is Task II and partly task III as it is just the beginning of a journey :) Oxenfurt countryside Front by jesse van den Oetelaar, on Flickr ''Robert sigurd left Outpost Booth and traveled the countryside, He doesn’t do this on his own, his trusted friend Stan Brander joined the journey. Oxenfurt countryside left by jesse van den Oetelaar, on Flickr Stan and Robert are friends as long as they can remember. They grew up together. Stan has a sense of humour. When they travel together he tells Robert the most funny jokes and crazy stories. But, when duty calls he is there, he will go into battle, fearless with no questions ask. Oxenfurt countryside right by jesse van den Oetelaar, on Flickr They are heading for Roberts stronghold. They have to pass small roads which are rich of farms, some roads are dangerous as there are thieves and thugs that will try to plunder valuable goods. But not this road, this one is safe. They are passing a small farm. The farmer waves at them and Robert waves back.'' Oxenfurt Farmer by jesse van den Oetelaar, on Flickr Oxenfurt Robert Sigurd and Stan Brander by jesse van den Oetelaar, on Flickr Hope you guys like it.
CHALLENGE II: Category B: Samhradh in Benoic
Very nice! I really like the pole, and how alive this scene feels. Well done!
Avalonia Book III Task I, Oxenfurt, "Outpost Booth"
Thanks mate, much appreciated! This is just a small collection of those soldiers to be fairly honest lol...did cost me a kidney lol. Thank you very much! Thanks! I got lazy on editing the last pictures of those minifigs :p.
- [MOC] Dark Lord
- Militia Mishaps
- [MOC] Mustrum Ridcully Bust
- Avalonia Mini-Challenge: Game of Thrones
Avalonia Book III Task I, Oxenfurt, "Outpost Booth"
Thanks! Thank you :)! Thanks! I hope my next moc will be up soon, I want that hamlet status as soon as possible lol. Thank you! Thanks Zoth, much appreciated. Thanks! I have read it and it could work indeed!
Book III - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
@en_zoo Thanks mate! I'm glad I joined Avalonia! (the other guilds are awesome too, to be honest), but Avalonia appealed the most to me :).
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