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Evolved Turtle

Eurobricks Citizen
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  1. Yep, I'm definitely gonna be more on the supporting side...
  2. Very interesting! I don't have the bricks or building skills(I feel like that whole figbarf issue might pertain to me...) to contribute a whole lot to this, but I'm definitely excited to see what happens.
  3. I quite like it! However, the US price is far too high in my opinion. They either should have lowered the price by $60-75 or they should have included some removable panels to go over top. This addition would have made it worth the price in my opinion, but overall I'm still pretty happy with the set in general(besides the inclusion of only one ugnaught).
  4. Since I contributed little to SoNE overall, would it be possible for me to replace my character once SoNE 2.0 comes around? If not that’s okay, I’ve just been thinking about it.
  5. Sorry I never posted anything... I hope SoNE 2.0 will see me more active!
  6. Would the following head work for Ant-Man? https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=3626cpb2090&name=Minifig, Head Dual Sided Black Eyebrows, Smile / Pilot Breathing Mask Pattern - Stud Recessed&category=[Minifig, Head]#T=S&C=90&O={"color":90,"iconly":0} I don't have it so I wouldn't know if it works. The heads other people have suggested are good but I think it would be better if his eyes were showing.
  7. I’d kill for new hippogriff and Horntail moulds. I wasn’t into Harry Potter when they were released and I regret it quite a lot. A new graveyard resurrection scene would be great as well, seeing as the original set was fantastic.
  8. I saw the following leak within a quick google search. Does anyone know what scene/movie these outfits are from?
  9. To quote Orson Krennic, "Oh, it's beautiful." Fantastic moc so far! Can't wait for the final product.
  10. Fantastic use of that moonstone piece for the MC80 cruiser!
  11. I would much rather prefer a complete head and nothing else over that weird lift Rose is standing on.
  12. I was shocked at this movie. I found myself applauding longer than others at the end of the movie for taking so many huge risks- and for the most part, they are done EXTREMELY well. The opening scene was great. The humor didn’t fit in 100% but was still pretty funny. Now onto characters. Surprisingly, I really like what they did with Hux. I didn’t really take him seriously in TFA(apart from a sick speech which I soon memorized) so I think it was appropriate to turn him into a silly mustache-twirling villain. Vice Admiral Holdo was interesting. At first I thought she was just another one of those condescending authority figures like Mace Windu, or Chief Bozo in Zootopia, or Kerchak from Tarzan(anyone remember that movie?). Anyways, once we found out her true intention, I thought, “why didn’t she just tell Poe earlier?” Honestly though, this was made up for with one of THE best deaths in Star Wars. Holy hell, if I had to choose how to die in Star Wars, it would be by annihilation by lightspeed-ing my way through the Supremacy(which looked pretty cool before, you know). I don’t get why Rose gets so much hate. Yeah, there isn’t anything special about her, but nothing horrible either. With a few tweaks she could have been okay. Near the end, instead of crashing into Finn’s speeder and allowing the First Order to break into the base on Crait, a part of me wishes she had simply knocked him out of the way and sacrificed herself instead. It would have been SO impactful considering her sister did something similar in the beginning. But hey, I didn’t really buy the whole Rey-Finn thing anyways. Holy crap did Rian Johnson nail an old Luke Skywalker. He’s a sort of old grumpy hermit who doesn’t want anything to do with this galactic conflict simply because he thinks he’ll make it worse, but at the same time, he’s still Luke. And can we mention his death scene?! Holy crap, I wish I could watch that scene alone over and over. This is the perfect way for Luke to go. Not killed in a lightsaber fight, not some heroic sacrifice in the middle of battle. Just becoming one with the Force in front of twin suns. TWIN SUNS! Leia was interesting in this movie. I’m glad they didn’t kill her in the beginning like we all thought. When she’s floating around in space and uses the force to pull herself back to the Raddus, my jaw dropped 100 feet through the Earth’s crust. I don’t care how derpy that looks, Leia is using the force! Okay, it does look pretty derpy. Rey and Kylo are great, but I’m still not sure how I feel about the way they end up. On one hand I think it would have been predictable if they teamed up, but at the same time it would have been FRICKIN’ AMAZING. The little segments where they talk through the force are great too. Snoke. Snoke Snoke Snoke Snoke Snoke. What a guy. I wish he had more screen time, yes. But when he died, oh man, that was amazing. It’s almost like Rian Johnson is trolling us for thinking too hard about Snoke’s identity. (To be honest, I doubt he’s gone forever. If he IS Darth Plagueis he can probably just resurrect himself) Phasma? Meh. I’m sure she survived with a scar or something. Um... *googles Benicio Del Toro* DJ, yes I know his name, of course. DJ was kinda meh as well. I like how he didn’t have a change of heart and end up saving them, and also that one line he said about living free and not joining, but it felt like too much of a coincidence that he was in the same jail cell as Finn and Rose. Nothing needs to be said about Yoda. He’s Yoda. okay, I’m too tired to write anymore, I’ll just leave it at that.
  13. The leaked version just looks goofy. The helmet itself doesn't look too bad, but with his weird space-tank-top it's out of place.
  14. “Anakin, this moc is awesome!” ”well, from MY point of view this moc is aweso- wow we actually agree on something!”
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