Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
Sorry, but Nicholas has finally found his home in Mitgardia.
Mitgardia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
Nicholas Greybolt and his men. Ready to fight. But searching for a home, mighty Jarl.
Guilds of Historica Introduction/General Discussion Thread
signing up
Avalonia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion
Nicholas Greybolt and his little Troop of Men would like to enter the Guild. Sir!
LOTR Project: The Fellowship of the Ring
Very cool i like the idea and of course how you managed to build it
moorkueken started following Custom Elven Lord decal
Robin Hood with friends at the inn
Great! i like th landscape.
LOTR Project Preview: Sauron
I love this Sauron it seems to be the first one i see but, yeah you are genious
Custom Elven Lord decal
Thanks to 3D LEGO and LuxorV but like i said, i already got it as png so the image above is just a low copy of it. but 3D Legos idea to scan the linework black and white sounds interresting.
Custom Elven Lord decal
Thank you very much i will fix the white areas.
Custom Elven Lord decal
I first had it as a png file but it was to big so i changed to gif and in my png version it isnt "dotted". I just wanted to know how the general design looks like. But if you got any ideas how I could do it better I would be very happy if you tell your ideas to me. I made the ground lines with a Fineliner, before i scanned it and gave the color to it with photoshop. (I guess the linework isnt very good)
Custom Elven Lord decal
Guilds of Historica Introduction/General Discussion Thread
moorkueken signing up
lego Universe decals
Toy Soldiers
how did you get so many elves
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