Everything posted by talon_karrde
[REVIEW] 75144 - UCS Snowspeeder
I love the model, but i hate the elastic bands. But, for me, I preferd the USC ships (the capital ships don't, of course, only the fighters and falcon/slave) according the scale of the minifigures. This year it's the 40th anniversary and I lack a model seen at the forst movie (ANH). Maybe the Y-Wing Great review, indeed
- [WIP][MOC] red 5 X-wing
Building Mortesv's Nebulon-B Thread
wooooow! I need this model! (but i need 10 messages to send a pm to mortevs ) The lastest modifications and addings to the original pattern are included at the instructions?
- Hi from Spain!
- Hi from Spain!
Hi from Spain!
Hi guys! My name is Jaime, and I'm from Spain. I'm a AFOL that grown up playing with Lego Space, City, medieval, western, and of course starwars. I love movies, scyfi... Enthusiastic and collector of Indiana Jones and Star Wars, I'm member of the 501st (6 costumes: Stormtrooper clasic, stormtrooper TFA, Biker Scout, Tie Pilot, Jango Fett, Shoretrooper), Rebel Legion (X-Wing pilot) and Astromech (I'm doing right now my own R2). See you there!
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
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