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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Qukie

  1. @NoEXIST thank you for this. I am a fan of 42039 and will definitely build this :)
  2. 24: 10 9: 6 5: 4 1: 3 7 : 2 28: 1 A lot of great creations and again very difficult to pick the winners.
  3. Yes, although I don't know if they appear in any released sets so far. I suggest asking it in the main CaDa topic. There are a few of those in the Blue 4x4. I am trying to wite a few words in the official Cada thread but have yet to edit it and shoot some pictures as my Cada collection grew slightly in the recent months.
  4. @Jundis I kind of agree with you but on the other hand, around 100 of these pieces are the tracks and another 100 are the rubber inserts. If you deduct these than the set has around 570 pieces. This is still more than the other two sets and the rubber inserts in large amounts are very welcome for many of us. Nevertheless I would say it is still on the expensive side.
  5. At this scale it looks really good. Way better than the Corvette, although the rear sticker lights could be made out of bricks.
  6. Looks very good. I'm in the process of re-building my RSR but assume I will re-model it a bit to look more like the one you created.
  7. I'm not a big fa of boats but this looks so well. Good job
  8. What a beast. With the roll cage on the outside it looks like it would belong in the military
  9. Wow, this looks just great. Woderful job with scaling it down
  10. Thank you for the honest review and pretty pictures Jim. The F150 looks good if we consider it to be an upgraded and polished version of 42029 pickup. But I feel that it lacks the all important 4WD and could use some better tyres.
  11. It was super hard to pick just 6 entries but my points go to: 33: 10 37: 6 27: 4 22: 3 23: 2 8: 1
  12. I like some parts of each buggy. I would panel the sides but not the rear and steering. I also prefer the macaroni bends from the left one over the angle connectors of the right one. However they would not go well with the connectors at the back from the right one. Tough choice.
  13. Oh wow, Your model looks awesome, Great work.
  14. It is 100% enough to build the F1. The suspension is good but not perfect to be honest. The front works fine provided there are strong enough rubber-bands involved. The rear, because of the use of those thin 1x3 beams et the ends, seems to be much more delicate. Nevertheless I wanted it because of the looks and that is great :)
  15. 5:10 6:6 1:4 17:3 26:2 20:1 Good luck to all the participants. Wish I could have two or three more votes.
  16. Hey @letsbuild it was my first time building with a 3D model so I had to take my time with it to disassemble each part to see what was underneath and rebuild it in real life. Maybe there is a way to start from zero in the program but I did not look for it. The build is fairly simple if the builder takes care and stays focused, however a few elements around the back and front suspension required extra care and attention ;) Next photos with the Senna
  17. @letsbuild soooo after many months I believed that I have all of the parts ready and sorted for the build. I was wrong and had to go through my boxes a few times more. Nevertheless I strted building thanks to the model at mecabricks and soon had some front and rear, After that I made one side and later the other to complete the whole car. Despite not having some system parts and flex axles the F1 looks great. I allowed myself to implement a different front diffuser and lamps. Now I am waiting for the purchase of the Senna to have comparison to the TLG creation. I will do some better quality photos then ;) Thank you @letsbuild for a great build and the 3D model.
  18. @letsbuild I did build part of the chassis and was waiting for the remaining parts to arrive. In the meantime we bought a house from a developer and that turned to be a pain as we are just starting to renovate/finish it and were hoping to live there by Christmas 2020... Long story short, all my Lego is in boxes and waiting for us to move in about 5-6 months. I do have the model in my favourites in the browser and have to build it together with the Senna. Expect pictures in the autumn of 2021 ;)
  19. A wonderfull representation of a car that is not very pretty. Great work.
  20. Simply awesome, wonderfull representation of the real thing :)
  21. This looks like a great little c-model. Great job.
  22. That is just awesome. Congratulations on a great build.
  23. Thank you for your work @letsbuild I was following the project at mecabricks and now I am missing a few pieces but will build the F1 soon as it is great :)
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