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  1. Has anyone thought about how with the new stormtrooper helmet having a 90 degree hangover, not only will this prevent the head from moving but also interfere with the current pauldron design? Lego may have to re-design that bit too, or it may not fit well with their new helmet.
  2. Some images of stormtrooper helmets support the sort of sharp downward turn...but the lego one has taken it to a sharp 90 degrees.
  3. The face flipping feature was always around. I believe you can even see it in a scene in ROTJ. An issue on set was the actors taking their helmets on and off between takes, which would wast time trying to adjust them when they put them back on. So George and the costume designers wanted it to have a flip up feature to let acts breath between takes.
  4. The figure could be some kind of generic trooper, considering there are 4 figures in the set, they have that one to fill in the gap.
  5. I don't think any of the Guards will have a skirt piece, it is likely to be reserved to the throne room set. A note on the juniors X-Wing, it very much reminds me of the 1999 model, but i expect the cockpit to be very open and simple.
  6. Looks like an open topped cloud car, with stud shooters on the side. A simple set for the target audience of the book.
  7. I dunno about everyone else, but the new stormtrooper helmet is starting to grow on me. it has a sort of OT look to in, slightly imperfect and such. The new moulding and printing is superb, and who knows how it will look physically.
  8. As an animator i am quite pleased with the movable legs. Makes them the mobile and fluid troops they are. Both options are fine, considering how lego does Jedi robes as well.
  9. New Stormtrooper helmet... great just when i though the designs would be consistent for army building. The printing is great and all, but the look. The deign might grow on my, it has this slightly goofy look that reminds me of the imperfections of early stormtrooper figures.
  10. Before and After pic comparison, the leap between the two models i built.
  11. Thanks! Unfortunately i did make instructions for it, but if people want to build some version of this i am willing to give a rough guide.
  12. It has arrived: My UCS Moc of the Devastator. This is my largest and most accurate model to date, started off as a rebuild of my older model which was disproportional and poorly built in some places. The Model confines al the main features including a battery of 8 turbo lasers, 2 hangers with docking arms, underside tractor beam and swappable tractor beam targeting arrays that can change the ship between a Imperial I class destroyer to a Imperial II class destroyer. The model comes on a removable start and has no interior features, apart from storage for extra parts such as plugs to fill in the stand gaps in the hanger and the secondary Tractor beam array. The bridge and superstructure come in 2 removable parts to ease the weight of his heavy model. The two destroyer variants: Glory to the Empire! This is the topic for the build process, to see how it was done: Full album with additional photos here:
  13. Last update. The hanger has been built, now the Destroyer is finished. I will be posting pics of the completed model soon, on a separate topic. Thanks to those who offered help and support!
  14. Engins! Looking a bit bare, though i have done more work on them since.
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