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Everything posted by Eaglefan344

  1. Last big city cargo plane was back in 2013. They'll definitely need to make a new wing piece if it's going to support 3 engines on each wing. The last one had a ton of sagging just from 2.
  2. Dark Trooper looks beyond awful. Frustrating too since all they had to do was make the lower sides wider.
  3. I think it looks great, but Vader is definitely the worst and I don't see how it's close.
  4. I really like the Luke one. The cheeks on Mando look really odd. Edit: Just looked at photos from the show and didn't realize the cheeks are more defined on Mando than boba fett. Always thought they were identical except for color.
  5. Does this type of crane fold up at all for transport? This model sounds awesome but I can't imagine a lot of people have room to display or store something 5ft tall.
  6. That would make some sense on the price. Would likely have a ton of large beams too and be at least 3ft tall.
  7. $599.99 for 2886 pieces? Can that possibly be accurate?
  8. Not sure where you're located but Best Buy in the US has some very, very good deals on Mario sets right now
  9. How do these cooperate with the 42128 tow truck and 42098 car transporter? Do the back wheels even roll without the motor being engaged?
  10. I can't see anything but the Batcave at that price. Would say GCPD has no shot, Wayne Tower maybe a very slight chance.
  11. While most of them are pretty much close remakes of city sets that just got retired, I like them. They are kind of <insert that tiresome argument> a little bit but kids like these kinds of play features. The school is really disappointing though. Would prefer it to be a bit bigger, but I guess they didn't think a $100+ price point was realistic.
  12. What was it before? $700 pounds is $941 USD which is already insane. I can't imagine paying over $800 USD for this.
  13. I could see them making Mario, Luigi, Peach and Toad in minifigure form but that's really it. Most of the enemies don't work in minifigure form and that's a big reason they did the course builder system. If they did do minifiguress I would expect them to be either a comic con exclusive type or just included in an expensive d2c set.
  14. Is Freezie the first character that isn't in a normal Mario game?
  15. The other minifigs don't appear to be exclusive but we do get the dual molded officer legs from the ISD again for Veers at least.
  16. I literally just started playing Luigi's mansion 2 days ago so this is perfect timing
  17. Do we have any idea on approx. cost? Debating if I want to spend my money on this or something else.
  18. Tried to find an answer on this but didn't find anything. Do these lights work well with the Control + flagship sets? Both the Liebherr and Volvo should have an extra port, would they just turn on automatically once it's paired? Or would they only work with a custom profile set up on an app?
  19. Makes sense. I was wondering why they would do UCS and mini UCS sets at the same time.
  20. Keep in mind the Imperial Shuttle was rumored and it ended up being the Cantina. The AT-AT was also originally rumored as a Death Star. Idon't think this rumor is going to pan out.
  21. I love it honestly. I do wish they would have done actual microfigs rather than the brick-built ones but it's not a huge deal. It's on the opposite side of where it opens and they don't show anything on the box or in the video. No idea.
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