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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by Azani

  1. No idea, unfortunately. Everything that I've known regarding 75313 since shops stared hearing about it a few months ago has noe been "leaked" as of last week. Best guess is that it's a larger rendition of 75159 (DS I) or a new Sandcrawler. I would bet that it's an ANH kit.
  2. Yes, the 2HY UCS holds the same MSRP as 75192 had and has in the states.
  3. No, I suspect that there are many more than just nine set for 2021; I happen to only know of MPNs for nine. I've been told that we can expect two waves, and I know that 76944-76949 isn't even the entirety of "wave one" in the second half of the year. It's likely that you and @Falconfan1414 are far and away aware of more detail regarding JW/JP for 2021 than I am; I just wanted to kick off the conversation with a quick briefing. All six of those USD prices that Falc listed are correct; they are sourced back to a big-box retailer here in the states. EDIT: Falc already mentioned "two waves" in this thread. Confirmed. :) It's a big "may not" - not a "not", but irrespective of likelihood it wouldn't be related to the 2020 pandemic as TLG scopes out production plans 2+ years prior to kits hitting the shelves. Supply chains can and will be affected well into this year; the number of sets that an entire line gets won't be.
  4. Not sure what that means; we've seen Spring sets revealed on re new year a few times. If they are coming in October, then yes, this reveal is odd.
  5. Speed Champions may not see any releases in 2021. Architecture and JW will. I'm aware of nine sets for JW/JP (Dino), 76943-76912. The USD prices for 76944-76949 have been circulating for a few months; I don't know anything about the last three, except that they are or were part of the "2021" plans. EDIT: Should have been explicit: "at least" nine, in the one wave that I know of.
  6. If you're including a certain "unusually large" kit in the take on 2HY LSW prices, then it will be much, much more expensive than 1HY; however without knowing much at this moment about the rest of the year post-May, I believe that the disparity without the 2HY UCS is not uncommon or strangely large. Bingo. Big indeed.
  7. What I'd go on the record saying is "Spring". I'm pretty sure that they're April in the NA and EU markets because of a moderately sized list of partners (including certified stores and the like in their respective countries) that had them listed under "Spring 2021" - but I could have to recant that statement as we get closer to the Spring. I haven't yet seen a certified store or EU partner say "April" - just Spring" - so there's a bit of a margin to consider. Between March 1st and May 1st sounds rational. A few American retailers have listed them as "April 1st", however. Seemed safe to announce.
  8. TLG has used the term "ip-vehicle" in retailer solicitations to refer to any kit based on a property thst they don't own - another '"IP". Not much to go on until NYTF or Nuremberg TF, if I were to suspect.
  9. I would be glad to elaborate on my thoughts on the versatility of the brand (specifically, in this particular case, the Ninjago brand, but really to a more generalized extent the TLG brand aegis as a rule), and I'll go into a little detail to build off of the points that @Lyichirbrought to the fore. The brand has historically been glad to re-use concept after concept in set design, just as BIONICLE did in the first decade of the millennium and what we retroactively term "classic space" and "classic castle" did in the last two decades prior. It's built for that, it's a brand that runs off of bold, swashbuckling mythological archetypes taking, frankly, pretty predictable actions show season after show season. It's important to remember that we as a "world" monoculture have been telling children stories about ninja and dragons and demons and djinn and incredible seafaring ships and what have you for 2000+ years. We're never going to stop that, and while TLG eventually will do that, it seems to me that their chosen "vehicle" for telling such stories is still going strong.The number of kits and degree to which LEGO® floods the airwaves with advertising for a theme are much more reliable long-term axioms on the success of a line then that "top five for the year" list, and Ninjago isn't toning those down.
  10. Heck yes... as @Bilis insinuates, there's nothing to suggest otherwise. It:s generally accepted that TLG sees the property as comparable to "CITY" or "TECHNIC" in its "evergreen" nature - as a fellow in my early twenties, I suspect that my children will be able to find new Ninjago kits on store shelves.
  11. Crazy (awesome) to be hearing summer information for a trusted source right now. Much appreciated!
  12. I would believe that as well; that being said, to be clear, there are new films "on the horizon" at the moment - just not for 2021. They haven't yet moved the debut for the next trilogy from 2023, and for TLG, that probably means that they're already working on concept art if not models.
  13. I could imagine it, but contextually it remains an optimistic proposal with regards to the mindset of the average amusement-park-faring child. This, in my opinion, is much more likely: I have no foreknowledge of any Winter or Spring products under the "Mythica" brand, or, for that matter, anything along those lines at this point in time.
  14. Yes, I'm aware that TLG doesn't literally need to "justify" PpP in sets that they produce for retail sale, but it certainly is to their benefit and to the obvious detriment of their critics if they stick within the generally accepted margins of what consumers - not just AFOLs, but any customers - are willing to pay for their core offerings each HY. It's not a matter of pandering to AFOLs; it's a matter of keeping their products palatable enough to ward off most of the typical incessant detractors. Irrespective of that, I appreciate you folks clarifying that their are electronic elements in 42124, as that wraps up the question pretty neatly. Thanks!
  15. As several folks have mentioned, yes, they will be, and they should be shipping out before Christmas for sure. They've been in the rumor mill for close to a year, and thus the virus is unlikely to hamper their release to any tangible extent. Very excited for these!
  16. Whether or not the six sets originally set for a 1HY 2021 release will still see release in the first few months of the year is up in the air, and I would suspect that the odds of a 1HY release are looking relatively poor; however, they're almost certainly still going to release in 2021. TLG is reticent to delay sets by more than a handful of months, as evidenced by the litany of films that saw release dates pushed back to 2021 or 2022 this year, without corresponding release dates for the corresponding kits.
  17. It's reasonable to assume that he found an unscrupulous eBay seller who had obtained the figures from whoever stole them from the factory.
  18. Keep in mind that no one has come right out and confirmed that the "scannable elements" aspect of similar lines will translate to the Universal Music theme, so you very easily could still find something to enjoy. "It" is from me. I have reason to believe that it will be an aspect of the upcoming line, and I've detailed more (and why) on Instagram. :P
  19. Truly an incredible model; do you have a handle on how long it took you to assemble? I can imagine that it was several hours...
  20. I see; so you understand that it will be 374 pieces at release? That seems bizarre to me; how does TLG justify such odd PpP ratios at retail?
  21. It's certainly not happening in the first half of 2021, but it could come in 2HY; the word on the contents of each 71031 bag is still not clear. I believe that that figure is from one of the inferred May MCU sets; either 76176-76179 or 76183-76186. EDIT: Or from 76168. My mistake! I concur, and yes, believe me, they always insist. ?
  22. Curious to hear that we have some credible and not too intangible, vapid word regarding Disney+ material from the upcoming 2021 MCU media tier one, but I wouldn't be worried about a lack of genuine LEGO leaks if I were you. It's typical for TLG to do a much better job of ensuring supply-chain and partner confidentiality, in part because they have a way lengthier history of doing business with US-based companies like the obvious Disney and Warner Bros., as well as numerous smaller partners in safety standards, trademarks, advertising, general consulting, and retail. In part, a lot of what is understood is that TLG can keep secrets, and so they are often trusted with higher-concept and more press-demanded and pressing product ephemera. This was a serious issue with the leaks concerning the sets for the Incredibles 2 film in 2018, and it's part of the reason as to why it can appear so dramatic when significant product leaks do arrive. It's also generally accepted that TLG will release fewer individual pieces of tie-in media with distinct barcodes and product numbers each year, and the discrepancy is enhanced by the fact that TLG operates through far fewer retailers, so the enhanced effect seems to suggest that LEGO is producing less media. They're not, and that understanding will make everyone rest easier. :)
  23. You're drawing a credible point, bit it is worth noting that a few of those kits; in this particular case, the latter two, are several years retired at this point in time and thus not necessarily too reflective of TLG's 2019/2020 approach to design and source material adherence. The final word, so to speak, remains in the respective value assessments; the 42123 Senna is notably a much more salient deal with regard to PpP, but 665 parts is still well within the proffered normal for a $49.99 US TECHNIC set. All four of the sets that you named are from 2015 or before as far as I recall, so that's a discriminating issue to consider in turn as well. The Jeep Wrangler (42122) is a nice model, but as a relatively expensive single-model kit at $49.99 it doesn't seem to bring anything too eye-catching to shelves/shelf displays. I would suspect that the "Monster Jam" license is valued much more generously than the respective Jeep license, but different folks have different ideas on what constitutes a nice TECHNIC model. I like to see building techniques that will drive me up the wall. :P Does anyone know what is up with the alleged/rumored part count for 42124? Yes, there's a chance that it's below 1,000, but it can't be too low at the 374 that it's been rumored at. Is there a chance that 1374 was the intended value? Below 400, as has been discussed, would be absurd, but it's been cited at 374 by multiple sources last month.
  24. Everything in the privately distributed retailer catalogs that TLG sends out around this time of year is preliminary in nature; this is a simple corollary of the timeline that the corporate side is forced to stick to in preparing set design, packaging, and associated branding material for general release and worldwide accommodations. This is especially a concern this year, so I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a number of changes due to downsizing or pushing back certain kits/lines. It's common to see each kit run through a ton of changes regarding internal design, but only a smattering of those would be reflected in the catalog; each kit within the TECHNIC line is quite complex relative to the average LEGO product, in ways that range from construction to color accents, and thus there is an implicit understanding that certain aspects of each kit will be changed. At the very least, typically, certain details including decals, stickers, and coloring design/color distribution will shift and be "changing" by time of release, but these are usually more reflective of the rush to get the catalog prepared by early Spring of the previous year (in this case, Spring 2020), and less of a reflection of an incoherent design process. Frankly, the kits that usually change the most are ones that include licensed content, so I'd be curious to see what happens to 42118 and 42119. Evidence suggests that 42120 and 42121 are still planned for no earlier than March, and the manner of how retailers are handling them seems to me to suggest that it could be even later. I heard tentatively that either one or both of those (42120 & 42121 are 2 in 1) like the smaller kits, but I don't want to say that with mundane or simple finality. Would there typically be suspension in a set at $49.99? I'd be curious to see if that ends up panning out.
  25. On point, particularly in light of the illuminating statistical insinuation; as I like to state here on EB and on a handful of other fan and hobbyist-oriented forums; anecdotal "evidence" is not evidence. I understand from the folks who I have discussed this with that LEGO Super Mario has been selling at a level that is vaguely in line with the expectations that TLG had going into the experiment, to canvass with the analogy that many used when we first learned, unequivocally, as to what the mysterious big project known as "Leaf" would be at mass market. Now, in my opinion, the line does suffer from a litany of inherent flaws, and I haben't personally bought any of the sets fir my own enjoyment, but certain family members seem to be enjoying them quite a bit, even before the holidays. One more anecdote for the discourse at hand. Were the line a serious monetary investment for an individual, it would be easier to declare it a failure out of hand... but it isn't, particularly if you are a seven-year-old with the application. I doubt that many parents or persons in analogous positions are buying multiple "expansion sets" or "power-up packs", and that's probably perfectly alright from a TLG exec's perspective, after considering the profit margin on 71360. The conjecture that 71380 is an "Adventures with Luigi Starter Course" is almost a given, unless there's a novel environment for Mario that is visually and kinetically distinct enough to warrant purchase; perhaps a colorful spin on a classic "Super Mario" venue such as Bowser's lair or Peach's castle could bring in new buyers. At $59.99, the visuals and functions, both Technic and SYSTEM based, should be more impressive than those on the little 71360 that had myriad selling points to "prop it up".
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