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Lapis Lazuli

Eurobricks New Members
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About Me

I began collecting Lego's at age eight.  By age 32 I had more than ten large rubber bins worth.  Lego's were my only hobby.  In 2016 my own father stole my entire collection and traded it for pills, beer and drugs.  I was devastated.  That man spent no more than a total of two weeks with me my entire life, and provided enough child support to cover only a pillowcase, but I was willing to look past it and attempt a relationship with him, and this is what I got.  Knowing that I would exact revenge when I discovered what he did, he had a PPO issued against me.  I took him to court and had the PPO terminated.  Months later I took him to small claims and was awarded $5,500 for my loss, but he scams the system and collects disability and also gets half of the money his care providers earn for being his provider on paper, so there is literally no way for me to get money from him because disability funds can not be collected by a debtor.  I am currently trying to seize some of his property.  It is not just the value of the Lego's but the effort that went into collecting them for 24 years.  The huge void in my life was driving me bonkers until I tried out LDD.  My real life Lego ships were too huge to actually play with so LDD gives me the same thrill and sense of accomplishment.  Having unlimited pieces in every color is amazing.  Being able to replace pieces without taking things apart teamed up with the hide feature is a game changer.  And best of all, once I get a VR system, I will be able to walk around my ships as if they were life size, and hopefully some day I will be able to play shooting death matches with friends in my starships like a game of tag, and perhaps even battle the starships themselves.

I began building oil rig type bases that were high in the air, until I realized how vulnerable a station like that was, so I instead built floating water bases and loved wrecking them in the bath tub, until I realized how vulnerable a ground based station was and began building strictly starships.  I built them bigger and bigger until they were bigger than the tables I built them on and impossible to move.

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