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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by ARIEL-1970

  1. Anyone in Canada catch some of the amazing Lego sales at Toys r us? 40-50% off a bunch of sets! it was a pricey haul for me but I am glad I waited a year to get some of the sets
  2. Wow, Poes new Xwing has disgusting colours, puke orange and baby blue trim. Gross! The design of the ship looks good, just not the colours. The Sith Tie looks like a large junoirs set and doesnt look very good. Ill be just getting the battle pack for this wave.
  3. That is disappointing, I was hoping they would just bring out more sets, hopefully some creative City moc builders can make some instructions for us to get to build more expansions ;)
  4. Are there any rumors on anymore lego ninjago city expansions?
  5. Not sure of this has been talked about but are there any rumors on anymore lego ninjago city expansions?
  6. Kylos shuttle redo is great, Ill buy it even though I have the previous one. The Ywing, nose section looks good from top down but looks really bad a thin like a ducks beak on side veiw. I wished they did it in resistance blue but we will have to see the story on this ship. The A-wing looks great, Same thing on the colour issue, resistance blue would be better to keep it in line. Millenium Falcon, Ill have to see more pics of it, still a hard ship to make it look good in lego. Speeder chase and AT-ST looks great ! Hopefully there will be a battle pack of them Sith troopers. My usual complaint is that SW sets still have too many studs showing.
  7. The golden helmet and red jumpsuit looks like a power rangers character. Are we sure this is a star wars character?
  8. Just looking at some of the other sets from the other themes, I find that the other themes seem to be a bit more smooth or modernized. Some of the overwatch sets looks great as an example.Now Vonregs tie looks cool but could be improved more so, These new sets still have a lot of studs showing everywhere and seem to be behind a bit still.
  9. I must have missed the info on the leaked advent calendar figs. That is too bad, he would have been a perfect fit for Christmas being all red like that ;)
  10. Considering Major Vonreg is all red I would guess that he'll be in the 2019 Advent calender. I would be surprised if he isn't
  11. THis looks incredible !!! Well done
  12. Ill be grabbing a bunch of the dropships, gotta build that army ;) snowspeeder colours look great. But did anyone notice that the green on the AT-RT is the wrong green ?
  13. Great! thanks for the explanation.
  14. To clarify is the new slave 1 going to be minfig scale? is minifig scale and system scale the same thing?
  15. I agree these junior sets look pretty wretched, But the trooper does look great. I find it a bit cringe worthy when I read descriptive terms on lego sets by adults calling them adorable and cute. But each to their own.
  16. Regarding the re re release of the droid gunship and AT-AP, I missed out on the droid gunship the first time so Ill have a chance to pickup 6 or so. But I wait quite a while until the new ones go on sale. That could also be a reason why no one is really picking them up right off the gate. some of you seem to forget 5 years is actually a long enough time to cycle through some of the designs for the next gen of children.
  17. I agree the new stormtrooper helmet looks bad, I don't mind Lego re-issuing older sets for us that missed out on a few of them. Ill be grabbing 6 of those droid ships for sure, one of my favorite designs as well as inferno battle pack. I am a bit thankful that there wont be too many sets that Ill buy in this next round to give my wallet a break ! :)
  18. Buddy boy chill out and dont get on your high horse of interweb self righteousness. Also stop clogging this thread with your whining about people asking for help. Thank you to those that positively chimed in or sent PM's to people asking.
  19. I did try and nothing was coming up, I even tried ebay as others mentioned. Maybe some of you are just a little more savy when it comes to that.
  20. Can someone send me a link tot he new figs/helmets ? thanks !
  21. Could someone PM the AT-AP pics? I would love to see the new unit thanks !
  22. Where did you see that ? I thought they would do it only $1 increments.
  23. what from 16.99 to 19.99 ?
  24. That Ninjago City expansion creation by Galaktek pagoda park is incrdible. I would love to see more sets with this kind of quality. I think a low rise expansion set would cool as well. Like a bunch of indie shops but with an asian decor to the architecture. I was originally star wars only in my collection but these Ninjago City sets pulled me in big time ;)
  25. This is a great playset for kids but I think if they had the slave I and it's platform as a separate set they could have used the bricks from that section to enhance or largen the existing set then had a 2nd set with slave I as an expansion set. I think they would have sold more sets and made more money in the process. Having more smooth tiles for the flooring would have made it look more slick, the landing platform in all it's stud glory looks very early 2000'sish
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