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  1. This is my recent creation, mid scale Eclipse-II Star Dreadnought. brick count 2151, 70x34x24(h)cm. wanted to represent the simpleness of the original model without any greebles or visible studs. instructions available at rebrickable.com or email namaskaar@naver.com Eclipse-II by one case, on Flickr Eclipse-II by one case, on Flickr Eclipse-II by one case, on Flickr Eclipse-II by one case, on Flickr Eclipse-II by one case, on Flickr
  2. Hi, I'm looking for some professional instruction maker for my MOC. The model will be 7000+ bricks. If you are interested, let me know. Thanks! onecase
  3. Please email me about this matter. Thanks.
  4. https://de.aliexpress.com/item/4000045597585.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.1000014.3.28561fab0iI0n2&gps-id=pcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller&scm=1007.13338.128357.000000000000000&scm_id=1007.13338.128357.000000000000000&scm-url=1007.13338.128357.000000000000000&pvid=1a248ede-64ca-42bb-aaac-20b1cab2f25a There are so many fraud websites that are selling my mocs and I can't even track them down anymore. These are probably lepin parts. There are many other moc creators who are suffering from these frauds. Please report these fraud moc sellers here, I hope we can do something about it together. Thank you. onecase
  5. Once again, great process shots. Looking forward to see the final build! Thanks for the photos, Glad you like it.
  6. Yes it is, only the radio tower is different.
  7. Star Destroyer Chronicle by one case, on Flickr <The Star Destroyer Chronicle> Mid scale Star Destroyers line up. Venator- brick count 946, 45x23x18cm Nemesis- brick count 1416, 44x27x18cm Finalizer- brick count 1300, 47x27x17cm please contact namaskaar@naver.com for purchase. Star Destroyer Chronicle by one case, on Flickr Venator Star Destroyer by one case, on Flickr Venator Star Destroyer by one case, on Flickr Imperial Star Destroyer by one case, on Flickr Finalizer by one case, on Flickr Finalizer by one case, on Flickr
  8. This is the very first shot I've seen apart from my own build, you made such a wonderful comparison with other ships. Thank you for this.
  9. can I be the Lamborghini?
  10. I hope you don't become an aggressive intimidated monarch.. wish you good luck!
  11. ISD Monarch by one case, on Flickr I haven't build Rasko's ISD but I can assume the technics he used to create both exterior/interior and maintain sturdiness is just amazing. My technics are rather simpler than aggressor and similar to 10030 but more sturdier. There is a 3rd assistant stand in the front to prevent warping of the frame. (Executor has 2 assistant stand) I could've put one of the main stand in the front but I didn't like the look of it. With the assistant stand, the frame is pretty sturdy and won't warp overtime. at least until now. Moving Monarch is not an easy work. The bridge and the building structure underneath comes out easily. but you also need to remove the top panel in order to move it. Removing the bottom panel is possible but won't be easy.
  12. The lightings can also be included inside of the structure around the hanger bay.
  13. Thanks, hope to see your review on Monarch some day!
  14. The bridge and the building structures come out easily, but detaching the panels would need some extra job. It is a heavy model, I suggest move it on a movable stand/table with wheels.
  15. That's a really good deal-
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